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Hot Rods The (mis) Adventures of a Compulsive Tinkerer

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by bchctybob, Apr 13, 2024.

  1. Hope whatever is going on isn't to serious
    bchctybob likes this.
  2. Black Panther
    Joined: Jan 6, 2010
    Posts: 2,192

    Black Panther
    from SoCal

    Bob....hope it all goes well.
    bchctybob likes this.
  3. Morning Bob, just caught up on this and am sorry to hear about your medical scare but you did the right thing or rather the wife did the right thing dragging you away from the tank install. You're in the best place right now so they can determine what is going on. Good luck today.
    SS327, bchctybob and loudbang like this.
  4. 427 sleeper
    Joined: Mar 8, 2017
    Posts: 2,979

    427 sleeper

    Let's just hope you don't need a valve job! ;)
    bchctybob likes this.
  5. How’s it going @bchctybob? Did they find the broken inner valve spring?
    bchctybob, SS327 and 427 sleeper like this.
  6. SS327
    Joined: Sep 11, 2017
    Posts: 2,769


    Wow that sucks! I had a few heart attacks at age 32. A couple of stints later and I’ve been going for the last 25 or so years.
    guthriesmith and bchctybob like this.
  7. bchctybob
    Joined: Sep 18, 2011
    Posts: 5,376


    I’m getting kicked loose as we speak, two stents and a stern lecture later. They invaded my groin in the process so I can’t lift anything over 5 lbs for 2-3 weeks. That’s gonna push any meaningful progress out just in time for the temperatures to start hitting high nineties to low hundreds. Dang. Oh well, beats the alternative outcome. Maybe I’ll just rest this week and use next week to catch up on visiting some friends that I haven’t visited in a while. Put some miles on the Stude and the wife’s Corvair and see what everyone’s been up to.
    Thanks for all the well wishes, it really helps in the scary times.
  8. SS327
    Joined: Sep 11, 2017
    Posts: 2,769


    Yea, for me the worst part was getting my groin shaved! :oops:
  9. 427 sleeper
    Joined: Mar 8, 2017
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    427 sleeper

    It's worse when it start's to grow back! :eek:

    Glad they got you fixed up Bob!!! Now heal up real good and get back to the important shit! :D:D:D
    enloe and bchctybob like this.
  10. AmishMike
    Joined: Mar 27, 2014
    Posts: 1,034


    Was so out of it did not notice being shaved & recover long enough did not notice grow back. Feel fine now
    SS327, enloe, bchctybob and 1 other person like this.
  11. bchctybob
    Joined: Sep 18, 2011
    Posts: 5,376


    I went out to the shop with the little bubble envelope from Speedway that came while I was gone and added some AN fittings to my selection.
    I took my smallest tape measure out and opened the trunk of the Austin to figure out how and in what orientation to mount the new fuel tank. I’m going to rotate it 180 and put a flip-up filler cap in the body panel above the tank.
    That puts the pickup in the back and the filler in the middle. I think I have a cap from a sixties Triumph around here somewhere but just in case, I bought a used cap off eBay cheap. Either one should look like something that the original builder might have used in the ‘64-66 timeframe. And it will be waaay easier to fill than it was. Here’s the eBay cap….
    Same as on my 1964 flatbottom.
    Progress, and I hardly lifted a finger. There is stuff you can do safely even if you’re benched.
    The rest of the evening was spent in my favorite chair with my feet up, watching Bosch.
    porkshop, Okie Pete, enloe and 6 others like this.
  12. Can't lift anything over 5 pounds, huh? Sounds like you'll have to sit down to pee for a while!
    Glad they got you figured out and replumbed. Best of luck on your recovery.
    pila38, enloe, bchctybob and 2 others like this.
  13. Glad to hear that you are on the mend. If you are like me, hard to follow the doctor's orders and not overdue it... Sounds like a good plan to catch up with some friends soon while you are recovering. We (or at least I) rarely take the time I should to just visit with friends. I always have way too many things I feel like I need to get done. That isn't always a good thing.
  14. Budget36
    Joined: Nov 29, 2014
    Posts: 13,526


    Well, if Bob has that problem, good on him. If my doctor told me the same thing I’d never have to consider sitting down.
    '28phonebooth, enloe and bchctybob like this.
  15. bchctybob
    Joined: Sep 18, 2011
    Posts: 5,376


    Exactly! I was good at following doctors orders for a while but drifted away. Turns out, that was a mistake. And I’ve been bad about taking the time to visit my friends, I really need to do better. Helping my sister take care of my Mom, plus regular family commitments left me with limited time to get after my projects and even less to go visiting. I used to carry an old long sleeve shirt with me so I could jump in and help a friend with his car and not ruin a good T shirt. Haven’t done that in a while…lol.
    porkshop, Okie Pete, enloe and 4 others like this.
  16. Gary Addcox
    Joined: Aug 28, 2009
    Posts: 2,556

