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Projects Need a sheet metal guy.

Discussion in 'Traditional Customs' started by ManualOldsOnly, Aug 20, 2021.

  1. Fortunateson
    Joined: Apr 30, 2012
    Posts: 5,367


    Well it looks like a big job but actually it's just a lot of small jobs strung together. My only advice is to check out Fitzzee on YouTube. He does that kind of stuff. One piece at a time...
  2. F-ONE
    Joined: Mar 27, 2008
    Posts: 3,271

    from Alabama

    None of them are worth fixing.
    If it was about financial viability there would be No old cars.

    My best advice is this....
    You do not need a metal man right now. What you need right now is a good "Blaster" who will blast this body with the proper Automotive Media and then put in epoxy prime.

    This way you have the "start". This way the car is blasted and rust free.
    This way you know what you are starting with. This way you have your base and it's building up from that.

    My brother took a roller to a blaster in Pensacola. He got the car back primed and ready to go.
    He said it's the only way to go.
    Fortunateson and Ziggster like this.
  3. I know that this is a 1964 Olds 98 4-door...but it's a desert car, and looks to have some pretty nice sheet metal that could be used as a starting point to rebuild your 2-door. And the asking price of $3250 wouldn't go very far paying a metal shaper to form panels. As others have said, your project may be a labor (and money pit) of love and not about financial viability.
  4. I tried finding searching Fitzzee rust repair on didn't come up right away...but I think I found what you were referencing. And after listening to a few minutes of his video, it's apparent that he's an east coaster likely from Canada...enjoy the accent.

  5. Blast it
    Epoxy it.
    Start building.
    I could care less if it’s a good financial move or not.
    This isn’t an investment group.
    It’s a hot rod forum.
    How you spend your time and $ is up to you.
    Is it probably cheaper to locate a better car, possibly.
    But you didn’t ask for investment advice.
    Start tackling the items you feel comfortable with
    no fancy tools (other than a tig) you can get similar results with a mig.
    Most all parts were made from a Woodward fab bench shear, HF bead roller (modified) HF shrinker/stretcher, HF brake, standard body hammers, rail road track and an acetylene bottle cap welded to a work bench.
    The 59 trunk rain gutters was bent by a commercial roofing company.
    The 33 is all homemade pieces, the 59 is a combo of homemade and available patches.

    learn to work with a pattern. Make a correct pattern then make a part. You dissect each panel and design a plan with patterns. It gets easier each time. And parts can get more complicated as your skill level increases.
    Last edited: Aug 21, 2021
    joel, williebill, woodscaper and 7 others like this.
  6. ManualOldsOnly
    Joined: Feb 15, 2021
    Posts: 50


    Thank you.
    anthony myrick likes this.
  7. HotrodHR
    Joined: Jul 12, 2010
    Posts: 211


    What raaf said… there has to be some serious sentimental value or reason to tackle this project, regardless who does the work. If you’re determined to resurrect this car because someone said it can’t be done, set your ego to side and find a better (condition) starting point.
  8. HotrodHR
    Joined: Jul 12, 2010
    Posts: 211


    Anthony Myrick said ^^^^^ it’s your time and money and it’s up to you.

    I’ve had people ask me to about fixing up an old car, etc. and my first question to them is what is their objective for their project, especially if they’re trying to hire me to do some or all of the work. If they have no idea what they want the final product to be, I suggest they go think about it and come back and we’ll talk. I give them ideas about labor, materials, time and other costs to get them started. The bottom line if you don’t have a plan or know where you’re going, you’re not going to get there.

    I’ve made the mistake many years ago to take on someone’s dream project as a side project where the end goal was unclear, and of course “money was no object.” Needles to say, the costs started adding up, the guy eventually lost interest, and I had a hell of a time getting him to come pick up his car, not to mention pay me.

    No, we’re not here to give “investment advice” but there is an investment here, other than money; your time, missed opportunities (other cool projects), relationships with friends and family, etc. I appreciate all the related advice and sidebar conversations we have here on the Hamb, I wish we had something like this 40 years ago.

    Not knowing your goals, your experience level, other you don’t have the tools, and that this is not your first rodeo, it’s hard to give advice or refer you to anyone that might be willing to take on your project. So, looking for someone on the Hamb to hire is probably your best bet at this point. Good luck with your project.

    BTW, I’ve never had anyone tell me that their goal for their project is to spend boatloads of money on a never ending project.
    K13 likes this.
  9. ManualOldsOnly
    Joined: Feb 15, 2021
    Posts: 50


    Well I never asked about weather or not it's "worth" saving. I asked for a sheet metal guy.
  10. Ziggster
    Joined: Aug 27, 2018
    Posts: 1,798


    Not that tbis will help you specifically, but for comparison purposes, the metal shop I dealt with in Montreal makes quarter panels from scratch for CAN$250 (22 ga) & CAN$350 (18 ga).
  11. 51504bat
    Joined: May 22, 2010
    Posts: 4,822


    See post 18 & 19.
  12. If that was a 32, guys would be lining up here trying to buy it and cheering you on to build it.
    SS327, joel, Budget36 and 4 others like this.
  13. ManualOldsOnly
    Joined: Feb 15, 2021
    Posts: 50


