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Folks Of Interest ripped off at car show~!!!

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by 1954Bill, Aug 29, 2012.

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  1. liljonny
    Joined: Aug 31, 2011
    Posts: 203

    from menifee,ca

    People like that are scum! Karma's a bitch!
  2. psycho sean
    Joined: Aug 9, 2012
    Posts: 71

    psycho sean

    Its sad to think but the times they are a changing. I'm only 37 and things have changed so much in my time I was raised that if it ain't yours don't touch it I also beloved if I have something you need don't take it ask me if it ain't something I need I will let you have it. I've had low lifesaver go as far as stealing the valve caps of my wheels at car shows hell all they gotta do is look in the ignition the damn keys are hanging ( yeah bad habbit) but I guess you just can't trust anyone theses days what a shame Andy griffith is probley rolling in his grave
  3. Ebbsspeed
    Joined: Nov 11, 2005
    Posts: 6,266


    I have a battery powered electric fencer that I used to use when I had a car worthy of showing. They are still available, won't kill, but may certainly piss some people off to the point that they throw a rock at your windshield. See below, less than $100, and it's damn fine entertainment if you hang around to watch. Since you have to drive a rod into the ground, it only works where you can park on the dirt/grass, so not a solution for a paved parking lot.
  4. psycho sean
    Joined: Aug 9, 2012
    Posts: 71

    psycho sean

    Hehehe I'm getting one this will be fun
  5. Nonstop
    Joined: Jun 18, 2012
    Posts: 176

    from CA

    Like a giant bug zapper!!!!! Should be fun!
  6. liljonny
    Joined: Aug 31, 2011
    Posts: 203

    from menifee,ca

    Getting one for my cooler of Pabst!!
  7. lostforawhile
    Joined: Mar 23, 2008
    Posts: 4,160


    mousetrap under the seat, yea i saw a mouse in my car,sorry about your fingers but why did you reach under the seat? get an old looking tool box, paint it or stripe it the way you want, bolt it through the floor in the trunk and put all valuables in it with a big padlock, they also make locking consoles for jeeps etc since they don't have secured storage
  8. wombat barf
    Joined: May 1, 2011
    Posts: 366

    wombat barf
    from oklahoma

    I think certain criminals target car show people - at least vintage car show people. A lot of us who are in the old car hobby tend to have the values of the older generation that trusted everyone until they were given a reason not to. There's a group of scum who understand this and count on it to prey on us.

    In the '80s I could park my unlocked Fairlane in the grocery store parking lot with a dollar bill on the dash and nothing would be disturbed when I got back. If I were to do that today the car, the dollar bill and the asphalt would all be gone. I hate that but it's the way of the world so now I lock up every one of my cars everywhere they are parked.
  9. tfeverfred
    Joined: Nov 11, 2006
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    Member Emeritus

    Sorry you got burned, but I would have had the doors closed and locked, unless I was where I could see it.

    Times have changed. Thieves don't give a shit about getting caught. They bond out and get back to work. I gess that's why I see the people sitting in lawn chairs behind thier car at outdoor shows. It's come to that and it sucks. Hell, I've seen people step over the velvet rope baracades at the Auto Rama!:eek: They do not care.
  10. Biscayner
    Joined: Jul 1, 2009
    Posts: 54

    from MN

    I had a really cool 66 Nova wagon at one time with factory disc brakes and the disc brake center caps on the rally wheels. One night I heard a popping noise outside my window and the caps were gone. I found out a year later my brother best friend swiped them. He had 2 options replace them or get the shit beat out of him. I got some new caps. People who steal stuff and trash cars at show just suck.

    At Car Craft this year there were a bunch of cars that got keyed. Glag I do not go there anymore.
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