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'63 Fairlane Buildup - Input appreciated

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by TorchIndustries, Feb 20, 2008.

  1. Lil' Lance
    Joined: Nov 3, 2006
    Posts: 99

    Lil' Lance

    VERY NICE!!! that is the first 65 other than mine that ive seen with the same side mirror! although i see yours is mounted on the door. My mirror is mounted on the fender. i have yet to see another with it in the same location. keep us posted with anything new you decide to do!
  2. Turbo442
    Joined: Nov 27, 2005
    Posts: 702


    The car has an interesting bit of history. My Dad dragged it out of the Junkyard where it sat for about a year. Most of the engine was in the trunk. I was 10 at the time and just turned 35. Some parts were missing. It originally had a remote mirror from the factory. This mirror has been on it since he found the car. I don't know what it came off origianlly or if it was just an aftermarket accssy.

    Oh it was owned by a convict before being junked. After he got locked up he lost the car.
    A few years after getting it running the guy flags us down and starts telling us that's his old car. We think he is crazy until he starts telling us details about it.
    He bought it from the first or second owner who was an old Mexican guy who took good care of it.

    The con visited and hung out for a few hours reminiscing about his old car. Now we knew why the car would be followed by the cops so often, not so many turquoise Fairlanes around. It also explained all the hair beads under the seats, prior owner was black and had braided hair.

    Sorry for the thread jack...
    any updates?
  3. tpw35
    Joined: Feb 6, 2007
    Posts: 342


    Actually the original thunderbolts kept the shocktowers, they were notched for clearance. It was individuals who started removing them in the A F/X style cars.
  4. Scott_A_R
    Joined: Mar 24, 2008
    Posts: 46

    from Frisco, TX

    Any updates on the car?
  5. willowbilly3
    Joined: Jun 18, 2004
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    Member Emeritus
    from Sturgis

    I'm parting out a 2 door V8 stickshift car if there is anything you need.
  6. fairlanerodder62
    Joined: Mar 22, 2006
    Posts: 10

    from California

    That six three is going to be kick ass.
    I have a 62 500 which I've been driving as a daily for about 5 years now. Driving the hell out of it. Made it to Vegas 4 times (once barely), Calexico about 4 times.

    Sorry about the jerk in the picture, only one I have since my hardrive took a dump..

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