    That is awesome! That is exactly what I need! Did they need you car there or could you cut off your old quarters and give them over for reference?
  14. ManualOldsOnly
    Joined: Feb 15, 2021
    Posts: 50


    I agree I think that's what annoys me the most..
  15. Sometimes folks forget or don’t consider that someone may look at that 64 the same way some look at a 32
    Last edited: Aug 21, 2021
  16. Difference is I can't go out and buy a pristine '32 for $15,000. I can go and buy one of these. There have been 2 sold here in the last 6 months for under $20,000 CDN and there is a convertible for sale right now for $19,000 CDN.
  17. And regardless guys would line up to buy a 32 here in the same shape as the 64.
    SS327 and Fortunateson like this.
  18. It's not regardless. There is a reason they would line up for it and it's because 32's are outrageously expensive. No one would line up for it if a good version could be had for a reasonable amount of money and to say anything else is just trying to spin a story to fit your narrative.
    5window and rod1 like this.
  19. You just said they were cheap
  20. Hot Rods Ta Hell
    Joined: Apr 20, 2008
    Posts: 4,675

    Hot Rods Ta Hell

    Another vote for DVAP. Great yard! In addition to the complete car, they have several 64 Ninety Eights in stock including a new arrival;

    Price out what your entire list of donor panels (quarters, etc) would cost plus shipping. May be reasonable enough or may make a parts car purchase worthwhile as you'd net all the misc small parts, etc.
  21. rod1
    Joined: Jan 18, 2009
    Posts: 1,327


    You are annoyed at us for trying to save you some serious grief? I've been down that Rabbit hole with customers who just had to have a particular car redone because of "Sentimental" reasons .Only to be the bad guy when the funds far exceed the value. Please disregard all well meaning posters ,and carry on with the car keeping track of every hour that you "invest" in it. Give us details of every little piece that you have to fabricate ,hanging shit in midair because there is nothing to attach it to. I truly wish you the best on your endeavors ,and look forward to seeing how you tackle the challenges coming forth .But, please be honest with the hour count and blow by blow details of your tribulations .Good Luck, You Can Do It!
    harpo1313 likes this.
  22. Ziggster
    Joined: Aug 27, 2018
    Posts: 1,798


    They have drawings/patterns for probably hundreds of vehicles incl modern vehicles. In my case (79 IH Traveler), he said they have the pattern for the regular IH Scout, but I told him I prefer to bring the quarter panel to him because it is 18” longer.
  23. Fortunateson
    Joined: Apr 30, 2012
    Posts: 5,367


  24. Fortunateson
    Joined: Apr 30, 2012
    Posts: 5,367


    If you can manage the funds and the time to get that parts car I would be the best route as was said before all the little doodads would be included. Second option it that shop in Montreal with the exchange rate d think you would be ahead of the game. Third watch a lot of Newfoundland's own Fitzzee and learn how to do it.

    I understand sentimental as I've kept my Dad's '69 LTD sedan. Needs some work but thankfully a few years back I snagged a left rear quarter off of EBay fore just shy of $200. The reason I mentioned that is not a lot of people want to restore a four door so the NOS quarter panel wasn't desirable. Check EBay you may find something...
  25. HotrodHR
    Joined: Jul 12, 2010
    Posts: 211


    You did not ask if it’s worth saving, and I didn’t say whether it was, or not. You did say:

    “I would love to find someone who I could talk with about the project and maybe get as excited as I am about it. also I can just talk about cars with about anyone for hours.”

    Well you’re on this forum with plenty of folks to about your project with. You may or may not find someone getting “excited” as you are about it, but you will find that many of us get excited anytime a young guy gets involved in this hobby or profession. That said, advice given on this forum is usually well meaning, as most of us “have been, there done that.” As rod1 said, we’re just trying to save you some grief.
    rod1 likes this.
  26. badshifter
    Joined: Apr 28, 2006
    Posts: 3,539


    That car is done.
    I’ll have Alexa set a reminder for me 3 years from now to confirm.
    Of course it can be done. But I’m guessing after a trip to the blaster and a few hundred bucks spent to reveal what we already know, reality will kick in. Good luck. Btw, 50 bucks an hour is 2 grand a week, and that car has months and months and months of repairs, just in metal work.
    57JoeFoMoPar and rod1 like this.
  27. 41rodderz
    Joined: Sep 27, 2010
    Posts: 6,541

    from Oregon

    These guys are just as excited to talk about your car as you are . They are just conversing from a different direction. :p
  28. A piece of shit 32 project is $25,000 around here. Guess it makes your dick bigger when you own one because that's just ridiculous money to me.
    SS327 and joel like this.
  29. It’s worth what someone is willing to pay. The cheapest 32 body I ever touched was in the 12k range. Some builds started out as 40k+ drivers.
    I’m glad people are dedicated to 32s, I made $ fixing them.
    not all our dream cars are the same.
    Last edited: Aug 22, 2021
    Lloyd's paint & glass likes this.
  30. Ziggster
    Joined: Aug 27, 2018
    Posts: 1,798


    Yep. His father started the shop in 1955.
    ManualOldsOnly likes this.

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