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Bumper Boyz???????

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by Oldmanolds, Jan 16, 2006.

  1. Oldmanolds
    Joined: Jan 16, 2006
    Posts: 930


    Just joined this board surfing for some info on Bumper Boyz.Spoke with someone that couldn't put together a complete english sentence.The problem is that I've looked everwhere for a grill for a 1940 Oldsmobile.Mod.#60 coupe.My search ended I thought at Bumper Boyz.They had told me that they had an aftermarket steel chromed grill for $500.00.I can't find anyone to touch my old pot metal one for less than $1000.00 for refinishing and welding it back together.It seems like there was a lot of trash being thrown at BB when I first read the thread here at H.A.M.B.(I can't find it again)Anyway I don't want to just throw away $500.00. You guys got any ideas?Dave:confused:
  2. Orange Crate
    Joined: Apr 5, 2005
    Posts: 454

    Orange Crate

    A friend of mine bought his grille and bumpers from them and he's tickled pink. I know when they set up at shows, they have a lot of stuff and their place is always busy.
  3. jdubbya
    Joined: Jul 12, 2003
    Posts: 2,435


    I cannot speak from experience here, because I have never dealt with them, but I know there are people on here that have nothing but negative things to say about them. I have looked into getting some things from them in the past, but the experiences had by others on here have made me think differently. I am sure that there will be some further responses for you.
  4. WildWilly68
    Joined: Feb 1, 2002
    Posts: 1,727


    Do some thorough research on them....I've never heard anything good about the Bumper Boys. Lots of guys here I'm sure will be willing to share their bad experiences with them. I know they had a lot of products at the swap meet in Indy last weekend and the prices seem good but I'd keep looking.

  5. there is a 75% chance you are going to be disapointed in BB....I used them cause they are local and I can go to their shop if I have a problem ( chich I have had). You should look at something else if you are far away.

    I have heard that they have exhcanged one customers bumper for another and then lost bumpers. Not a good deal.
  6. Yeah. Order the $500 grille from them on a credit card and tell 'em it's to be picked up at the swap meet in Louisville in March(or wherever you can go that they will be)---that way, you can look at it in person and take it OR tell them what a piece of shit is in person and get your card refunded..

    hey, it was just an idea.....:eek:
  7. caffeine
    Joined: Mar 11, 2004
    Posts: 2,439

    from Central NJ

    just. say. no
  8. Dukeofbluz
    Joined: Nov 10, 2004
    Posts: 285


    ok heres my dealing with them

    I ordered 11 pieces for my 57 Chevy, I was going to pick them up at a show 2 hours from me a couple months later. They said OK and took 1/2 deposit on my credit card.

    Drive to the show, deliver my 11 cores to them, only to hear them say "Sorry Partner your bumpers didn't make it on the truck, we will ship them to you on monday free shipping"

    over a MONTH later I finally get my order, after many calls trying to find out what was going on, it was always some excuse.

    well, back bumper was wrong, they had it picked up and I had to wait for the right one.

    A blister started on another piece, I called them and said I was attending an upcoming show and wanted to exchange it.

    Chrome started peeling off another piece like hanging tin foil, I called them and they said to send it back, I said NO you have had my car laid up for too long, send a new one and ill return the old one at the show.

    They sent a new one, but didnt have the other piece with the blister I was suppose to exchange at the show.

    So I walk up to their booth at a big show, carrying both bad pieces, I made sure to leave all the chrome HANGING like tin foil from the 1 piece, they saw me and imeadiatly took me behind the booth. I told them I was suppose to give them back 1 piece and exchange another.

    Sure enough, "Sorry partner we dont have one"

    Now remember, they called me and TOLD ME to return 1 piece when PICKED UP THE OTHER PIECE at the show!

    So I lost my temper, he asked me what I expected him to do, I told him, get your fucking ass out in the swap meet and buy me a new one!!!

    He handed me $100 and told me to leave. So im leaving and they grabbed the piece I was trying to exchange. Im like what the fuck is going on???

    They said I couldn't have that one, it was too good, couple weeks later I got a junk one in the mail.

    As far as im concerned they are crooks, they take deposits for shit they don't have and do shitty work.

