An American HAMB in Japan…

An American HAMB in Japan…

It was pretty ironic that the amazing hot rods and low riders in Japan post came up a mere week before I was going to Tokyo for business. Without time to hit Mooneyes in Yokohama or check out the “Local Hero” cars in Nagoya, I didn’t have my hopes too high on seeing much hot rod life in Tokyo’s inner city. What I did see however, blew me away: Dedicated passion for 30s- 60s American style, deep respect for our specific (HAMB) car culture, and an intricate study of every minute detail in the American clothing, vehicles, and history of the rebel, the biker, the greaser, and customizer. They truly believe in the lost art of “hand made”.

I found myself buying tons of their magazines that perfectly chronicled what makes me so excited about a car culture movement that started in my backyard (well, in California) over 60 years ago. Japan’s hot rodder has more passion for what we take for granted cause it doesn’t come as easily or inexpensively for him- It takes deep pockets and determination to pull off that kind of authenticity over 7,500 miles from our soil. My hat is off to them, and I came home wanting to get the remaining modern bits off my old cars, focus on getting the details more authentic, and more importantly, the trip made me very grateful for everything old and cool we have here.

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