HAMB Exclusive: 8mm Hot Rod Footage (1964)

HAMB Exclusive: 8mm Hot Rod Footage (1964)

A buddy of mine at work collects old 8mm films, and came across an unlabeled reel with this soundless color footage, just as you see it here. I just posted it to YouTube for the first time a few days ago, and I figured Jalopy Journal folks would appreciate getting a first peek at some great film history. The guy obviously dragged a ’55 Chevy sedan, but there’s some other great car appearances by a Y block-powered channeled 5 window (:52), a square roll bar A roadster (:58), C1 Corvettes, a cool gold ’35 sedan (1:15 & 2:23), T roadster pick up (1:22), and lots of great drag racing action from before the days of track safety standards!

Just before 4 minutes into the clip, the cinematographer stands at the intersection of a small town, and films a school, a gas station and the entire lot of a small Chevy dealership (including the used car trade-ins in the back). He’s simply documenting somethings that he finds interesting, or near to his heart, and we get to see it just as he did around 1964. I love this kinda stuff… Hope you do to:
(brownie points if you can identify where any of this was shot)


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