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Discussion in 'The Antiquated' started by 41 GMC K-18, Oct 31, 2022.

  1. 41 GMC K-18
    Joined: Jun 27, 2019
    Posts: 3,717

    41 GMC K-18

    Greetings to all of us out there in the H.A.M.B. UNIVERSE, and other realms yet to be discovered!

    discovery (2).jpg

    So it's no secret that a lot of us on the H.A.M.B., are no spring chickens.

    PARK BENCH.jpg

    And that being said, its no secret that a lot of us, are always searching for the past, that thing that made us laugh, that thing that we identified with, that was off the beaten path, satirical, funny, and downright irreverent in regards to all things, no holds barred, no limitations!

    Purely in a comical way, nothing was sacred!

    I was 10 years old in 1963, and back then, what ever spending money I had as a kid, it was a sure thing that 25 cents, was reserved for the latest copy of MAD magazine. If I had any extra money, then it was the newest copy of HOT ROD or CAR-TOONS magazine.

    But MAD Magazine was the default choice, when it came to where my pocket change would be spent on.

    This morning on YouTube, I ran across this amazing compilation of all of the covers of MAD from 1952-2017.
    Totally fascinating, because its just a rolling collage of the covers with some interesting music.

    Here is the link.

    Dam it, the link failed to load, so the header of this thread, is what you can look for on your portal to YouTube., its well worth the time to watch this amazing video.

    Ahh but with the magic of the smartphone, I got a shot of the beginning of the video, and it has the information that all of you can search for.

    IMG_7371 (2).jpg

    Come along and sit back and enjoy this parade, of the never ending array, of Alfred E. Neuman covers, I am sure a lot of you, will recognize various covers of MAD magazine, that your pocket money purchased back in the day.

    This is good comedic medicine fellow HAMBER'S !

    Enjoy from Dennis.
    And have a happy Halloween to all of you !

    skull (2).JPG

    Last edited: Oct 31, 2022
  2. jimmy six
    Joined: Mar 21, 2006
    Posts: 15,151

    jimmy six

    Might be the only one with a car on the cover…Hey that’s my car!

    My dad would not allow a copy in the house in the 50’s. My brother and I hid the copy we bought.

  3. 41 GMC K-18
    Joined: Jun 27, 2019
    Posts: 3,717

    41 GMC K-18

    I used to have stacks of the older MAD magazines when I was a kid.
    When I got out of the Army in 75, I went back home and discovered that my Mom had thrown them all in the trash!
    I was NOT happy about that.
    It's cool that via YouTube, that at least the covers from all of those years can be viewed again.
    Alfred E. Neumans face, was always extremely universal to me, I did this piece of art, years ago for a group of 3 owners, of a T-6 plane, that they raced at RENO.

    happy jack (2).jpg

    Last edited: Oct 31, 2022
  4. I managed to save two Mad mags, one from 1964 and another from 1971. My favorite part was Spy vs Spy.

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