    Gary Addcox

    Condolences to you from one who lost his "partner in crime" march 6. We cruised to El Mirage 3 times, LARS in '15, and CHRR once in our Deuce highboy roadster. It had wussy "extras" for crossing 4 deserts from Texas, but it was on our bucket list. She was with me with bells on anytime we traveled so it is just not the same without her. I was a lucky dude. I'll drain old gas from the rods and get my as back in the saddle. Good luck with your car lot !
    pila38, Chucky, rod1 and 1 other person like this.
  17. 34 5W Paul
    Joined: Mar 27, 2020
    Posts: 332

    34 5W Paul
    from Fresno CA

    Glad you are back at it Bob. Those stents are an amazing treatment. Much less invasive than the old proceedures. My Pa in law lived to 95 with a half dozen of those lengthening his life quite nicely. Sharp as a tack right up to the end, so you know his noggin' was getting good blood supply.
    Keep active, you are doing it right.

    P.S. - One odd little detail...the photo of you hauling the A coupe that found by a Nebraskan on social and posted up here...that little gem was taken right here in the dirty 'No. Had to look up the exit, #127 on Hwy 99.
    bchctybob and enloe like this.
  18. bchctybob
    Joined: Sep 18, 2011
    Posts: 5,376


    Hwy 99 has been my favorite north-south route since I was a kid riding with my folks. I’ve watched the “roadside attractions” change year after year. I miss The Big Orange the most. I tried taking the 5 when it was finished and everyone said it was faster, but there’s absolutely nothing to look at, 99 passes through towns and over Kings River, past Mefford Field, farms and ranches. There were some old cars and trucks in the back of shops, in storage facilities and in wrecking yards. From the highway you could even see hookers working the frontage road in Fresno. A real tour of California Americana. lol
    As long as I’m driving, I’ll take Hwy 99.
    Last edited: Jun 9, 2024
  19. Budget36
    Joined: Nov 29, 2014
    Posts: 13,526


    I recall the Big Orange stands here and there heading south as a young boy. None were still open, but still there.
    My folks used to stop at them when heading south way back when.
    Quite the treat when AC in cars wasn’t like is is today.
    bchctybob and X-cpe like this.
  20. We always run 99 on our way into San Jose. Lots to see for sure. One of our favorite stops is Kingsburg where the water tower looks like this. There is a bakery there that is just amazing. As for 5, ran it once and about all I can say is there is an in/out burger at one of the exits. That is about all I remember
  21. bchctybob
    Joined: Sep 18, 2011
    Posts: 5,376


    Pea Soup Anderson’s is out off of the 5. Great food but you paid dearly for it.
    I forgot to mention Castle AFB. It’s closed now but the museum is still open, it’s an amazing place. So much to see there for just a measly donation.
    I really feel for folks who live there in Atwater. I’ve been up here almost 15 years and Hwy 99 through Atwater is still screwed up. Years and years of construction and it’s never really gotten any better.
    Forestiere Underground Gardens is a fascinating place, a testament to a hard working Italian immigrant with a vivid imagination and an unbelievable work ethic.
    I watched an old farm just north of Madera. It was alive but a little run down when I first noticed it. What made me notice was the neat old Quonset building behind the house. Slowly the place decayed and eventually looked unoccupied. Then it was vandalized, then the Quonset building disappeared but the damaged house remained. Now it’s just flat dry dirt. Someone lived there and worked the land for years and now it’s reverted back to vacant land. Who were they? What happened to them?
    That’s the kind of story I think about as I navigate that cool old highway.
    porkshop, X-cpe, enloe and 3 others like this.
  22. bchctybob
    Joined: Sep 18, 2011
    Posts: 5,376


    I saw a segment on the Big Orange hamburger stands a few years back. I believe they moved the remaining, restorable one to Clovis. As kids on vacation, we always wanted to stop for a bottle of pop at the Big Orange. My Dad didn’t like to stop when we were on the road. But riding in a non-A/C station wagon in the middle of summer, he would usually have pity on us and stop. I stopped there years ago when it was abandoned, to take a picture of my ‘55 Ford wagon in front of the shell. A rag tag couple with a bunch of kids stopped for a bathroom break, peeing on the side of the building.
    I didn’t get my picture.
  23. Okie Pete
    Joined: Oct 29, 2008
    Posts: 5,127

