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40 Ford P-up Build Thread

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by TomT, May 21, 2013.

  1. Bandit Billy
    Joined: Sep 16, 2014
    Posts: 12,925

    Bandit Billy

    Knowing what I know now I would have used a later car hood latch system on my PU like @X38 did on his sloper. It's clean, works better, more secure, easier to buy and easier to replace if it brakes than the original one I used. Live and learn. Good job on your fix.
    TomT likes this.
  2. Thanks for the kudos on the fix - after the run today I know itcworks!
    lothiandon1940 likes this.
  3. Went to the show today - left at 6:15 and 32 degrees. Temp gauge never went above 120-130 degrees - I guess I should have blocked off a part of the radiator - taking the road less travelled worked out pretty well. No runs, no hits, no errors as they say save for gas milage at around 12-13 mpg and my radiator shrouding loosening up again and rattling. Need to try and tune it better and install rivet nuts in the sheet metal surrounding the radiator.

    The truck was pretty well rec’d especially tge wide whites and caps ….
    Biggest thing was how well the truck ran and running temps going home in nearly 50 degree weather had the temperature in the more normal range, from 160 to 190 depending on speed, with the fan going on and off as it should. Cruising at 60 she was around 160 and at 70 with hard acceleration to get on the interstate for 7 miles she got up to around 190 but no more. More items added to my punch lust but a good day for sure ….
  4. It was a good day. Congratulations!
    Looks like a good turnout.
    TomT and lothiandon1940 like this.
  5. Gotta say - the truck has been running great. So good in fact I decided to put it up on stands to finish off my punch list of items yet to do.

    - fixed the horn
    - centered the steering wheel
    - Adjusted the bump stops do there’s no ps squeal
    when going full left or right
    - started adding the nutserts (name?) to the front
    rad sheetmetal wherever I find a looseness ….
    ….. and then I noticed a couple things:
    1- with front wheels off the ground I could not spin the front tires - they were locked although I did not have trouble braking.
    2- the rear shocks were at a funny angle - turns out they sheared off the frame at the upper mount

    With no room to work with and gas lines too close for welding driver side, I will have to drill two upper 1/2” holes for grade 8 upper shock mount bolts. It's tight but doable. Presently I am researching shocks - when I played around with helper springs, extra leaves and the angle of the driveshaft, I unknowingly changed rear shock travel too short for the length of the old shocks and eventually broke off the upper shock mounts. It never even occurred to me at the time….
    Yep - it’s a long sucker ….

    Anyway my present shock travel does not afford me a shock I can use - I am either too long or too short for a stock length, air shock or gas shock. I am in discussions to either lengthen my rear shock length by lowering the lower mount point to match a ready made length shock, be it an air shock or a gas filled shock with a added air bag on top of the rear leaf springs and under the frame rail. I will keep you posted ….

    The tight front disc brakes I have resolved at least on the driver side with some grease on the pins and back of the pads pads (which I neglected to do too well) and I am working on the passenger side.
    Other things still to do are:

    - front bumper(s)
    - front fog light
    - a cool front license plate mount

    These three items will start with a 37 front bumper(s) that I cut in half years ago for another project and a slice snd dice of both 40 and 37 front brackets which I may leave as 2 pieces or weld it back up, and with a license plate holder of sine sort - we’ll see what develops.

    - tranny lines

    - I need to bubble the ends of the lines off the tranny so my hoses stay put. So, while I am at it I will make the lines longer and easier to get at. To do this, I will have to drop the exhaust pipe on that side to get at the line fittings easier.

    - I need to seal the windshield gasket as it leaks like a sieve but I will say the wipers worked really well.

    - I swapped back to the radial tires (old picture) but with 40 standard center caps …
    I will get a pic as soon as we are out if the garage …..

    There are a couple of other things but nothing earth shattering save for the ac charging and checking on overheating.

    Chipping away at the last bits …..
    Mr.Norton, brEad, pprather and 4 others like this.
  6. Has there been any more updates?
    TomT likes this.
  7. I wish there were - I had the mesh fail on a hernia surgery from 2 years ago and had in early May surgery. I can't lift, pull, pick up, or do anything for 6 weeks - I finish my 4th week on Memorial day. So I have time yet.

