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Projects Late 60’ Corvair steer box

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by Hot rod Ryan, May 24, 2024.

  1. Hot rod Ryan
    Joined: May 18, 2024
    Posts: 3

    Hot rod Ryan

    I have a 66 corvair front suspension I’m running under my 1940 chev. It has the stock steering box. I know I can reverse it with some work but can or has anyone ran just the factory box without reversing it? I’m trying to have the truck road worthy in 3ish months for Frankinmuth auto fest.
  2. Mr cheater
    Joined: Aug 18, 2010
    Posts: 615

    Mr cheater

    Why would you need to reverse it if you running the stock Corvair suspension. I have used one with a cross steer setup
    bchctybob, lumpy 63 and 2OLD2FAST like this.
  3. Glenn Thoreson
    Joined: Aug 13, 2010
    Posts: 1,009

    Glenn Thoreson
    from SW Wyoming

    I had the same question.
  4. Hot rod Ryan
    Joined: May 18, 2024
    Posts: 3

    Hot rod Ryan

    Ok thank you. I was just curious if anyone has done it. Just trying to figure it out, or if there was any tips
  5. Ebbsspeed
    Joined: Nov 11, 2005
    Posts: 6,288


    As said above, why would you need to reverse it if you have the Corvair front suspension under the truck? I'd be interested in knowing why you thought that. Pictures might help us understand.

    Tips? Take it apart, clean it, check sector shaft bushing for wear, replace if necessary, put in new seals, adjust, lube and run it.
    2OLD2FAST likes this.
  6. Mr48chev
    Joined: Dec 28, 2007
    Posts: 34,229


    The multitude of "WHY" is because the only damned reason you reverse a Corvair box is to turn it into a side steer box with a drag link running for/aft to the steering arm on a tube or I beam front axle. There is no other reason to reverse one.
  7. Hot rod Ryan
    Joined: May 18, 2024
    Posts: 3

    Hot rod Ryan

    Figured it out last night. The arm was flipped on the steering box. So I was looking at it backwards
    leon bee likes this.

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