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Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by JeffreyJames, Mar 16, 2013.

  1. general gow
    Joined: Feb 5, 2003
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    general gow
    Staff Member

    ^that was my thought. i had a set that had been cut away for IFS, fortunately they were aftermarket, so no original steel was harmed...
  2. JeffreyJames
    Joined: Jun 13, 2007
    Posts: 16,628

    from SUGAR CITY

    I haven't touched the car in a week and a half. Boooo..... Have been bombarded with baby and design stuff and haven't had a chance to get out there.

    The rear wheels, rear wishbones and "A" crossmember are all blasted and waiting for me to pick them up. I need to get them in primer ASAP so I can mount some wheels.

    I have gotten quite a few PM's from fellow HAMB members concerning my WANTED ad for 33/34 Pedal assembly. Thanks so much for all the PM's!!!! Just gotta figure out if I should pay less and rebush and rebuild myself or pay more and be done with it.

    I DID get my T Spring and MY front wishbone (I was borrowing one until I got mine in) so all I have to do is clean it up and swap them out. I think the best approach to the stance is finishing up the front and and mounting up some wheels & tires so I can see where IT sits then attack the back with that in mind. I'm not sure I exactly know WHERE the car should sit but I have an idea in my mind. It's important that it doesn't get too low ya know? However I've done everything it seems to get the front down as low as I can. I might be swapping out main leaf on spring for an unreversed eye who knows.....

    I'm also having some doubts about actually getting this car done in time. There's money to be spent and it's piling up quicker then I can make it it seems. I guess I'll just keep plugging away and see where we're at.

    Pics are a coming soon I promise.
  3. Tnomoldw
    Joined: Dec 5, 2012
    Posts: 1,563


    :)Hang in there JJ ,you got a lot of us rooting for you.:):D:cool:
  4. JeffreyJames
    Joined: Jun 13, 2007
    Posts: 16,628

    from SUGAR CITY

    Thanks Bud, I appreciate that!

    Here's some crappy instagram pics.....

    Here's the package that showed up last Thursday....

    And the contents....

    This showed up last Friday. I got it from Mike Hammel's ebay store. It's not a Bell but it'll do for the time being. It's pretty rough and there's no chrome left on the blades. Whatever though, it'll look the part...

    Some of the rust and dirt I knocked out in between the inner and outer rails with a big mallet...

    Front wheels prior to some filler...

    Rears prior to be ing blasted...

    Fronts after some pits being filled...


    A Dirver's Fitting....

    A shot of what I cut out, need to clean and where I need to weld a new piece...

    Inspiration. Doug Hartelt.....

    I got this AC Tach that I thought was old and thought about using it as I had poured over photos of the SoCal coupe and found that they had a reverse mounted gauge that looks very similar to this one. Come to find out it was a manifold pressure gauge and not a tach so I might just put it on the shelf. Cost me $10 so not out too much. Not sure how I can tell when this one is from. It was made in Flint Michigan by AC.

    That's all I got so far. Will have more very soon...
  5. I'd buy a cheaper pedal assembly, pick a night, get it rebushed and rebuilt and move on. Save the extra cash for the bigger parts you need. You've got a good start, you can still get done in time.
  6. Tnomoldw
    Joined: Dec 5, 2012
    Posts: 1,563


    :)I looked at the 34 pedal set on line , looks poopy , x 3 $ , Why not use a set from a 50 -52 F1 ,or Mercury ,:D
  7. I'd suggest because they bolt into the 33/34 frame without mods and will work with the brake pedal actuator that he has.

    No mods will save him time (and probably money) in the long run.
  8. Tnomoldw
    Joined: Dec 5, 2012
    Posts: 1,563


  9. JeffreyJames
    Joined: Jun 13, 2007
    Posts: 16,628

    from SUGAR CITY

    Yep I want to leave the frame intact as much as possible as well. I have been offered 34 pedals (which believe it or not are a little different then 33's) for $75.00 so I am going to take him up on his gracious offer. Just need to pay for them and I'll have that squares away after rebuilding them.

