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Projects Prefect / Willys /Kadett Gasser Build.

Discussion in 'Traditional Hot Rods' started by Mitchell Rish, Jan 6, 2015.

  1. Mitchell Rish
    Joined: Jun 10, 2007
    Posts: 1,962

    Mitchell Rish
    from Houston MS

    Well today didn't go as well. The pin in the hinge crumbled/ and the mandrel in the hinge press broke off. I chucked the mandrel up in the lathe but ran out of time. So I am down to one pin / as soon as I get the lather work done so I can get the hinge press back up I'll finish. If all else fails I'll drill it but to prefer not to. Think I will quick pin the trunk hinges also
    mad mikey and loudbang like this.
  2. Had the same thing happen, last door hinge pin on my coupe. Could not get it out to replace it, soaked it with lube for a day or two, and after a struggle and some loud bitching and yelling I got it out
    427 sleeper likes this.
  3. Mitchell Rish
    Joined: Jun 10, 2007
    Posts: 1,962

    Mitchell Rish
    from Houston MS

    Today didn’t go much better. Apparently my lathe selector switch decided to die. Until I get a switch it’s doa. So I’ll just get another grade 8 1/2 inch fine thread and try to drill the end for another mandrel. I hope. Lol IMG_1679.jpeg IMG_1679.jpeg
    loudbang likes this.
  4. Mike Colemire
    Joined: May 18, 2013
    Posts: 1,431

    Mike Colemire

    Holy crap, I'd hate to see what you did before you retired! Those are some nice builds but that Willys is a work of art.
    loudbang likes this.
  5. Mitchell Rish
    Joined: Jun 10, 2007
    Posts: 1,962

    Mitchell Rish
    from Houston MS

    Thanks for the kind words. Fact is that we are able to do what / where / when we do because of the collective group. We were once many( 10) - now down to 3. Wes is one of the few formally educated engineers that I've ever seen that could back up every thing he ever said or implied( as in he could actually do it NOT just talk about it ) . Micky like so many is self taught and built many a chassis ( SFI spec no less/ NHRA / IHRA/ dirt etc) and did it for a living for many years after running Bryan Foods Truck/ Motor Fleet for many years.( We have made more than one trip to Monroe LA to get Wesley Robinson to inspect a car - And he gets his fee wether you pass or not lol).
    I was in way over my head and we were usually just barely keeping a car on the track using everyone else's cast offs. We were just happy to be there.( A kid that didnt know how much we didnt know) but we were always entertaining according to Mike Franks and Bear Watts.
    The story of how I was Adopted by this group is a funny one. ( there is a decade between Mick and I / and damn near two between Wes and I ) The dirt track wars here in the south during the early years kinda set the stage. When it got to where you had to have a store bought car to compete we bailed. Mick , John L, and Wes were the last of the hold outs. We then went to the Drag Strip. That was even funnier at times. Its been a Journey. And I am thankful everyday for it ( even the bad shop days lol). Living the Dream so to speak. Build All You Can While You Can.
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2024
  6. Mitchell Rish
    Joined: Jun 10, 2007
    Posts: 1,962

    Mitchell Rish
    from Houston MS

    Ok success. Both on the prefect hinge and the lathe.
    Tried heating hinge and a new mandrel press on hinge. Still NO MOVE. So I simply used the cut off wheel and cut the pin. Then the fun began. Drilling the pin out of the door hinges went slow but steady. Small to large until I was able to drive the remains out. All good now. I was suprised to find brass shims.
    The lathe kinda gave a hint. Now I have to learn to read Chinese. So I can match the switch. Not a single number or label. Maybe Mac master Car/or Grainger - anyone recognize it? The switch literally came apart. IMG_1683.jpeg IMG_1684.jpeg IMG_1685.jpeg IMG_1686.jpeg IMG_1687.jpeg IMG_1688.jpeg IMG_1689.jpeg IMG_1690.jpeg IMG_1691.jpeg IMG_1692.jpeg IMG_1694.jpeg IMG_1693.jpeg IMG_1698.jpeg IMG_1701.jpeg
    mad mikey, swade41 and loudbang like this.
  7. Mitchell Rish
    Joined: Jun 10, 2007
    Posts: 1,962

