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Projects Green rod color code

Discussion in 'Traditional Hot Rods' started by Hallingdal, Dec 17, 2020.

  1. Hallingdal
    Joined: Oct 30, 2015
    Posts: 3


    I found this green rod on a wallpaper site and wonder if anyone could help me with the color code on the green color.
    I'm about to get my coupe painted and still not sure what color to use.

    Regards Haavard
    Dogberg, Deuces, PoTaToTrUcK and 3 others like this.
  2. almost looks like ford's "Apple green" model-ford-paint-finish-guide-ppg_1_cfb055c6399dfeecda45ff38ab223b8a.jpg
  3. sloppy jalopies
    Joined: Jun 29, 2015
    Posts: 5,256

    sloppy jalopies

    henry probably called it apple green... but it looks like apple pie to me... yum !
  4. Can't help with the exact color, but I sure like the car. I believe that's a Lincoln V-12 between the rails.
    Deuces and dana barlow like this.
  5. doubleduece
    Joined: Dec 4, 2010
    Posts: 24


    I agree...Nice car!
    Deuces likes this.
  6. Deuces
    Joined: Nov 3, 2009
    Posts: 24,262


    Yep! I bet granny Smith would be proud....:D

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