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$1M offered for James Dean death car

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by Steve Ray, Aug 31, 2005.

  1. Steve Ray
    Joined: Mar 2, 2001
    Posts: 694

    Steve Ray

    Someone's got to know where it is! :D

  2. Squablow
    Joined: Apr 26, 2005
    Posts: 17,484


    Cars don't disappear. Either Barris sold it, or someone stole it. If it surfaces, maybe Barris will try to claim it as his property? Possible? I wouldn't blame him if it's legally his and was taken from him for all those years.
  3. Depends if he got the insurance money for it... the insurance company could lay claim to it.

    Unless there is some limitation on how far back shit like that goes...
  4. If i'm not mistaken there was a thread on this subject not nore than a month ago.As i remember somone claimed the car never was owned barris, but is still owned by relatives of dean. If your that interested do a thread serch on "little bastard".
  5. Ryan
    Joined: Jan 2, 1995
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    That car was never owned by Barris. He is blowing smoke...

    The car sits in Altus, Oklahoma along with its title...
    Tman likes this.
  6. noboD
    Joined: Jan 29, 2004
    Posts: 8,519


    It wasn't me I don't know where it is!!
  7. 34Fordtk
    Joined: May 30, 2002
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    Hey Ryan you may get a VERY nice finders fee..................just my .02. You can be sure that they will read this ,a Google search will prob turn up this and every other post about it!
  8. tred
    Joined: Mar 20, 2003
    Posts: 2,373


    i heard elvis fixed it and is toolin' around jersey in it!
  9. mazdaslam
    Joined: Sep 9, 2004
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    Now that I can believe!:eek: EVERYTHING ends up in Jersey at some point!!
  10. BuickinaBucket
    Joined: Jun 8, 2004
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    from Newark, DE

    Everything stolen does... ;)
  11. caffeine
    Joined: Mar 11, 2004
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    from Central NJ

    yeah he'll be at lead east........
  12. JayD
    Joined: Aug 29, 2005
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    I didn't I read somewhere, years ago, that that car had been rebuilt?? Or am I smok'in whaky weed, again??

  13. airkooled
    Joined: Jan 27, 2005
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    from Royal Oak

    I assume that if Barris had it, he'd be touring it around the country telling everyone he had built it from scratch and that he actually crashed it for Dean. Or maybe he used the metal to pound out another one of 950,000 General Lees, the special one that allows Boss Hogg's wife Lulu to sit in the rear passenger seat.
  14. 64Rumbler
    Joined: Aug 10, 2005
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    from Drexel, MO

    I remember reading some place that someone had chopped the body up and was selling 3 inch by 3 inch pieces to fans. This was a few years back though.
  15. Bluto
    Joined: Feb 15, 2005
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    The engine from the car was fitted to a Lotus MK 9.... Yup in the front!

    I had two 9's and took some measurements off the car to restore the ones here

    I think it's still around here about two phonecalls away

    Original 550 only worth 1/2 mill!?? Oh guess again!

    Sounds like a guy bottom feedin' an hopin' to get lucky :)
  16. klazurfer
    Joined: Nov 21, 2001
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    "The car sits in Altus, Oklahoma along with its title..." .. Back in the late seventies , I bought a "James Dean" magazine .( still have it somewhere in my pile of crap ) It featured a story about the Spyder , and the story said that some1 made big bux selling pieces of the Spyder to J-Dean fans . False info I guess ? . Nut sure if I like the idea about puting the car on desplay at a museum ... ? I would surely hate the idea if James-D had been a relative of mine ....
  17. If they chopped it up and sold it... there would be little chunks of it showing up on e-bay every week... I call bull shit on that one.

    I'm more inclined to believe ryan's story... sounds like he's seen it.

    I remember Jack saying that the car that ran into him is in Modesto...

  18. buzzard
    Joined: Apr 20, 2001
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    Do you mean the Knowbodys from Knowwhere? ;)
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  19. Bigdaddy
    Joined: Dec 12, 2002
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    If Ryans does know then he needs to step up and claim that prize...
  20. Why is it people are always more inclined to celebrate someone's "death day" as opposed to their birthday?
    I don't get it.
    I know it shouldn't bug me but..... the way....a few years ago (millions of years by internet standards) 98 or so there was an old porsche rear end (transaxle?) for sale on e-bay that the guy CLAIMED to be from James Dean's car.
    it was here in Massachusetts ....somewhere.
    Eh...I dunno
  21. I, too, have heard that the car is intact, and this was many years ago.

    I dunno if Ryan's seen the car, but I believe that his version is correct.

    It did tour the country back in the 50's, IIRC, then dropped out of sight. Word I heard was that it was restored, and may surface like the Hirohata Mercury, which was also thought to be lost for a time.

  22. I know knothing.
  23. munster
    Joined: Apr 4, 2005
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    from burbank

    i saw it in mexico and the chupacabra was driving it!!
  24. ==============


    Who owned it then ? I sat at the Hot Rod & Restoration show year before last when Barris was one of the honorees and he told the story that it was his and it was stolen somewhere after a Florida show and he would like to get it back.

    He said it in standing right in front of Robert E. Petersen, Blackie Gejian & Bob Larivee, I wouldn't think he'd spew out bull in front of insiders who surely know whether he did or didn't ?

    Maybe he's gettin' senile...
  25. The museum will pay 1 million for the car, not for you to tell them where it is.

    One million dollars is nothing for that car. Nothing.
  26. metalshapes
    Joined: Nov 18, 2002
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    How close were you?
    Were they rolling their eyes?:D

    Those guys would probably also be aware that he is famous for building the Batmobile, but didn't.
    And Striping the Porsche, while he was just the Employer of the guy that did... ( from memory I think it was Jeffries, but I couldn swear to that. )
  27. Scott Miller
    Joined: Jun 2, 2005
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    Scott Miller
    from Tampa, Fla

    Porsche Club of America did an article bout the whereabouts a while ago.

    The engine, trans, breaks went to other race cars before leaving Barris' shop. Car dissappeared from the train car in Florida. It's sitting in an old lady's barn half sunk in a swamp with a tree over top of it fron the Hurricanes.
  28. Ryan
    Joined: Jan 2, 1995
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    Dean's crew chief sold the motor and tranny shortly after the accident. They both ended up in race cars, but those silly little "haunted" stories are unfounded. It was stored at Barris' place for a while, but he never took posession of the car at all. It was shipped in a storage container to Altus, Oklahoma in the late 60s where it remains with title...

    NOTE: There are 4 or 5 stories out there about what happened to the car. I'm sure there are many people that believe those stories as strongly as I believe this one... So I could be wrong and completely misleading you guys, but I don't think I am. I've seen the title and the car with my own eyes and they look legit as can be. I know the owner has turned down offers a couple of times for multiple millions of dollars. Some of those offers came from the very people mentioned above at the Petersen...

    Either way, I know the car will never be seen by the general public again so believe what feels right...
  29. Jeff Norwell
    Joined: Aug 20, 2003
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    Jeff Norwell
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    I'll give ya $5 bucks for it.

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