    Mitchell Rish
    from Houston MS

    All I am going to say is the switch is back together and working /lathe is up and running. But this epoxy weld stuff is bad to the bone. I would have never dreamed it was this good. IMG_1714.jpeg
    enloe, mad mikey, loudbang and 2 others like this.
  8. Mitchell Rish
    Joined: Jun 10, 2007
    Posts: 1,962

    Mitchell Rish
    from Houston MS

    Decided to start working on the tilt body and interior changes for the Kadett. Wes came over and we actually removed the body and planned the tilt mechanisms and other issues. IMG_1856.jpeg IMG_1858.jpeg IMG_1859.jpeg IMG_1860.jpeg IMG_1862.jpeg IMG_1864.jpeg IMG_1865.jpeg
    enloe, loudbang, 427 sleeper and 3 others like this.
  9. Mitchell Rish
    Joined: Jun 10, 2007
    Posts: 1,962

    Mitchell Rish
    from Houston MS

    Ok. Have the body /rear tilt laid out and designed. It will allow me to use the rear bumper and body mount to line up until I have the cross bolt hole for the rod ends drilled ( will also mill out the bottom of the frame tubing so it can rotate a full 90 degree/vertical if needed).
    after that I can trim the frame ( 90 degree tabs ) and will leave that extra layer for wall thickness. The female heim ends ( 1/2) will bolt through the bumper plate /and body panel. It will line up perfectly /and be centered. The body lift mechanism will be an electric actuator. Have designed one before for a truck puller using an electric trailer jack. Used a z link to give enough travel.
    The body tilt on the puller ( full size ford pick up ) was at about 65 degree. I don’t think it will be an issue. And again this is the plan. We will see.
    IMG_1870.jpeg IMG_1872.jpeg IMG_1875.jpeg IMG_1877.jpeg
    enloe, loudbang, 427 sleeper and 3 others like this.
  10. Mitchell Rish
    Joined: Jun 10, 2007
    Posts: 1,962

    Mitchell Rish
    from Houston MS

    IMG_1879.jpeg IMG_1880.jpeg IMG_1881.jpeg IMG_1882.jpeg IMG_1884.jpeg Ok plan got changed. The female heim ends are thicker than the inside width of the tubing so they got changed to male. Lined up drilled holes and welded a nut on inside of bumper/body bracket. Dropped a plum Bob and figured the pivot angle and drilled. Pretty simple.
    The bumper will still bolt on the body panel but now the back panel/bumper will pivot as one. The outside tab was left on to be able to bolt bumper back to original frame base mount and guarantee that everything lined up. And it did. That out side tab will be cut off next session. That was simply the fastest way I knew to check if it was true and level.
    I will sand and radius all the bottom cut away edges and make the uniform later this week.
    Last edited: Feb 13, 2024
  11. Mitchell Rish
    Joined: Jun 10, 2007
    Posts: 1,962

    Mitchell Rish
    from Houston MS

    Spent some time on Prefect today. Got every one of the rear fender bolts to loosen and not strip out.
    This will allow me to literally take it apart and paint. Which is the next step. IMG_1934.jpeg IMG_1935.jpeg
    enloe, loudbang, 427 sleeper and 2 others like this.
  12. Mitchell Rish
    Joined: Jun 10, 2007
    Posts: 1,962

    Mitchell Rish
    from Houston MS

    It’s official. The Kadett is now a flip/tilt body. It will be a spring lock system so if it’s any one other than Wes you just use the doors like normal. IMG_1937.jpeg IMG_1943.jpeg IMG_1944.jpeg IMG_1945.jpeg
    enloe, loudbang, rod1 and 2 others like this.
  13. Mitchell Rish
    Joined: Jun 10, 2007
    Posts: 1,962

    Mitchell Rish
    from Houston MS

    Wes and I clearanced the front rocker supports so I can weld in the top side of the lower rocker support. It will literally drop into place like a knife lock. We also worked on an idea for the new injector system for the blown motor. I gotta get a few more coins or get ready to go to night school so I am not in over my head. My mill is 100 times more capable than the operator. IMG_1987.jpeg IMG_1988.jpeg
    enloe, loudbang, 427 sleeper and 2 others like this.
  14. Mitchell Rish
    Joined: Jun 10, 2007
    Posts: 1,962

    Mitchell Rish
    from Houston MS

    Back body braces cut and fitted. Need to do final welding and one more diagonal brace then start fitting rear wheel tubs / body latches. IMG_2096.jpeg IMG_2097.jpeg IMG_2098.jpeg
    enloe, loudbang and mad mikey like this.
  15. Mitchell Rish
    Joined: Jun 10, 2007
    Posts: 1,962

