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Hot Rods Everything is better in a hot rod

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by ironandsteele, May 21, 2024.

  1. ironandsteele
    Joined: Apr 25, 2006
    Posts: 5,940


    Thank you. Those bumpers are 1941 Ford. I kind of have a thing for them and they are part of the reason this car came to be mine at all. You can read about it here if you'd like:


    clem and Tim like this.
  2. Bandit Billy
    Joined: Sep 16, 2014
    Posts: 12,925

    Bandit Billy

    I used the same bumpers on my PU.
  3. The Pacific Ocean and PCH is a must in your lifetime and if you really enjoy driving an old car there's nothing better than doing the entire length of it in an "old bucket' a car that's a little rough around the edges so you can actually enjoy using it because Rock chips and dings go with cruising).
    Just bring a "disposable" harbor freight tool kit (AKA a cheap complete tool kit) a lot of gas money for California, Oregon and Washington's overpriced gas and just enjoy the scenery. There is a reason why everyone from Europe or Australia rents a car and they either Cruise route 66 or they Cruise PCH or both. PCH is amazing during the summer especially when you get south of The Frisco Bay and girl watching really makes you understand the Beach Boys song California girls lol.
    I haven't been up into Oregon and Washington since I was 19 or 20 years old along the coast, at the time my car was older than me but it wasn't exactly what I would call an old car by the hamb standards (1973) in 1998 it was a boat but anybody over 40 just looked at it like it was a used car back then.
    That being said it was one of the funnest trips that I've done. Its all about the adventure and it really isn't about the destination, I choose to drive wore out crap because it adds to the adventure and I generally have a rule when I am doing a cruising road trip of no chain restaurants (unless it's a legendary regional restaurant, then it's a must for example once you get into Southern California since you're in Iowa boy you will have to eat In & Out once with animal style fries) but generally eat at the local diners and it's pretty fun your classic car will bring people out of the woodwork that want to chew the fat I have learned everybody's friendlier when you drive an old car. In so Cal where I live I will Cruise the OC beaches pretty regularly, they are about an hour from me if there isn't traffic I don't think I've ever once went home irritable.
    Also on a side note if you are into fishing the ocean is a total different animal than fishing in a lake for a smallmouth bass or a catfish if you get to so cal catch a ½ day charter boat in June or July and try your hand at yellowtail fishing. Just amazing good time although I am getting off the subject so let me go back I highly highly highly recommend cruising an old car up and down PCH the entire length of it if you can afford it and have the time, if you got a chick you guys will have great memories that you will still be talking about 20, 30 or even 40 years from now.
    firstinsteele and lostn51 like this.
  4. Is iron and steele your page?
    I just clicked on the link. Bitchen page, it'll take me a few days to read through everything in my free time.
  5. Driver50x
    Joined: May 5, 2014
    Posts: 446



    That is exactly the kind of thing these old cars are great for. Sometimes my wife will cruise with me, but my dog is always up for it. I’m lucky to live 10 minutes from the Gulf of Mexico. I love getting some paw prints and sand in my car.

    I’ve seen the Pacific Coast Highway once. EVERERONE needs to visit that place. Pictures don’t do it justice. IMG_2038.jpeg
  6. ironandsteele
    Joined: Apr 25, 2006
    Posts: 5,940


    Yessir. Thank you. There is also a podcast if you care to check it out. Same content as the site, just read aloud and with some extra stuff each episode: The Iron and Steele podcast | Podcast on Spotify I posted weekly for a year and a half or so. Recently took a break for a couple of months but will be getting back to it shortly. Anyway, lots to binge there too. Thanks again.

  7. 34 5W Paul
    Joined: Mar 27, 2020
    Posts: 332

    34 5W Paul
    from Fresno CA

    I used to work for a fella from IA. He told the story that he was stuck in an ice storm somewhere in the Great Lakes area and his old colleague asked him to come to the Dirty 'No (Fresno) to run one of his companies. Once he landed the desert climate had him sold. He said he told his wife to pack up the kids and come out. We're a couple hours inland but I spent last weekend at the beach. Highly recommend cruising the Coast. My wife's friend lives in Carmel Highlands with an ocean view and it's epic. The Highway 1 traffic near Carmel can be jammed up, but it is awesome. Took this photo with my phone near Point Lobos National Reserve which is between Carmel and Carmel Highlands. If you could see it, that's Pebble Beach golf links off in the distance. IMG_5912.JPG
  8. Bandit Billy
    Joined: Sep 16, 2014
    Posts: 12,925

    Bandit Billy

    Ah Pebble. $550 a round. $650 after the 19th hole. Plus $100 for the caddy.
  9. The whole country has places like PCH that are worth driving on at least once and a hotrod or custom make it so much better.
    Driver50x and NoSurf like this.
  10. Almostdone
    Joined: Dec 19, 2019
    Posts: 916


    Yep, get out there and do it. Planning the trip to LARS as we speak…. The wife’s going this year.


    hfh, 67drake and Speccie like this.

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