Tuck Goes Sand Casting!

Tuck Goes Sand Casting!

I was farting around this morning looking for inspiration to feature and ran across Tuck’s ancient build thread on his AV8 pickup. Much to my surprise he’s back to updating the build and recently sand casted some amazing spark wire covers for his Hemi. You need to check this out. Seriously. Go here.

In any case, this got me thinking… I’d like to give Sand Casting a shot eventually. I remember hanging out in Tardell’s shop one night, nursing a cold one, as my buddy Jeff embarked on a sand casting extravaganza, churning out tiny Stromberg air cleaners. The sheer thrill of the moment the part liberated itself from the sandy clutches and rose into the world was something akin to the excitement of developing film. You never really know what you’re gonna get, but damn, the potential for something utterly extraordinary lingers in the air.

So, here’s the question for the tribe: Who among you has danced with the sand casting devil? Any sage advice on diving headfirst into this peculiar discipline? I’m all ears, hungry for the wisdom of those who’ve walked the molten path before. Let’s hear it – where do I begin this wild ride, and what the hell should I watch out for?

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