    Mitchell Rish
    from Houston MS

    Tabs /and cross braces for the rear of the tilt body tacked in. Nothing special to look at. Made all the difference in the world. IMG_2185.jpeg IMG_2184.jpeg IMG_2183.jpeg
  16. Mitchell Rish
    Joined: Jun 10, 2007
    Posts: 1,962

    Mitchell Rish
    from Houston MS

    IMG_2226.jpeg IMG_2228.jpeg IMG_2217.jpeg Cleaned the bottom edges of the inner rear panels up ( area where wheel tubs will go). Wes and I bent the tubing that will be spot welded inside so there is strength /yet not much weight. ( 1/2 X1/2 square tubbing). This being a tilt body ( rear qrter area must be stiff). I’ve got to get this finished so I can sand /clean up frame and finish welding.
    Removed tires and wheels for access. You begin to appreciate the true physical size of this combo. 15 X 15 sprints. IMG_2227.jpeg IMG_2225.jpeg IMG_2224.jpeg IMG_2223.jpeg IMG_2222.jpeg IMG_2220.jpeg IMG_2219.jpeg IMG_2218.jpeg IMG_2217.jpeg IMG_2229.jpeg
    enloe, mad mikey, loudbang and 2 others like this.
  17. enloe
    Joined: May 10, 2006
    Posts: 9,716

    from east , tn.

    Awesome thread and as with all of your other projects I am loving the Kadett
  18. Mitchell Rish
    Joined: Jun 10, 2007
    Posts: 1,962

    Mitchell Rish
    from Houston MS

    Thanks for the kind words. Been trying to get more done. Again my advice to anyone on the HAMB. Build all you can while you can time is precious. And even the Billionaires are learning you can’t BUY one single second back. Again build all you can while you can.
    rod1, loudbang and enloe like this.
  19. Mitchell Rish
    Joined: Jun 10, 2007
    Posts: 1,962

    Mitchell Rish
    from Houston MS

    May have found new driver. I ain’t as fast as I used to be. Maybe never was. Lol IMG_2379.jpeg IMG_2381.jpeg IMG_2383.png
  20. 427 sleeper
    Joined: Mar 8, 2017
    Posts: 2,979

    427 sleeper

    Yeah... Judging from the look in his eye's, He's already laid claim to it, and you're gonna play hell changing his mind! LOL!!! :D:D:D
    enloe and loudbang like this.
  21. Mitchell Rish
    Joined: Jun 10, 2007
    Posts: 1,962

    Mitchell Rish
    from Houston MS

    It was mentioned to me earlier to figure out how to put a rev limiter on a vertex. Like real soon.
    enloe likes this.
  22. Mitchell Rish
    Joined: Jun 10, 2007
    Posts: 1,962

    Mitchell Rish
    from Houston MS

    Got a chance to look at the last major issue on Prefect today. Like most fiberglass front caps is has a bow in the midline. I want it flat and level.
    Gonna make a truss out of aluminum Probobly .040-.060. Use the brake to make a 2 C channels and punch holes and flare them. Then rivet them together. Light and strong. Use a truss from the top side to pull into place ( flat -level ) rivet /bolt in place. Use either fiberglass /epoxy/or my favorite body seam / door skin adhesive. ( bottom truss will be permanent )
    After it sets release the top side truss /remove bolts /rivets and then fill in the holes.
    That’s the plan. Here is the starting point. IMG_2396.jpeg IMG_2397.jpeg IMG_2398.jpeg IMG_2399.jpeg IMG_2400.jpeg
    enloe and loudbang like this.
  23. Mitchell Rish
    Joined: Jun 10, 2007
    Posts: 1,962

    Mitchell Rish
    from Houston MS

    Kadett today. Finished the inner bracing for the rear quarters. Two other small tabs and that’s it. Take body and cap off and start laying the hand controls and seat /tracks for Wes. I know it doesn’t look like much but it got rid of all rear quarter flex and that’s what I wanted - also time to start the rear wheel tubs. Experience has taught us to mount the wheel tubs as high as practical . Better safe than sorry IMG_2406.jpeg IMG_2407.jpeg
    Last edited: Jun 2, 2024
    loudbang, rod1 and enloe like this.

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