I thank you Ryan for bringing us this redesign. Funny thing is you did it in the same way Henry Ford did his Model-A and 18 redesigns;-) You shut everything down and worked on the new one while we all stood around outside kicking the dust. The new site is more like the new 1949 Ford though. A fairly radical redesign. All the buttons are in a different place. It's faster and looks ice-cream 1950s modern. And doesn't look like a Ford anymore - yet. After a few months we'll have forgotten it ever looked any different.
Well put ladyhrp. Ryan deserves a huge round of applause for the dedicated service he provides for us hoodlums, and yes I was suffering withdrawal. Ryan I also have felt like tracing back to find someone just to send them a "slap-o-gram" on a couple of occasions. "southurn" comes to mind!
Yea it's the more I use it the better it gets. Adding pictures is a snap.. Posted using the Full Custom H.A.M.B. App!