Little Room

Little Room

About two years ago, I moved out of my home office and into an 800 square foot metal building. It was a huge deal for me. I had my own office space… I had made it! Mr. Bobby Bleed mentioned that my move reminded him of a song by the White Stripes called, “Little Room.”

As of today, I’ve moved from that little room into another. Now that I’m here, I hope I know what to do.


In any case, the unpacking has begun. If everything goes as planned, this will be the only disturbed week. Next week we will be back to business as usual and you fellas won’t have to suffer through these casually terrible posts with no aim or direction. How about that?

Speaking of aim and direction, but in the opposite context… Have you fellas read the new Rodder’s Journal? This is a big statement, but I think this issue holds my two favorite TRJ articles of all time. One is by Rik Hoving and covers one of the earliest custom photographers (not who you think) and the other is by Pat Ganahl and features the mysterious ’34 roadster custom. They are both so damned choice.

Anyway, I gotta get back to the unpacking. Catch you fellas on the flip side.


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