  9. Gasser57
    Joined: Aug 23, 2005
    Posts: 749


    Ask 49oldscoupe, his BB story makes ya nearly cry.
  10. I bought a repro from them, very nice bumper. Buy it with a credit card, if you are not completely satisfied, return it for a refund
  11. Just search for posts here, maybe under "boyz" or something. I've dealt with them and seen all their stuff laid out a several shows, never again. Horrible nasty stuff, just as bad service. They'll tell you anything. If you've got a turd driver that has no bumper at all, one of theirs might be better than a pine 2x12. Don't send them your good core, you'll never see it again.
  12. brandon
    Joined: Jul 19, 2002
    Posts: 6,368


    they did the bumpers on my old 48 was nice stuff ....but that was 6 years ago.....the repaired a buddys roadrunner rear bumper.....and it turned out sweet .....considering what it was .....brandon
  13. REJ
    Joined: Mar 4, 2004
    Posts: 1,612

    from FLA

    A friend of mine bought a grill for his 48 Chevy pu, mind you, he gave them a perfectly good core. Within one year the grill that he had bought was rusting on the back side. He called and they said he could exchange it for another one at full price!
    Look around, find a chrome shop in your area and get some feedback on them. If they have good feedback, use them. At least you will not have to travel and deal with them over the phone.
    Joined: Dec 7, 2004
    Posts: 333


  15. Oldmanolds
    Joined: Jan 16, 2006
    Posts: 930


    UOTE=BIG PORT JIMMY 6]NO TRUER WORDS SPOKEN TONIGHT. Jay[/QUOTE] Ok then No BUMPERBOYZ! My grill is cracking like a piece of glass.I need to come up with something.I've checked with a lot of the welding and plating shops here in Indianapolis and nobody wants to touch it.How about fabricators?Anyone know who would build me up a grill?Dave
  16. Post a picture of your current grill. there is more talent on the Hamb then anywhere else. somebody on here can build you one or help you build one.

    Ok then No BUMPERBOYZ! My grill is cracking like a piece of glass.I need to come up with something.I've checked with a lot of the welding and plating shops here in Indianapolis and nobody wants to touch it.How about fabricators?Anyone know who would build me up a grill?Dave[/QUOTE]
  17. oldandkrusty
    Joined: Oct 8, 2002
    Posts: 2,141


    Beware!!! Although the original Ols grilles were die cast, during and after WWll there were many CHEAP steel grilles that were made for replacements in case of a collision. These things were pieces of shit! I know as I used to have an Olds and would see these things at swap meets all the time. You wouldn't put these things on an outhouse let alone a car you had some pride in. So, if the BBz are trying to sell one of these things-beware! Just my opinion.
  18. Oldmanolds
    Joined: Jan 16, 2006
    Posts: 930


    Ok yjen I'll post a pic of the grill I hope I can get some help.This winter project has me friggin' frustrated.Dave
  19. As said above, stay clear!

    Sounds like time for a custom grille?


  20. Sticher1
    Joined: Nov 17, 2004
    Posts: 627

    from Ct

    Have you heard of The Bumper Chrome Co out of Ca
  21. MercMan1951
    Joined: Feb 24, 2003
    Posts: 2,654


    My observations of this chaos from a "I didn't get screwed by them" perspective:

    They show up every year at our crappy swap meet here in Detroit, with their fancy looking Semi, loaded with half-wrapped bumpers...and set up shop. The way they are piled in the semi hap-hazardly makes me question their operation. You see a semi loaded with bumpers, some of the wrapping is peeling off the edges, it looks like a bunch of freshly chromed bumpers were all thrown in a trailer and then driven cross country. Or maybe a trailer loaded full of bumpers is all part of their act, to make them look like they know what they're doing. I'm not so sure they aren't all dinged up and scrathed at the shows! I wouldn't buy a bumper (for $350+ bucks), if I'd known it had been riding around in a semi for who knows how many years, bumping around in there and getting all scratched up.

    This year, (last weekend) instead of having their usual indoor spot, they were set up outside in the 20 degree weather...I thought that was strange, in the 15 years I've been going to this swap, never once have they been outside. Times must be getting rough...

