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Nice Auction NJ April 12th

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by FoMoCoPower, Apr 10, 2008.

  1. FoMoCoPower
    Joined: Feb 2, 2007
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  2. FoMoCoPower
    Joined: Feb 2, 2007
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  3. MIKE47
    Joined: Aug 19, 2005
    Posts: 987

    from new jersey

    We were all there today checking it out. I saw a few hambers there. Most as depressed about it as I was. I'm sure most of us will stay home tomorrow and be thankful we got as much good metal on our cars as we have. These things are pretty much gone. Maybe some stainless can be saved but that's about all. After seeing them I'm surprised they didn't sink deeper. I believe most will go to scrap. Even if someone buys for a few trim pieces, they will scrap the rest. Even the Vette looked like crap! I can't believe he let them go this far.
  4. What will the armored car for go for, that's cool.

  5. fuzzface
    Joined: Dec 7, 2006
    Posts: 1,685


    I'm curious about the caddie armor car too. If money wasn't tight this year I would go but I better not go and tempt myself. I have to finish my taxes anyways. But if some hambers go I would like to hear what it brings and if possible who buys it and where it goes. I might be freeing up some money in the near future, so I would like to follow this car. You never know. If I was positive about getting extra spending money this year, I would show up but the last time I thought I had something sold and brought another property the buyer never showed up at closing, never called. I had to borrow money from my parents to bail myself out. Never again, but with the economy the way it is, they don't have the extra scratch either anymore.

    Anyways I hope some Hambers show up and get some good deals.
  6. Psychobilly351w
    Joined: Feb 6, 2008
    Posts: 226

    from 732- NJ

    What a shame.. almost Everything is junk.
  7. like was said above its probably going to scrap. nothing worth spending good money on except maybe the vette (not real good money) no vin but its a 54? let us in there for the stainless and thats about it. but if anyone is into early t birds 58-60 i spied one on rt 519 north about the 5 1/4 mile stick on the right. i call it robins egg blue color sitting in a dilapidated wood garage/barn about 50-75ft off the road. pulled front in with one of those blue jersey plates but looking at the rear bumper chrome i think its just setting in there. good luck sat. i'm staying home warm and dry and work on the project.
  8. Tuxedo
    Joined: Dec 20, 2006
    Posts: 287


    In one of the other posts about this topic I had mentioned that I believe the '29 Caddy was advertised some time ago... possibly on craigslist. They were looking to get a ridiculous amount of money for it... something like $50k. Most likely, the prices for the rest were about as ridiculous which is why they are now scrap. An absolute shame.
  9. MIKE47
    Joined: Aug 19, 2005
    Posts: 987

    from new jersey

    50K? For the one? Must have been another one hiding somewhere that I didn't see! HAHA. More like 10K on the whole yard. By the time you pull 'em out of the mud and transport 'em, Pay the 10% (YES 10% BUYERS FEE), and scrap 'em you'd only make a decent profit. If you had the time and space to strip the few good parts off of each one you could do a bit better. Then sit in the house for a year trying to sell it all.
  10. 1931S/X
    Joined: Apr 5, 2007
    Posts: 667

    from nj

    the nomads are sad
  11. Psychobilly351w
    Joined: Feb 6, 2008
    Posts: 226

    from 732- NJ

    This really is a crying shame.. Im probly going tomarrow tho.
  12. Louie
    Joined: Mar 3, 2001
    Posts: 670

    from NJ

    Damn that stuff was rough.See you guys in the AM.
  13. Nitro Crewchief
    Joined: Mar 22, 2008
    Posts: 18

    Nitro Crewchief
    from Illinois

    Looks like they are very proud of the armored car and the Corvette. As stated above the Nomads are sad, I want a Nomad so bad and those are wasted. The 56 Convert might be worth a little if the top is worth saving, I've seen much worse on Erape go for good money. The go karts would be fun.
  14. MIKE47
    Joined: Aug 19, 2005
    Posts: 987

    from new jersey

    Just got back. here's the prices I wrote down. I left at car #39. Sawzall and flt-blk can update some more if they check in. They stayed.
    63 impala ss conv-$2800
    39 pontiac coupe-$1600
    65 impala ss conv.-$1200
    50 olds 2 dr w/ rocket motor-$1500
    62 impala ss conv-$1700
    41 ford coupe (the red one in the photos)-$1550
    41 ford p-up-$750-I think
    50 suburban thing-$1000
    rockne coupe with the tree in it-$750-i think
    37 ford coupe with hardly any lower body left $400- this one was actually falling apart as you shook it
    39 ford coupe- $2800
    Yellow 30-31 Model A coupe-$3100.