    Okie Pete

    Hope Your continuing to heal up . Looking forward to reading more about Your adventures
    enloe and bchctybob like this.
  24. bchctybob
    Joined: Sep 18, 2011
    Posts: 5,376


    Kingsburg has several landmarks that I watch for along the way. The tower, the windmill style restaurants and the river itself. I usually move to the right lane so I can see if there’s water in the Kings River at Riverland Resort. That’s where all of the hot rod flatbottom ski boats used to assemble in the summer - like a car show on the water.
    In the old days there were great smorgasbord restaurants there, last time my buddy and I stopped, there was only one and it wasn’t open. I’ve always loved smorgasbords.
    SS327 and enloe like this.
  25. 34 5W Paul
    Joined: Mar 27, 2020
    Posts: 332

    34 5W Paul
    from Fresno CA

    Dang Bob, you are ringing up a bunch of old memories for me. Just joked about always wanting to run a Big Orange stand last week. Everyone looked at me like I was crazy. Not the right age/mentality. Spent my youth traveling the 99 in a non A/C station wagon ('62 390 Country Squire to be exact.) The rear facing third seat was the place for the 5th of 6 kids. Tons of sights to see. Friends in Marysville, family in Turlock, Bakersfield and Ontario. Hours and hours. Don't forget the oil derricks (spell that one) in Kern County, the always dry Kern River the old "ridge route" just innumerable little details.

    big orange.jpg
    porkshop, bchctybob and Budget36 like this.
  26. bchctybob
    Joined: Sep 18, 2011
    Posts: 5,376


    Our family truckster was a ‘63 Ford wagon, 352 with a Cruiso, Wimbledon white with a blue interior. Before that it was a ‘57 Buick Special wagon, always trouble. Yeah, great memories.
    porkshop likes this.
  27. bchctybob
    Joined: Sep 18, 2011
    Posts: 5,376


    A little update. With much of my family in town, I tried to fire up the Stude and drive it to my sisters for dinner. They haven’t seen it yet. I’m Weird Uncle Bob, long hair, rode Harleys, played in bands, never had kids of my own, always drives strange cars. My family never knows what kind of contraption I’ll drive up in. I give them all rides in my hot rods but none have caught the bug so far.
    No go. Turn the key and it just clicked. It acted like the battery was dead, so I put the charger on it. Later I tried again but still it just clicked. Dang.
    After testing the ignition switch, the neutral safety switch and the connections I figured it had to be the solenoid. I’m under “Doctors Orders” for another week but I just don’t like being without my parts chaser so I figured out the best way to jack it up without straining myself and carefully crawled under it on several layers of moving pads. I put spade connectors on the small wires so I don’t have to struggle with the S and R wires, just unplug ‘em. Two bolts and the starter was sitting on the torsion bar. I put a big pile of towels under it and let it drop. I pulled off the solenoid and found that the insulating spacers/washers on the big copper washer had broken up allowing the big copper washer fall out of place and not complete the contact between the battery cable and the starter terminal. Excellent. I have plenty of GM starter parts, I’m sure I have what I need to fix it.
    IMG_6021.jpeg IMG_6023.jpeg
    Note there’s nothing left to hold the big washer perpendicular to the rod. That’s debris from inside the solenoid on the workbench above….

    The contact will need reversing or dressing….

    There’s a candidate, lying on the floor with the other parts I salvaged from the lovely chrome starter that came on my red coupe and disassembled itself as soon as I pulled into my driveway. I have other, original GM bits stashed in this place somewhere.
    Enough borderline violations of Doctor’s Orders for today. I need to think of a way to get the starter back up in place without actually lifting it. I’m pretty sure the good doctor would consider lifting a 15 lb starter from an awkward position under a truck, straining. I’m hoping my little floor jack will do it.
  28. AmishMike
    Joined: Mar 27, 2014
    Posts: 1,034


    As old guy I suggest u relax & recover before pushing your luck.
    bchctybob and In_The_Pink like this.
  29. bchctybob
    Joined: Sep 18, 2011
    Posts: 5,376


    Oh yeah. I dug up the new parts and reassembled the solenoid, but it was 101 and windy out today so I pretty much just watched last weekends drag races, read old Car Craft and drank ice water.
  30. bchctybob
    Joined: Sep 18, 2011
    Posts: 5,376


    The starter, back together and ready for installation.
    74FF6B68-4F6A-4699-B39F-796BABA40D91.jpeg CC2A1DE5-6DAE-4F29-897D-AC3298268846.jpeg
    As long as it was up in the air, I took the opportunity to clean the front wheels and apply a good coat of wax.
    I smile every time I look at the chrome wheels with the Cal Custom Knock-offs. Thanks Black Panther….

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