The Lew Thompson Coupe

The Lew Thompson Coupe

The Lew Thompson coupe was arguably the first Rod & Custom Magazine cover car. I say “arguably,” because the first issue of R&C was actually published in May of 1953. The boys from Hop Up rushed to get it out in an effort to beat Peterson’s latest effort to the market – Car Craft. In doing so, they hastily decided to title the little book “Rods & Customs.”

The following month afforded the boys more time to think about just what in the hell it was they were doing. Cooler heads made better decisions and they retitled the book, “Rod & Custom Magazine.” On the cover of that June, 1953 issue was the Lew Thompson coupe.

The little green coupe is still around. It was found in a chicken coupe a few years back in Arkansas. Since that time, the car has been shrouded in mystery. Word on the street (read: the H.A.M.B. and Instagram) was that the car was being restored by a number of different craftsman while being managed by the car’s owner – Eric Arnett of Atlas Speed and Custom.

Then, things kind of went silent… Photos and threads were deleted. Rumors of the car’s demise spread. People wondered… And aside from a few posts on the Atlas Instagram account, there has been little evidence that the car was progressing at all.

Honestly, it’s all been kind of weird. I mean, the car’s in Texas… I live in Texas and consider myself a pretty passionate historian for cars just like like the Lew Thompson coupe. And yet, I’ve known very little at all about just what in the hell is going on with this car since the day it was found.

I guess that’s all about to change… Stay tuned.

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