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hoppin up 200 str8 6

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by kustumizer, Dec 1, 2003.

  1. kustumizer
    Joined: Nov 22, 2003
    Posts: 1,127

    from Alton,NH

    Kool thanks guys, i cant wait to hop up my motor now. I found a header for it but still cant seem to find a intake for it? Does anybody have any one barrels they want to get rid to use on the intake when i find one?? Thanks Guys Nate
  2. hillbillyhellcat
    Joined: Aug 26, 2002
    Posts: 596


    Your stock cyl head has in integral intake, as it's cast into the head. It's a poor design but was obviously cheap to make. I have seen people cut the intake log off and put one on, but I know of no source.

    An austrialian 250 head has a seperate intake and will fit on your engine.

    I would think a Carter RBS would fit on your 170. They were on the 250 I6s in the late 60s and early 70s. Another upgrade would be the Carter YF, which came on the 300. You will have to make an adapter for it out of aluminum plate and its taller, it may not clear your hood.

    As for putting a 300 in your car - It's too long to fit without a lot of serious mods, like cutting out part of the firewall so the back on the engine will clear - I actually had that problem with my 250 swap and had to run an electric fan and V8 radiator.
  3. Crosley
    Joined: Mar 3, 2001
    Posts: 1,100

    from Aridzona

    I installed a carb from a 78 200 cid engine onto my 170 in the Falcon for now...

  4. Crosley
    Joined: Mar 3, 2001
    Posts: 1,100

    from Aridzona

    I adapted the original 170 engine air filter to the carb from the 200cid engine. it fits under the hood and looks some what factory..

    You can almost see the cable throttle I adapted to the car too.

  5. kustumizer
    Joined: Nov 22, 2003
    Posts: 1,127

    from Alton,NH

    Could i make my own intake for it? I work at a machine shop so anything is possible. Has anybody else made their own intake??
  6. hillbillyhellcat
    Joined: Aug 26, 2002
    Posts: 596


    Yes, anything is possible. I think someone on Fordsix made one I can recall. In matter of fact I think someone claimed to have made thier own custom aluminum head.
  7. I was looking through my old Hot Rods, compiling info for the package I'm putting together, and found an article that mentions an adapter made by Eelco to put a Holley 94 on. Might be something to look into.....I heard Clifford was doing R&D on an aluminum head, but it was gonna be REALLY expensive, like $2500.
  8. metalshapes
    Joined: Nov 18, 2002
    Posts: 11,138


    If you can make your own intake manifold, then how about putting 3 Weber carbs on it?
  9. haring
    Joined: Aug 20, 2001
    Posts: 2,335


  10. buicksarecool
    Joined: Jun 24, 2003
    Posts: 49


    Be real careful with fabbing your own intake. You would want to go aluminum, but there's no way that you would be able to machine that from one solid piece. There would have to be some welding involved somewhere. A buddy of mine attempted to make an intake for the same motor out of 3 inch diameter tubes cut in half and welded to size then welded to a machined block that allowed for a 3 set up. Then he welded flanges on the opposite side of the tubes for mounting. There was a fair amount of welding involved. Probably too much. It was a complicated set up that could have been easily simplified with fewer details and fewer welds. Well once you bolt that sucker up there's quite a bit of stress applied to it, especially if you're doing more than one carb set up. His cracked slightly just under one of the carbs. This guy is a class A welder, so it wasn't a question of poor welds. Anyway, the crack allowed fuel to pool up and the next thing you know....BOOM! He blew his manifold in three pieces. Luckily, that was really the only major damage that incurred. This was in his garage while warming it up though. He had a fire extinguisher so it turned out to not be that big a deal. Might be a different story 65 MPH down the interstate. My advice to you is to make one, because chances are you'll never find one. But ask a lot of questions and do a lot of reading up first. Making an inline intake is a WHOLE different beast than one for a V8.
  11. praisethelowered
    Joined: Aug 14, 2003
    Posts: 1,103


    Again, offy still makes a 3 carb intake that clamps onto the intake log- and its like $130 new with all of the linkage. you can find them cheaper used. I'm all for d.i.y.'in it but if you do you might as well do something different like 6 sidedrafts or something.
  12. Crosley
    Joined: Mar 3, 2001
    Posts: 1,100

    from Aridzona

    Here is a photo I snagged from a guy. I do not remember his name, but he does some neat mods to the little six.

    This is a Holley 2 barrel adapted onto the Ford log style cylinder head.

  13. The cheapest I have ever found a new offy was about 200 bucks with linkage. I paid 100 for mine from HAMBer Jeffro. If you want one, run an ad in the classified section. That's how I got mine, I had like three responses.....

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