    I think I woke up with a better outlook on everything. I need to just keep plugging away and working and let the chips lie where the are in mid October. I've got good vibrations!

    If I can get some damn Primer and paint on these wheels by the end of next week I'll be in good shape I think to have it a roller by June or by the time the body goes to get chopped at the very latest.

    The order of importance is as follows...

    •Get the wheels finished up and tires mounted
    •Bolt Trans saddle back in (I think I might bolt it instead of rivet because I want to be able to blast frame again after running near all that salt water at the race)
    •Swap out wishbone and button up front end
    •See where front end sits so I can start working on rear
    •Splice Model A Rear Cross Member in
    •Mount engine & trans
    •Cut down and mount rear wishbones
    •Cut Down Torque Tube and send drive shaft out
    •Adjust stance if need be
    •Make Master Cylinder mount and linkage
    •Rebuild rear brakes
    •Route Brake lines
    •Get radiator checked out and tested
    And so on
    And so on....
  10. jfrolka
    Joined: Oct 4, 2007
    Posts: 898


    Awesome, you do have a good eye for detail so it should come out bitchin.

    Sounds like some coffee and sleepless nights with a big checklist that short.

    I still need to get with you on those caddy intakes for Sugar City, their all sitting at the machine shop still waiting to be finished.
  11. thunderbirdesq
    Joined: Feb 15, 2006
    Posts: 7,092


    do it to it brother!
  12. JeffreyJames
    Joined: Jun 13, 2007
    Posts: 16,628

    from SUGAR CITY

    Good news! Hot Rod Willie traded me a Stromberg for some really nice 33/34 pedals so I should have those next week when I get back from the Showdown. And speaking of the showdown I'll be picking up my seat and driveshaft there so that's progress right?!

    I started fitting the trans saddle to the frame this week. It definitely doesn't just bolt right up. I think since it didn't come with this frame from the factory the 80+ years of tweaking and twisting has caused them to want to fight each other as it goes in. I have about 6 bolts holding it in right now and I'm going to swap them out for grade 8 bolts in the next few days. I figure no need in riveting them since the car has a chance of taking on a lot of salt water at the race so when I blow everything apart it'll be nice to be able to unbolt this thing and get in there good.

    See you guy in PA!
  13. scootermcrad
    Joined: Sep 20, 2005
    Posts: 12,382


    Don't forget to bring those hood sides over...
  14. JeffreyJames
    Joined: Jun 13, 2007
    Posts: 16,628

    from SUGAR CITY

    You're a glutton for punishment bud, but I surely will do so! :D:D:D
  15. JeffreyJames
    Joined: Jun 13, 2007
    Posts: 16,628

    from SUGAR CITY

    UPDATE! I've gotten NOTHING done in the last few weeks besides priming the saddle, disassembling the front suspension to swap out the wishbone for my own and welding up a few more things on the frame.

    I did get my pedals from HotrodWillie and they are as nice as he said so I'm gonna just throw them in and run them as it.

    The car was supposed to be going to Moonlight Metal for a rechop but I'm not done with the chassis and I want to do a trial fit first as well as he's having some back surgery this week. Hopefully that goes soon. New goal is to have a roller by July 20th. I plan on hitting it hard Sunday so hopefully I'll have some visuals for you guys that care.

    Not a lot of time left and I got another project coming which is taking some of my funds and placing them else where.

    Good news is I've been driving my '35 a ton hahaha!!!
  16. 1951Streamliner
    Joined: May 15, 2011
    Posts: 1,875

    from Reno, NV

    Keep at it man! I really enjoy this thread, along with your Instagram 'feed'

    I'll buy a t-shirt or something to help with the funds...
  17. JeffreyJames
    Joined: Jun 13, 2007
    Posts: 16,628

    from SUGAR CITY

    I am. I went up and helped my friend Chris on his model a the other day and it lit a fire under my ass. I'm still confident we can do it...even thought weeks of work time have been shaved off knowing the Race of Gentlemen is now Oct 4,5 and 6th.