    But the major part of my time is taking care of my Dad. He's 100 and was doing well up until about 3 weeks ago when his memory just went over the cliff. He's 4 blocks away and I had to take of his meds, food, get caretakers in place for during the day, take care of his bills, etc, etc - I virtually have no time for anything else. I am very fortunate that he had done so well for so long but it's now time for me to take over. I may have to farm out the last few things on the truck since I have no time so we can get it on the road for my wife to drive it before the snow flies again- well no snow maybe but cold weather - she needs to get some seat time and is anxious to do it. But she is as deep into my Dad;s care as I am. At times he does fine - at other times he is just tearing into us. I just keep trying to reassure him and we take him on as many outings as we can - if he's got wheels (now a wheel chair), he's happy going all over the place.

    Anyway, enough of my troubles - I will get back to it or have someone else do it - it will get back on the road and we'll take Dad for rides in it. I know he will enjoy that very much.
    brEad, Algoma56, pprather and 4 others like this.
  8. Bandit Billy
    Joined: Sep 16, 2014
    Posts: 12,925

    Bandit Billy

    @TomT wow, 100 years old. I think his memory deserves a break. My mom passed last year at 98 and she was getting pretty foggy that last year. We all should be so lucky to see so many years. Still miss her and my dad (2006). Enjoy your time with him, the truck will wait. You're a good son.
    Algoma56, loudbang, RAK and 2 others like this.
  9. May God bless you and your wife for taking care of your Daddy during this part of his long life.
    Hobbies seem to pale in their importance when family members need us.
    Stay strong!
  10. Hotroda, bandit billy - my wife and I thank you for your kind thoughts and prayers - it really means a lot to us. Thank you …..
  11. So sorry @TomT to read regarding your Dad's issues as well as your health concerns. Keep pushing forward. Maybe that's not the best choice of words! Listen to your Dr. and take care of yourself and your Dad as best you can. The truck will be there waiting.
    Algoma56 and TomT like this.
  12. Bless you for taking care of your Dad in his twilight time. My Mother-In-Law turned 96 in April, and although she still lives by herself and gets by pretty well, her eyesight is failing and she needs assistance quite often. We live 2,000 miles away, so our daughter who lives about 40 minutes away helps as much as she can. My wife travels there a few times each year to help the M-I-L too. My point is....spread the load as much as you can so no one (or two) person(s) gets overloaded to the point that patience disappears and tempers flare. Allow yourself (and your wife) some down-time, and don't worry.... the '40 will be waiting for you like a faithful old dog when you can get back to it.
    Good luck!
  13. Thank you and we appreciate your advice. We're spreading it as much as we can and we are starting to get some down time which is greatly needed .....
    '28phonebooth and lothiandon1940 like this.
  14. Hang in there with your father! Mine passed in April at 93 and I don't regret a moment spent taking care of him. It's a lot of work taking care of our parents, good on you and your wife for taking that on!
    Kelly Burns, TomT, loudbang and 2 others like this.
  15. Minor update - trying to work my way back into the garage for the little amount of time that I have. On one of my first test drives I was hit with a short, fast, heavy rain and ny front windshield leaked in the outer corners, center bar area, and from the top. The outer corner leaks are usually from where the glass goes into and under the gasket at the bottom causing water ti collect in that channel and leak to the inside. I picked up some clear sealer and pulling the rubber away from the glass, put sone sealer in there. For the center bar it’s always the rubber overlap that the cinch between the inner and outer pieces can’t seam to close off. I am running some clear sealer between the lips and silicone on the vertical edge. Top top leak is where the outer lip of the seal rests on the cab flange. The flange us wavy a bit and is allowing water to pass. I will pull away the lip, add black silicone, and then run an iuter bead ti “seal” the deal ….. IMG_8586.jpeg

    The tape will keep me honest regarding thst outer layer of silicone.

    Not much but it’s something …..
  16. Little more progress … driver side glass needs a good cleanup and some silicone on the center vertical rubber but it has been sealed (attempted sealing that is).
    Now on to the passenger side ….


    Progress is progress ….

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