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Patrick's Antique Cars and Trucks

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by Krash, Feb 18, 2010.

  1. I just ordered some parts for a 12 volt conversion and holy shit are those people nice. I talked to the owner Patrick. He was extremely nice and gave some discounted prices without even asking. I felt like it was 1958 and I was ordering hot rod parts from the "little guy." They have speed parts for flatheads also. I talked to his son last week about another issue (asked for exhaust advice) and he was very nice as well. If anyone needs parts check them out. I would highly recomend them! Their website is a bit dated, but check ir out. Their catelog is pretty sweet!
  2. need louvers ?
    Joined: Nov 20, 2008
    Posts: 12,903

    need louvers ?

    Gotta second that! Patrick is one of the best people to do business with on this planet! I haven't purchased a ton of stuff from him, but over the years as I've needed what he sells, I've gone out of my way to make the hour drive south to his place. Real quick Patrick's story- A couple of years ago I was doing a complete rewire and 12 volt conversion on a '51 Chrysler for a customer. I was switching over to a G.M. alternator and needed a generator pulley from a '40's or '50's chevy for the conversion. I put the call in "How you doin' Patrick, this is Chip the louver guy up in Phoenix". "You've got the pulley I need? COOL! "I 'll be down tomorrow to get it... what do you mean it's already in a box"? "Oh man, you don't need to send it out, but it will save me a trip - cool, here's my credit card number". Got to my house a day later - and here is the kicker - He sent back my credit card info with no charge to me!!! He hand wrote me a little note that said he had hundreds of these pulleys and to just come and buy something big next time around! Sure 'nuff did! Thank you sir! If you need cool Chevy or GMC six stuff, AD truck stuff, flathead stuff, beehive filters, call this guy first - he is the class act out there!
  3. I bought my intake and exhaust mannifolds from him years ago and he was super nice. Gave me a discount and threw in some free stuff because I was ordering from Canada and at the time our dollar was super shitty. Very helpful when I was ordering as well. Would deal with him again in a heartbeat!!
  4. Same here. I've bought several items from Patrick...he seems like a great guy, very helpful. He should be an Alliance member??

  5. I have used them, with great results. I would recommend them as well.
  6. sponge
    Joined: Dec 8, 2008
    Posts: 249

    from Austin tx

    i ordered my headers on 30th dec 2009 and they arrived feb 12th 2010........there coming in on friday is what i got for weeks. but must say real nice chap on the phone.
  7. raven
    Joined: Aug 19, 2002
    Posts: 4,703


    I've had that same type of experience with Patrick. Ordered the electronic ignition from him for my 235 as well as the alternator mounst for the same.
    He called me up to go over the order with me and ask if I had any questions about the stuff.
    Great guy and great company to work with.
  8. I first delt with Patrick back in the 80's. He was cool than and has only gotten better through the years.
  9. Agreed! I ordered some parts for my old '46 from him. Nothing but good things to say about Patrick's! When I get another Chevy Six one of these days, I'll be doing business with him again, I'm sure!

    It's nice to see positive posts about vendors!
  10. dimebag
    Joined: May 16, 2009
    Posts: 622

    from Joliet, il

    I also gotta throw my 2 cents in here, I was looking for a new 235 and talked to Patrick and his wife. They were extremly patient and super nice and helped out with IDing a pressured 235 offered a discount for anything that I might buy,, and told me to be sure to call him with any concerns or if I needed anything...hell I think he offered to have his wife come drop the freakin' thing for me!! Great people, great products and some of the best folks in the world to deal with!!!
  11. chaddilac
    Joined: Mar 21, 2006
    Posts: 14,028


    You mean, Alliance Vendor!! :D
  12. green53ford
    Joined: Mar 4, 2009
    Posts: 206

    from Wisconsin

    Im not really an old chevy truck fan but i accidently found the place a few years ago while looking for old junk yards. REAL NICE PEOPLE and a great place to just look around and dream.
  13. Vorhese
    Joined: May 26, 2004
    Posts: 769


    My wife's family lives right by him, and I've driven by MANY times staring at all those Chevy trucks and thinking about stopping by and saying hi. Now I know I will next time.
  14. I think I'm going to call him back tomorrow and tell him all the nice things being said here....
  15. They have to be some of the most helpful, and nice people to deal with.
    If you need a short water pump for a 235............Think Patrick's!
    Buying from them is always a very pleasant experience.
  16. AV8Paul
    Joined: Mar 2, 2003
    Posts: 1,813

    Member Emeritus

    I've been doing business with Patrick and Denise since '93. Headers, elec ign, all of the internals for both of my built flatheads. Never a problem and always a joy to deal with. Tops in my book.
    Joined: Aug 16, 2007
    Posts: 1,223

    from Colorado

    I met Patrick here in Denver. He bought a friends car and we helped him load it on his trailer that he was pulling with his bus. I thought he was rude,pushy and a snob. He must of been having a bad day that day.
  18. Ive delt with him over the last 20 years and he has always been a good guy to talk with and learn from,they dont come much nicer.........
  19. Have not purchased anything yet but they are pleasant to deal with on the phone. I am saving some money to purchase their lowering springs, Saginaw conversion, and ring and pinion kit for my 52 Chebby panel. Anyone have any comments on the springs?
  20. 35hotrod
    Joined: Dec 7, 2008
    Posts: 81

    from Duvall, WA

    My .02, Patrick is one of the best, if not THE best, vendors I have ever dealt with. Great products, great prices, great tech help and just a really nice guy. When visiting AZ I made the drive to Casa Grande just to meet the man. Wish there were more out there like him.
  21. Babar40
    Joined: Dec 4, 2009
    Posts: 314

    from Florida

    I have dealt with Patrick on several occasions. He always takes the time to talk shop with you and make you feel like a long time friend. Just a great ol' boy.
  22. Limey Steve
    Joined: Apr 4, 2005
    Posts: 1,522

    Limey Steve
    Alliance Vendor
    from Whittier

    Top geezer , thumbs up from me too.Great service & lots of knowledge re Chevy 6 or Flathead Ford V8 .
  23. Chad...You are correct Sir!...Thanks;)

  24. Mercchev
    Joined: Dec 22, 2004
    Posts: 605


    First bought a bunch of 235 parts from him in the 80's, and still buy from him now...He is a great guy. Helpful as the day is long...
  25. 49 Custom
    Joined: Apr 17, 2009
    Posts: 282

    49 Custom

    I spoke with Patrick by phone about a month or so ago concerning his old Fenton header castings- he had some choice words to say about the situation, but was very personable and didn't skip a beat getting me a catalog in the mail. He is very high on my list of vendors I would like to support.
  26. I callled last week to ask about the Fentons after reading some threads on here about it. I wanted to get the real story. He also had some choice words, (can'y blame him) but he was still really nice to me. He insisted on sending me a catelog. I got it in like 2 days from Arizona! It had some parts I need for my 12 volt conversion. I thought he definitely deserved the business si I ordered the stuff I needed. I will use him as much as possible in the future. He would make a killer alliance vendor!!
  27. samba54
    Joined: Jul 7, 2008
    Posts: 47

    from AZ

    Yes that Patrick and Philip are the shit; whenever my bro and I go there we are just like family there. They will take us to the back and show us the yard and take us to the shop and show us the customer’s cars. The shop is just like the 50s

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