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Event Coverage Retrofest Rained out- for now

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by daylatedollarshort, May 25, 2024.

  1. Well under threatening skies I ventured out to get some coverage of Retrofest 2024. I hit rain on the way there but felt committed, so here are some hamb friendly cars. 9E503AC5-D37D-4E13-A3BA-1E1308B54271.jpeg
    Jalopy Joker and loudbang like this.
  2. And the rest of my coverage. It will likely be packed this afternoon, at least I hope so they will have to enjoy the rest of the day without me. Barely a sprinkle at home, so back out to the field for me. F091E3E1-E84E-42F3-8D5D-EDAD4EE8A78D.jpeg
    williebill and loudbang like this.
  3. Squablow
    Joined: Apr 26, 2005
    Posts: 17,516


    Shame when an event gets rained out like this, it's a lot of work to put on a show and it's tough to recover from when rain ruins it. Much respect to the guys who still showed up in that weather.
  4. It got really nice later that day, hopefully they extended registration past 11 and had a reasonable turnout.
    Squablow likes this.

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