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how many live in areas where you dont lock your car

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by classicdreamer, Apr 15, 2010.

  1. classicdreamer
    Joined: Nov 5, 2009
    Posts: 592

    from nyc
    1. A-D Truckers

    Just wondering where that is. I live in NYC. I havent locked my daily driver 1998 jetta since getting it 8 months ago. Just dont care. Today when I went to move my car, realized someone went into my car and took my change from my ashtray. I dont keep anything in the car at all.

    Eventually want to move somewhere safer.

    Not talking about rods and classics. Dailys, Beaters, what have you
  2. xsquiden
    Joined: Jul 20, 2009
    Posts: 112


    In the middle of nebraska with a town population of about 300 i dont even know if my door locks work i havent locked the house in a couple years and the garage door doesnt even have a lock plus im the crazy redneck that is shooting guns at my house all the time so im not to worried
  3. BuiltFerComfort
    Joined: Jan 24, 2007
    Posts: 1,619


    I had an old beater, figured no one would want it, wasn't religious about locking it. One weekday night, some idiot tried to crowbar the radio out of the dash - broke the radio, broke the dash, broke the heater controls. This was parked in suburbia, not the city. The radio was worth about $10 intact.

    Unless you live on a farm or ranch with a half-mile driveway, lock 'em up.
  4. R Frederick
    Joined: Mar 30, 2009
    Posts: 2,658

    R Frederick
    from illinois

    I live in a small neighborhood in the country. I'm too stubborn to be inconvenienced on my own property by locking my cars all the time. We have had some punks steal a stereo once. I put out motion lights, but still refuse to lock my cars up on my own property. I'd rather booby trap.

  5. Dan10
    Joined: Aug 14, 2007
    Posts: 386

    from Joplin

    I built a new house 8 years ago. The doors have never been locked. I do lock the doors on my daily after going to the liquor store though. That's my beer darn it.
  6. Moondog13
    Joined: Sep 7, 2006
    Posts: 768


    My fiancee and I just moved to Saint Augustine from Miami 8 months ago. In Miami I didn't have to worry about my door locks where I lived. It was an older neighborhood in a nice area. When we got up here to Saint Augustine we rented an apartment for 3 months, in a nice neighborhood. First week we were there someone tried to break in through the sliding glass door, as soon as we moved in to our new townhouse 3 months later the first week we were there someone broke into my truck and stole about $800 bucks worth of stuff also in a nice neighborhood. Yea, I lock my doors here...
  7. Nope, but then again I have nothing anybody would want...
  8. Yes and YES!. I live in a somewhat safe area, but just this week a high school guy came home for lunch and surprised some burglers, they shot him dead. Only 2 miles away. I lock everything.
  9. '54Caddy
    Joined: Sep 11, 2009
    Posts: 985


    The only time I lock my daily is when i go into the city. At home or work my truck is unlocked, hell the keys are usually on the transmission tunnel. My car is never locked, I dont even know if the locks work. Theres nothing in it to steal, unless they want a 1954 am radio
  10. JeffreyJames
    Joined: Jun 13, 2007
    Posts: 16,628

    from SUGAR CITY

    Lock my doors????/ I don't have any windows since it's been chopped so locking it won't do a thing hahaha!!!!
  11. 49ratfink
    Joined: Feb 8, 2004
    Posts: 18,864

    from California

    my neighbor had his old work van with nothing in it, so he left it unlocked all the time and the idiots still broke the wing window to get in only to find nothing there. you'd think they would try the door first before breaking a window.

    here in the SF Bay Area you need to lock your stuff if you live in suburbia.

    my brother lives in the Sierra foothills. his house is 120 years old and there are no locks on the doors at all and never have been. his barn is wide open on both ends. never locks his car, and leaves the key in the ignition, even when he ventures into town.

    someday I hope to escape the Bay Area. I'll probably lock my doors though. .
  12. Always lock mine - at home and on the road.
  13. I live on 3 arces in the boonies I sometimes lock the doors on the house ,but never close the windows. My shop has no doors. It has a blue heeler dog who thinks it is his. None of my cars lock,they all have hidden kill button.When I lived in NY we caught a guy taking a stero out of a car in the driveway we were in the garage 30' away.
  14. R Frederick
    Joined: Mar 30, 2009
    Posts: 2,658

    R Frederick
    from illinois

    So close, you could probably smell him.
  15. Tuxedo
    Joined: Dec 20, 2006
    Posts: 287


    I rarely locked my doors even on my house for the most part. HOWEVER... my truck has been "entered" twice in the past 2 years by some hoodlums. Fortunately, I had nothing inside it for them to steal so they moved on.