    Hopefully I can get that chassis done before I fill my garage with the new project. I'm running out of space.
  18. JeffreyJames
    Joined: Jun 13, 2007
    Posts: 16,628

    from SUGAR CITY

    Oh and I found this from So-Cal Speed Shop which will save some time and work with the '33-34 Pedals. For $100 I figure that's worth my time to engineer and build something similar.

  19. titus
    Joined: Dec 6, 2003
    Posts: 5,146


    october is gonna come fast, get out in the shop!!!!!!
  20. thunderbirdesq
    Joined: Feb 15, 2006
    Posts: 7,092


    tick.. tock... tick... tock... tick... tock...
  21. He must be too busy cruisin' in The Wizard to work on this thing!
  22. JeffreyJames
    Joined: Jun 13, 2007
    Posts: 16,628

    from SUGAR CITY

    Ok I know I have been slacking on the updates......but that's only because I've been slacking on the work :). It is true I have been driving the 35 a bunch but really I just haven't had the time and energy to put in the work.

    However last Monday I began to hustle on it some more. The front suspension was prepped,primed and painted with the exception of the hubs which are ready for paint. I have to order a steering arm so I can get the drag link cut rotated and rewelded.

    I have been knocking out the frame rails getting all the dirt and scale out from in between the the inner and outer frames. That's been a lot of banging, scraping, treating and finesse work to get the rails to not look like slices of bacon again which if you have owned a 33-40 frame I'm sure you are aware of. I made a pattern for the section I cut out so I can weld it in this week and blend to to look like I wasn't even there. Once I get that done I'll be ready to weld in some braces and cut the rear crossmember out. I was unsure how much model a rear crossmember to splice in but after getting some pics from Rudy Rodriguez I've come up with the number 23". So that should be done with in the next week.

    I also got a sample of the paint I want to use on the frame and body last week. It took me a day or two to really get attached to it but now I'm full steam ahead on it. The color came from a guy who specializes in restoring military vehicles and had two original cans from WWII to base his colors on so they at as they were. Only problem is the paint is very very flat and a shitty type so I can't just use it as is. I'll need to take my sample and have a color mixed up with something that'll actually protect the car. Now this isn't the final version, it's just something to put on the car for the next bunch of years until I can get around to really slicking the car up good. So it'll be this shade now but later it might get something a little lighter.....who knows.

    Wheels are being painted this week so Ill be ready for tire mounting soon which is always exciting. I started knocking out the old bushings from the 35 radius rods tonight to prep for new shackles. I think I'm going to make my own two piece bronze bushings because I'm going to need a special shoulder to adapt the 2.25" shackle to the 2" model t spring I'm using. What I find kind of amazing is how so many of the reputable restoration suppliers sell the shackles with nylocs and no square shank. If a restoration supplier like Mac's doesn't carry it why would anybody else? Crazy.... And anal I know.

    Damon at Moonlite Metal told me to bring the body Orr in the next few weeks once he recovers from some back surgery so he can get rechopping this thing. I took some measurements. Another inch is coming out of the front and another inch to an inch and a had out of the back. Going to be pretty heavy but I think the car needs it.

    Other then that i'e got nothing. I'll get some pics tomorrow of where it's at right now. Hard to see all the time that it's taking to get the frame back to square one so it can be cut up properly. Thanks for looking as always.
  23. This thing is gonna be rad, I have faith! The flat blue is gonna make it. Love the mock up pic you sent me, looks good with the whitewalls and rat rod red wheels. I agree a bit more chop is needed

  24. JeffreyJames
    Joined: Jun 13, 2007
    Posts: 16,628

    from SUGAR CITY

    I hope an inmate escapes from prison and rapes you Chris.
    Joined: Nov 13, 2006
    Posts: 1,242

    from Bozeman,MT

    Thats some funny shit there:D Can't to see some more progress.
  26. Muttley
    Joined: Nov 30, 2003
    Posts: 18,501


  27. .

    I've got faith in you brother... ;)

    Keep on it and it's gonna be bitchin' when your on the sand!

  28. 3wLarry
    Joined: Mar 11, 2005
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    from Owasso, Ok

    patiently waiting...
    kidcampbell71 likes this.
  29. Impatiently waiting...
    kidcampbell71 likes this.

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