The Lone Star Round Up X

The Lone Star Round Up X

It seems like every year after the Round Up, I sit down on Monday morning and write the same article. I talk about how great the event is, how personal the show remains despite the growing size, and then I thank Brian, Will, and Steve for hosting us all. I’m beginning to feel a bit like a machine. Like my wrap up posts are reading as if they belong in the show coverage section of one of those silly ass magazines. I don’t want to do all of that again this year. I want to somehow give you fellas that didn’t go a realistic picture of what happens here in Austin every April.

This is my attempt to do that…

Typically, Round Up weekend starts for the locals on Monday or Tuesday. I get together with a few of my buddies for dinner early in the week and we bitch and complain about the coming event. We act cool. We act like we aren’t part of the circus; Like we are somehow above it. We were all there the first year and we hang our coats on that hook for a few hours… and then we go home.

The rest of the week is filled with re-introductions to folks I haven’t seen since last year. They trickle into town at different times and I make my rounds to welcome them all. In doing so, a bit of anxiety begins to build. Is it just me or is Austin Traffic worse this time of the year? Could it really be due to the Round Up? Has it gotten THAT big?

For one reason or another, by Thursday I am almost resenting the event. I get nervous about talking to people. I dread the traffic. I dread setting up a booth. I dread everything about it. And I can’t escape it either – no matter where I am in town, I see an old car of sorts revving it’s motor or doing a burnout or gracefully turning into a gas station or something… Inevitably, I snap every year around Thursday night.

It’s as if I revert back to year one and the very sight of an old hot rod that I have never seen rolling down Congress reboots my brain. I begin to realize that I love this shit… I love old cars. I love this show. And yes, I even love the people. The Round Up is special. It doesn’t matter how big it gets, there is just something very personal about these cars in this environment. By Friday afternoon, I am fully converted and spreading the gospel.

By Sunday night, I’m just thankful. I’m thankful that I have pals like Steve, Will, and Brian that can pull a show off like this. I really wish everyone at the show knew just how much those three put into this deal. Sure, it’s a business… But like all good businesses, it’s more than that. These guys passionately put everything they have into this deal and they do it so that all of us can be converted. I love them for it and you should to.

And so Monday morning after the show is always a bit of a struggle. How in the hell am I to write about the trials and tribulations that end in glory without sounding like a homer of sorts. Most of you know that this show is really part of The Jalopy Journal/HAMB family. You fellas know I am biased. But if you’ve been to this show and you’ve really let yourself go, you know I am absolutely right. The Lone Star Round Up is the best car show in the country.


The Jalopy Journal Pick

I’m an early Hot Rod guy. In fact, my last three picks at the Round Up have been early black Fords. That’s not a conscious thing – I just pick with my heart. In fact, if you look at my limited show coverage below it becomes pretty obvious as to what I focus on. I guess that’s what makes this year’s pick so unusual. See, I picked Bucky Hess’ ’33 coupe. It’s a 1960’s styled hot rod. It’s loud. It’s obnoxious. It’s in your face. It’s the anti-Ryan. It was also one of my favorite cars at the show.

In any case, I’m done with the words. I’m so far behind with my emails and private messages and I have a ton of shirts to fold and organize. You might not see much of me around for the next couple of days. Until then, enjoy the few pictures I took as well as all of the coverage on the HAMB. There will be a ton of it…

Editor’s Note: I owe thanks to all of you that stopped by The Jalopy Journal booth this weekend and bought one of our shirt or some of our Merch. The support means the world to us. Thank You.

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