The Small Time Man

The Small Time Man

I’m still on the road, but headed back to Austin this afternoon. I’m really excited to get back to work and get my focus back on hot rods and, of course, on The Jalopy Journal and The H.A.M.B.. To be quite frank, this joint has been really low on my priority list the past month. Other than mindlessly deleting spam and passing out passwords to those in need, I’ve spent very little time nourishing the site. I hate that and it’s time to get back to business.

And speaking of deleted threads… One of those that I deleted was posted by Sacramento Speed Shop and featured a new product they are working on promoting. By all definitions it was spam and rightfully removed from the ranks of content. Even so, sometimes I hate deleting threads like that.

It’s not that I want the H.A.M.B. to look like the back half of Street Rodder Magazine, but sometimes I really do want to give the “little guy” a place where he can show his ideas and his offerings without having to pay hundreds per month in advertising.

This is one of those times…. I don’t know a soul at Sacramento Speed Shop. For all I know, its not a shop but just some guy. Further, he could be the worst kind of man. Maybe a child molester. Or a bank robber. Beats me. And I only bring that up to illustrate the simple fact that I don’t have a financial motive here at all. I just like the idea of a hot rodder being innovative… and successful because of that innovation.

So, Mr. Sacramento Speed… This feature is for you.

The carb scoops pictured above from Sacramento Speed Shop are available in brass, copper, and stainless steel. They are simple, clean, and nothing that could be called “earth shattering.” BUT, they are cool… and smart… and I like the damned things so I decided to feature them.

How about that?

If you are interested, you can get a hold of Sacramento Speed here.

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