    IMHO..... All way over paid for. Especially the coupes. My car is worth 3x what I had it pegged for!! HAHAHA.
  15. UnIOnViLLEHauNT
    Joined: Jun 22, 2004
    Posts: 4,827


    All my cars are six figure cars. I count the two to the right of the decimal as figures. And most times the decimal itself as well. Maybe twice. :)
  16. Robert gilbert
    Joined: Dec 28, 2007
    Posts: 927

    Robert gilbert
    from boston

    Im glad i didnt go but i would have payed 3100 for that model a i think. Did anyone get a good look at it
  17. MIKE47
    Joined: Aug 19, 2005
    Posts: 987

    from new jersey

    Model A: Mustang II front end-done roughly, quarter elliptical or leaf rear. 70's SB Ford. Fiberglass hood, trunk lid and fenders. Wood firewall-rotted, wood dash and remnants of a black shag headliner. Bomber seats though. The rest of the body was shot except for the roof and that was only half good. Guide headlights were ok from the outside but I'm sure the inside bottoms looks like shit. Grille shell savable but the insert was rotted to nothing on the bottom of the bars, all the way across. Really I can't see it being worth more than $500 or so. I have no idea why it went so high. Maybe there was something I missed about it? If anyone know why it is special go ahead and tell us. I just think people are nuts. I should have stayed home and worked in the shop.
  18. mazdaslam
    Joined: Sep 9, 2004
    Posts: 2,524


    Model A for $3,100.
    56 Nomad $850.
    54 Corvette $6,100
    56 Chevy Convert. around $4,000
  19. mazdaslam
    Joined: Sep 9, 2004
    Posts: 2,524


    EVERYTHING was + 10% buyers penalty:eek:.
  20. MIKE47
    Joined: Aug 19, 2005
    Posts: 987

    from new jersey

    They called it a buyer's premium but I think you got it right with penalty
  21. sawzall
    Joined: Jul 15, 2002
    Posts: 4,726


    its a sad day when I come home empty handed..

    I'm especially sad tyler didn't get to pop his auction cherry and win that drag car..

    apparently JR made out with the scrappy at the end and got some good stuff.. everything else was wayyyy overpriced..

    with all the hambers in attendance we should of had a group shot..
  22. mazdaslam
    Joined: Sep 9, 2004
    Posts: 2,524


    Big block Nomad ,I think got $1,200 and the stock car went for $1,000.:eek:
  23. fuzzface
    Joined: Dec 7, 2006
    Posts: 1,685


    anyone see what the armor car went for and a brief description of the actual shape it was in. thanks
  24. mazdaslam
    Joined: Sep 9, 2004
    Posts: 2,524


    Armored car went for $19,500 and was in really good condition.
  25. Robert gilbert
    Joined: Dec 28, 2007
    Posts: 927

    Robert gilbert
    from boston

    wow glad i didnt go i was going to try for that car glad i stayed home and worked on my caddy
  26. MIKE47
    Joined: Aug 19, 2005
    Posts: 987

    from new jersey

    Auctioneer started by asking for $300 for it and the first guy to bid yelled out "2000!!". I almost fell over, good thing Sawzall caught me before I went face first into the 37 coupe. I would have fell right through it. HAHA. Kind of glad I still got all my $$$$ and it wasn't far away.
  27. PA Gas
    Joined: May 10, 2005
    Posts: 748

    PA Gas

    What about the fiberglass race car and the vette, how much $$$$
  28. sawzall
    Joined: Jul 15, 2002
    Posts: 4,726



    the bb nomad is headed to Delaware..

    I didn't think it went that high.. but at that point in the day I wasn't really paying attention anymore..


    great talking to you today..

    glad I could be of assistance..[​IMG]
  29. fatabone
    Joined: Nov 3, 2003
    Posts: 1,437


    That 56 Chevy convertable sold for $4400 my friend Tom bought it. The stuff was bringing some bid money and most was wasted but there were deals to be had. Now you guys need to learn to stay after the auction and talk to the friendly scrapper dudes. Dash inserts for forty bucks and and Olds air cleaner for twenty. Harry the scrapper will be there tomorrow and is giving some good deals on everything he's about to crush. Caddy engines and Lasalle trans can be bought cheap. All engines with trans $200 or how about a 49-50 Ford dash for $20. Harry was bidder #73 so if the number is on the car just yell for Harry and tell him what you want and he will gladly take your cash.

    Jeff I was looking for you guys but you baled too early!

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  30. fuzzface
    Joined: Dec 7, 2006
    Posts: 1,685


    Mazdaslam said the vette brought $6100. i told the wife just from the picture it would fetch $5500.00 so I was close.

    Just from the pictures without seeing it or them in person, I thought the Nomads went cheap. My dads buddy brought a farm with everything on it and had an auction. There was a '56 nomad over the hill buried to the frame with all bottom sides gone, full of bullet holes, no engine or tranny or glass. He was going to scrap it but me and the auctioneer told him to leave it and sell it. It brought $3750.00. My dads buddy told me he was glad we talked him out of scrapping it. He was thinking $75 is all it was worth. He knows guns but not cars. I admit, that was 5 years ago when the countries economy was in alot better shape and things seemed to sell better.

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