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Thinking out loud .... wouldnt it be cool...

Discussion in 'Questions & Suggestions' started by SAM123, Apr 19, 2012.

  1. Wouldnt it be cool if the webmasters or whoever does tyhese things could "blend" threads together when they (the threads) are repetitive?

    I mean like multible threads on "Lets see some pics of your wagon". Take all those threads and put them all together, chronologeically sort the posts and viola ... one thread ........ and then spank anyone in the future that starts a new "longroof pics please" thread.

    Seems like there would be some kind of programming trick out there that would make this possible.

    *DISCLAIMER -- I previously searched "Wouldnt it be cool" before starting this topic and nothing came up!
  2. Muttley
    Joined: Nov 30, 2003
    Posts: 18,500


    They can. The HAMB is fine the way it is, leave it alone.
  3. .... so if "the HAMB is fine the way it is" my second suggestion would be "Suggestion Forum, .... who needs it? Lets dump it and save bandwidth".
  4. KJSR
    Joined: Mar 7, 2008
    Posts: 2,489

    from Utah
    1. Utah HAMBers

    Then the main board would be clogged with questions such as these....

  5. Dang, cant win!! LOL
  6. [​IMG]
    Resistance is futile!
  7. 49ratfink
    Joined: Feb 8, 2004
    Posts: 18,862

    from California

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