    About 15 years ago, I saw them at this same swapmeet. I thought, cool, they have it all, if I need stuff for my car I can get it from them.

    Luckily I never needed to.

    After reading countless horror stories about them, I wouldn't hand them my parts if they paid ME to chrome them.

    Taking into account what I'd learned over the years, I made it a point to look at some of their "display" items this know, they stuff that is the 'best of the best' that gets put on display for all to see- that is supposed to be indicitive of they type of work they do...I walked thru the display shaking my head. Crappy semi-buffed out chrome, chrome over pits, chrome over pock marks...they ain't cheap, either... top dollar, in some cases swapping your rare parts for "similar" stuff, giving you back a part that started out in worse shape than yours, only now nice and shiny (or so I've read.)

    IMO, Stay away. There are way more negatives floating around about them (especially from HAMBers) than positives. You get what you pay for, but in the case of these guys, they get top dollar, and you probably will get less than satisfactory results (if you even get your original parts back).

    Just my .02
  22. Sticher1
    Joined: Nov 17, 2004
    Posts: 627

    from Ct

    Have ever heard of The Bumper Chrome Co out of Ca checkem out
  23. Tony
    Joined: Dec 3, 2002
    Posts: 7,350


    I havn't heard ONE thing good about the Bumper Boyz products..Nada!!
    They actually come to the Syracuse Nats every year and bring all the crap, so before i knew about the quality of said 'crap', i tried to talk to one of the guy's about some stuff for my 53 chevy..
    Not impressed with thier "people skill's" in the least....

    I'd buy that chrome tape and lay that shit all over my bumpers before i bought something from them...
    Don't make me tell you how i really feel :D:D:D:D
  24. KIRK!
    Joined: Feb 20, 2002
    Posts: 12,031


    Steer clear. Nothing but negative experiences.
  25. is there just one bumper boyz ? the one here in california......and they get around to all the shows out of state.......maybe they went out of state because they're booth is always slow at pomona........ :eek:
  26. Tony
    Joined: Dec 3, 2002
    Posts: 7,350


    Those are the guy's that come here...
  27. Dat Dirty Rat
    Joined: Jan 15, 2003
    Posts: 3,505

    Dat Dirty Rat

    I sent some 'cherry stuff' to have show polished for a 63 Impala i had several years ago and did not get the same parts back in return...The grill & things i sent were brand new and i unwrapped them only to have the 'bling' added...I recieved a grill back that had a shitty repair done to it ontop of it being slightly tweaked...It took about 3 months to get my original parts back from them...It seems they 'conviently' misplaced my stuff but didnt know how it happend....lolol...........So they are not be trusted!!
  28. Squablow
    Joined: Apr 26, 2005
    Posts: 17,497


    The Bumper Boyz is a bumper exchange place. That means you give them your part and they give you another one that's already done. Don't expect them to fix your shit individually. I worked in chrome plating for a while and I have seen the Bumper Boyz work, and it ain't great.

    25 years ago when you'd get in a wreck and need your '78 Volare front bumper straightened and chromed, these guys would do it and it'd be fine because it's a daily driver that you don't give a shit about. Now, we're talking about people's pride and joy cars, but the quality of the chrome work hasn't changed.

    Just like everything else without an exception, you get what you pay for. Take your grille to a qualified chrome plating shop, not a bumper exchange shop, pay whatever it takes to get it done right.
  29. Oilcan Harry
    Joined: Mar 3, 2001
    Posts: 906

    Oilcan Harry
    from INDY

    I've posted this before but, my buddy bought a rear bumper for his 67 Camaro. The car wasn't done so he didn't unwrap it till he needed it a couple months later. When he opened it, it wasn't anything like the one they showed him at the swapmeet. The chrome was fair but the bumper was wrinkled underneath where it bends around the side. It looked awful! He used it until he found a good one. I'd just say no.
  30. CharlieLed
    Joined: Feb 21, 2003
    Posts: 2,463


    I looked at an aftermarket 36 Chevy grille insert that BB had at the Pomona swap last looked very nice and for $450 it was less than what it would have cost me to recondition my stock grille. I believe that the aftermarket parts that BB sells are of good quality; however, I wouldn't trust them with plating any of my original parts.

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