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Technical Hurst V-Gate vs Comp Plus

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by 37_chevy, Mar 16, 2015.

  1. 37_chevy
    Joined: Aug 8, 2010
    Posts: 168

    from Nebraska

    I'm looking to put a V-gate in my 56 Chevy with a Muncie. I have a Comp Plus now. Does anybody know if the shift rods are the same or will work? Thanks!
    Joined: Jan 30, 2014
    Posts: 398


    If I remember correctly, V-gate mounts high and has straight shift rods, the other mounts in the normal position with the bent rods to fit.
  3. Get ready to cut your floor. What is the reason you don't want the Comp + shifter?

  4. why do you want to replace the comp-plus with an inferior shifter? and ruin your floor in the process.
    bowie likes this.
  5. Danny G
    Joined: Aug 1, 2006
    Posts: 399

    Danny G

    My v-gate has bent rods and I know that's the way it came because I bought it new
  6. Rods are different.
    I have had both and currently have a V-Gate in the 55. Have never missed a shift with the V-Gate
  7. Are you talking about the Ram Rod shifter or the Verta-gate from my past experience the Ram Rod shifts really nice and the Verta-gate I wouldn't put on my worst emery car. Also are you going to use this on the street because they don't down shift very well there is a trick to down shifting them. If your missing shifts should look at your linkage adjustment. Comp.Plus Shifter are the best in my book.
  8. 37_chevy
    Joined: Aug 8, 2010
    Posts: 168

    from Nebraska

    Thanks for all the feedback. It's a drag car, so street driving isn't an issue. It is a V-gate and not a Ram Rod. I've got a couple friends that like them. We'll see what happens. :cool:
  9. I could use a comp plus if your looking to sell it reasonable- or even cheap!

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