The H.A.M.B. Alliance
Fifty bucks doesn’t get ya much these days. A set of over engineered Bosch plugs? An air cleaner with cheap chinese chrome? Maybe a single hub cap to mismatch your other three? Save your dough and spend your fifty bones with us. It will get ya much more on your dollar. Plus, you get to roll around knowing you are supporting a joint that works hard to spread the gospel of traditional hot rods and kustoms.
Note: In order to join the alliance, you must first be a registered member of the H.A.M.B. If you are not a registered member, click here. It’s quick, easy, and free!
What do Alliance members get?
It’s simple. Your $50 gets you a one year membership to the H.A.M.B. Alliance which includes a number of benefits such as:
1. A custom stamped (with your username) and vintage styled firewall tag. Outfit your hot rod and make your buddies jealous… These things are rad.
2. A custom user title so that folks on the H.A.M.B. know where ya stand!
3. Huge discounts from our supporting vendors. These companies have stepped up in their support and are dedicated to bringing their best deals to alliance members. Take advantage of this deal and make your membership money back in no time. View a complete list of participating vendors and their discounts.
Are you a vendor?
If you feel like your company is relevant to the Alliance and you would like to support the cause, contact us.