Introducing The Ford Barn… Officially…

Introducing The Ford Barn… Officially…

I guess most of you fellas already know that we acquired a couple of months ago. It wasn’t something we had planned on for 2010, but opportunity knocked and we sure are grateful. After a few weeks of taking inventory and seeing exactly what we had to work with, we then upgraded the site to use more modern software and gave our own graphical take on things. Although we still have a long way to go (old content has not been migrated yet), I sure am pleased with where we are at this point.

Anyway, I thought a formal announcement was appropriate to post here as we have had a bunch of users migrate to the Barn just to check things out and get a feel for it. Obviously, this has been great for the site and the community as a whole, but I think it’s important to kind of set direction for the fellas that are making their way over. Put shortly, The Ford Barn is not a hot rod or custom site. While the site does have a sidebar here and there that covers some performance improvements (the joint is literally crawling with flathead geniuses) it is more focused on the restoration for early Fords.

I make this distinction not so much to scare the hoodlums off, but more to protect the old community that has called the Barn home for so many years. They’ve been absolutely phenomenal at adopting the new format, but I think the stress of our stroked V8’s might put some of them over the edge. Who could blame them… Hot Rods here, stockers there…

In any case, there ya have it. The Ford Barn is back. And if you are into early Fords, it’s a pretty hard place to beat.


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