Feel the Power of the 45…

Feel the Power of the 45…

Ryan’s post on steering wheel clocks was linked to the website of a vintage Mopar nut who also had a page on under dash 45 players. I know they’ve been talked about before, and in reality, your iPod could belt out a million more high-def songs that big chrome box could ever hope to. Nevertheless, it’s really just a wild accessory to say you have in your period 50s custom, and additionally, there is something warm and romantic about the crackle of a vinyl 45 record. If you dig these accessory record players or even listening to the old mono disc recordings, you just have to ask yourself this question: Why do we drive a traditional hot rod or custom car? Not cause it’s practical transportation, not cause it’s the most efficient way to get around. Like the old Harley slogan use to say, “If I have to explain, you wouldn’t understand.” It’s just plain cool.

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