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History The Boys Of Bonneville

Discussion in 'Traditional Hot Rods' started by Ryan, May 2, 2011.

  1. Ryan
    Joined: Jan 2, 1995
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  2. JeffreyJames
    Joined: Jun 13, 2007
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    from SUGAR CITY

    I was just telling the guys at our Shop Night to keep an eye for it. Along with the Corvette Documentary there is some good stuff to watch this summer. I think the BOYS OF BONNEVILLE looks incredible and I am glad a few heavies jumped on board like Dempsey and Leno to promote the heros of yesteryear. As we all know their were a lot of innovations developed out on the salt and it all started from the first couple years.

    Anything that promotes their efforts is enticing to say the least.
  3. Ryan
    Joined: Jan 2, 1995
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    These releases frustrate the shit out of me though... A good example is Senna. I knew about the film for 18 months and wanted to see it badly... And the only reason I did get to eventually see it is that I had a friend in high places during the SXSW film festival... Nearly two years after it was finished, it showed up on NetFlix streaming...

    If I owned one of these films, I would skip the traditional method of distribution and stream it myself. You could charge $10 to $20 per viewing and use that dough to promote the film to the studios. As Kevin Smith would say, "You'd no longer be a whore."
  4. You should get the online distribution rights...perfect audience
  5. You die without salt and you die from too much salt...
    Best to be down the middle
  6. hotrd32
    Joined: May 16, 2007
    Posts: 3,563

    from WA

    The politics and costs of making and releasing films would boggle your mind...........
  7. loudpedal
    Joined: Mar 23, 2004
    Posts: 2,203

    from SLC Utah

    THAT is cool man ...and some of it happed right here in my backyard. Why anyone who lives here cares about Basketball is beyond me.
  8. flamingokid
    Joined: Jan 5, 2005
    Posts: 2,203


    It also looks very well done,like the Corvette film.I'd buy both DVD's.
  9. JeffreyJames
    Joined: Jun 13, 2007
    Posts: 16,628

    from SUGAR CITY

    Even if you could get 25-50 copies out to choice individuals like yourself Ryan so you could set up a a screening and charge $5 a pop for a bunch of like minded fellers to watch and have a good time to spread the word on it's release for purchase would be rad. I know that's how we use to do Skateboarding Films. Just previews at shops in the area and then within the next few months it would be there for purchase.
  10. Zombie Hot Rod
    Joined: Oct 22, 2006
    Posts: 2,452

    Zombie Hot Rod
    from New York

    The problem is, with so much free stuff out there these days, you have to beat people over the head to get them to lay $20 bucks on a movie about hot rodding.

    You know, you have to beat a Hot Rodder over the head to get him to buy a movie about Hot Rodding. Everyone would rather spend their money on beer, but I guess they get to watch it as they flush it down the toilet.

    Either way, this movie looks cool and I'll support it just cause they made an attempt to make a movie about something that I love so much, Hot Rodding.
  11. seatex
    Joined: Oct 24, 2006
    Posts: 2,670


    I'd pay 20 bucks for a copy in a heart beat.
  12. stude_trucks
    Joined: Sep 13, 2007
    Posts: 4,754


    Looks like a cool flick. I'd probably pay $10-$20 to own a copy, but not sure I'd pay that much to watch a stream of it. Maybe $5 for a stream viewing.

    But honestly, I hardly ever sit down and watch movies anymore, even for the stuff I know is probably up my alley. Hollywood total crap as just ruined it for me and TV is mostly just utter garbage and the interest of watching stuff on a screen has just worn off for me.

    I have too many other things to get done in my life and just not into sitting down long enough watch a movie and spending a small pile of money to do it on top of it.

    But, I appreciate the heads up and the nod on this one and I'll keep my eye out for it in the future. Maybe ask my wife to keep an eye out and pick it up for a movie night. She is in charge of that kind of stuff. She got us The World's Fastest Indian last time I made a request. Looked great on the new 47" flat screen.
  13. AV8-Rider
    Joined: Jan 31, 2002
    Posts: 909


    If you make such a film with such a plot I guess it should be interesting to have the right audience seeing it.
    The crowd that cares.

    This is not a typical plot for all the masses out there.

    This should have been available on DVD on the spot. On an easy to use website with easy payment methods and INTERNATIONAL shipping. (F... area codes).

    What's 20 bucks anyway.

    Here in Norway that will get you a bottle of "cheap" wine.

    Love the trailer.

  14. -Brent-
    Joined: Nov 20, 2006
    Posts: 7,380


    PERFECTLY said, Kris.
  15. I would pay a lot to see this film. A few years ago I heard Jon Favreau was making a movie called "Johnny Zero." It was supposed to be a story about Hot Rodders after WWII, anybody ever hear what happened to it?

    I like Basketball.
  16. dodored
    Joined: Feb 5, 2007
    Posts: 641

    from Concord NC

  17. bowtiemyk
    Joined: Feb 3, 2005
    Posts: 175


    If you haven't been to
    Bonneville, Go!
  18. pyrojoe667
    Joined: Sep 27, 2009
    Posts: 33


    couldn't agree more bowtie, especially if you live in Salt Lake, you know who you are. (Hard Eddy!) The trailer looks awesome!
  19. THAT looks good...
  20. rusty76
    Joined: Jun 8, 2009
    Posts: 882

    from Midway NC

    What kills me is Hollywood makes a movie about football, basketball or hockey and kills it in the boxoffice. But Hot Rodding doesn't hold the same candle that sports does. Kinda stupid to me. To think there's no sneaker endorsement in hot rodding.....
  21. haroldd1963
    Joined: Oct 15, 2007
    Posts: 1,153

    from Peru, IL

    Looks like a great picture...I'll buy it on DVD..if and when it does make it out.
  22. BStoltz
    Joined: Mar 30, 2009
    Posts: 123


    Looks like a pretty rad movie.....
  23. Deuce_Eddie
    Joined: Mar 23, 2011
    Posts: 155

    from Portugal

    This is the problem with car films and car enthusiasts all over the world... everybody else just doesn't think it's normal and there are other like-minded persons out there.

    Here in my part of the world the all-out craze is football, or soccer, or whatever you like to call it. I'd be damned if I ever spent a full minute watching 20-odd overpaid monkeys who can barely utter two words in a row chase a ball around, let alone pay for the priviledge. But the vast majority of people here do so, to a ridiculous extent. And if you make a movie of it, it'll get big bucks and huge press coverage. Hell, there's even japanese comics series on it!

    But lil'old us, the car freaks/bores/nutters/whatever, we're the weird ones, so mainstream society doesn't give a hoot about it, or our films...

    Sorry about the rant, it's been a long time since I've chatted to a like-minded person around here... :rolleyes:

    The film does look very promising, hope we can get to see it soon!

    Cheers, Eddie
  24. hotrd32
    Joined: May 16, 2007
    Posts: 3,563

    from WA

    If your in SO CAl....Newport Beach Film Festival on Wednesday May 4, 2011 at 6:00 PM
  25. autobilly
    Joined: May 23, 2007
    Posts: 3,161


    Looks like a fantastic film. One thing's for sure, there is a huge audience here on TJJ/HAMB.
  26. Fopelaez
    Joined: Sep 24, 2010
    Posts: 275


    Same over here! People die for soccer.
    As Ryan said, my only hope to get to see it is over Netflix a couple of years from now...
  27. I would like to see more please!
  28. cavemag
    Joined: Jan 8, 2011
    Posts: 209


    The trailer almost made me cry.
  29. hotrodladycrusr
    Joined: Sep 20, 2002
    Posts: 20,765


    It's a magically place
  30. Almost?

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