    As of the last incident (Easter), I lock everything.
  16. 55 buick
    Joined: Sep 16, 2006
    Posts: 15

    55 buick

    nope . I live in northern B.C. population of about 70,000. I leave my doors unlocked in my vehicles house and shop.iffin they want in,there just gonna break a window anyways, but I do have a big dog that will put a bunch of leak holes in a stranger comming in the house uninvited, so far I aint lost anything, and I aint seen any blood on the floor:D
  17. Zombie Hot Rod
    Joined: Oct 22, 2006
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    Zombie Hot Rod
    from New York

  18. Lild
    Joined: Feb 22, 2010
    Posts: 260


    We never locked our cars or house up until we moved last summer and there was a short string of robberies in the new neighborhood. Shouldve stayed in the old "shack":rolleyes:
  19. Donnda
    Joined: Dec 26, 2009
    Posts: 174


    I live in the boonies don't own a key to my house ! The cars sit out side with the keys in them. 6 dogs on patrol as well as 4 peacocks wandering around the 30 acre spread that are very protective.

  20. Marcy
    Joined: Apr 6, 2004
    Posts: 1,541


    Rural Texas---48 miles out of Austin, just about every car is unlocked and most have the keys in them!

  21. Malibob
    Joined: Feb 23, 2009
    Posts: 503

    from Pittsburgh

    I usually don't lock anything. Most people who steal shlt don't know how to drive a 3 on the tree!
    My daily is usually unlocked out of forgetfullness.

    OT but similarly- I remember a couple of months ago my wife left the garage door open (overnight) which means complete access to the toys, the house and us. When I woke up I found out. I was pissed but nothing was missing. Thank God! I told her about it and let her know to spend the extra 5 seconds to watch it close. I dont trust those garage doors anyways.
  22. Von Rigg Fink
    Joined: Jun 11, 2007
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    Von Rigg Fink
    from Garage

    didnt used to, didnt need to..but times have changed and every thing of mine is locked, and under watch, so far even when i didnt need to , never had any problems where im at, but im not going to let it happen once for it to wake me up to its possiblity

    Got a loud dog, cameras on hard Drives, motion sensors and secret alarms, and im armed and dangerous, Bring it on....feel lucky?

    read my sig line
    no one will ever miss you, or know you were here..because theifs dont tell where there going and i dont call 911
    Last edited: Apr 15, 2010
  23. davidwilson
    Joined: Oct 8, 2008
    Posts: 595

    from Tennessee

    in tennessee, we shoot 1st & ask questions later - if they survive, then the dog gets to play with them
  24. I lock my cars, doors, etc. A few years ago I got a very loud knock on the door at 3 in the morning. I grabbed my Tech 9 and opened the door. I quickly set it down when I saw the Orange PD officer on the other side. Seems my neighbor was awake watching a late night movie when he saw some guys cut through his yard. He looked out the window and saw them trying to open my 68 SS396 Elky and the wifes 86 F150. He woke up his brother the Santa Ana detective and then called Orange PD. He ran outside wearing swim trunks with his badge wallet sticking out of the waist band and his 9mm Glock drawn. He caught one of the scum bags just aw the cops pulled up. Apparently it was quite a scene as the guy in the swim trunks has the Mexican fella on the ground with a gun pointed at him. The neighbors dog caught the other guy - jumped over the wrong fence!
  25. Mr. Jaws, the "hound from hell" instills fear to anyone who would dare set foot on my property.
  26. JeffreyJames
    Joined: Jun 13, 2007
    Posts: 16,628

    from SUGAR CITY

    Nice save! Good for them fuckers.
  27. Kickstarter
    Joined: Mar 2, 2006
    Posts: 715

    from NC

    If your near Memphis, you better lock everything. They will steal stuff just for the sake of stealing here.
  28. I'm in NY in the 'burbs. After being ripped off in 2002, everything gets locked up like Fort Knox. My house is a little remote and was an easy target at the time of the robbery.

    Now I have everything alarmed and my dead bolts are longer than most, the pins go into machined steel pockets that are lagged into the door rough framing.

    I was living in the house for a short while and had someone go through both cars in the driveway, we keep nothing in them other than an insurance card and maybe some beach stuff.

    My evening ritual is to check the garage window and doors, even the tool boxes inside are locked up when not in use. I also check all the doors and do a perimeter check in nicer weather. Of course I check all the cars in the driveway to make sure they're locked.

  29. A few years back I went up to Woods Cross Utah to train some folks at our plant there. Walking through the supermarket parking lot, Ken says "stop for a second, hear anything?" I said NO and he said Exactly, no silly beeps from car alarms being set. Then he says, Take a look, most cars have the windows open. He further says "I'll bet you dinner that we will see at least one car with the keys in the ignition before we get to the front of the lot". I answer No Way!
    So we're eating dinner that I am paying for and he tells me that he not only doesn't have keys to his house, never has, but that with 6 kids that drive (good Mormon family) plus his and the wifes cars they always leave the keys in them. That way you don't have to find one of them to move a car to get out. He can either move it himself or just drive that car.
    Great place to raise a family!
  30. CoachCY
    Joined: Apr 15, 2010
    Posts: 5


    We live in Central Florida on East Coast... been here since 1963, never lock the house or the cars... but there is a sign in the yard (front and back) that says: "Forget the Dog! Beware of the Owner... and the VERY BIG GUN!" Haven't lost a thing including the change in the ashtray!

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