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Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by 26 T Ford RPU, May 10, 2024.

  1. winduptoy
    Joined: Feb 19, 2013
    Posts: 3,436


    You have to rev the motor and do a clutch dump to burn out....
    wanna race?
  2. 19 years here. . All roads lead back to here. . I like the builds. This is my escape. . .
    Last edited: May 23, 2024
  3. Hi Dan,

    Yep....this is the place to be! I check in 1st thing in the morning when I am home & According to the stats, I have been here for 13 + years & have more than twice as many likes as posts, so I guess I fit in , but realistically when you show up, you are either someone who fits in or you are a SCUMBAG, it is easy to tell after just a few weeks & there ain't no getting around that!!!!:D

    God Bless
  4. fastcar1953
    Joined: Oct 23, 2009
    Posts: 3,719


    Damn @Lloyd's paint & glass has even made Notable members status.
    They should give him a free pass. :p:p Maybe not.
    I really like this place. A bunch of fun and knowledgeable people.
  5. Boneyard51
    Joined: Dec 10, 2017
    Posts: 6,480


    I never put my birthday, anywhere on the net! If it is required, I have an alternative date I use! I actually have a whole fake identity I use sometimes on the net. Just don’t want too much personal info floating around.

    Outback, clem and 26 T Ford RPU like this.
  6. gimpyshotrods
    Joined: May 20, 2009
    Posts: 23,488


    We all know that you are a 32-year-old woman from Rhode Island.
  7. gimpyshotrods
    Joined: May 20, 2009
    Posts: 23,488


    And why many more appreciate you!
  8. Boneyard51
    Joined: Dec 10, 2017
    Posts: 6,480


    You found me out! Wow! lol

  9. Cliff Ramsdell
    Joined: Dec 27, 2004
    Posts: 1,356

    Cliff Ramsdell

    While I don't check birthdays as the OP mentioned except when I spot a familiar avatar, I have been on here for almost 20 years and have picked up tons of info, made some friends and have seen some of them pass away.

    Cliff Ramsdell
  10. BrerHair
    Joined: Jan 30, 2007
    Posts: 5,022


    Thread has turned into a roll call, not that there's anything wrong with that.
    But I have often thought about OP's inquiry and I would submit that 30% is too high, I think it is closer to 5 to 10%.
    This ^^^ is closer to it, in my opinion.
    Of course, the CEO of Atomic Industry would know . . .
  11. Roothawg
    Joined: Mar 14, 2001
    Posts: 24,747


    What year was the official start date? Was it when you were at OU? Or before?
    Sancho, Sharpone and winduptoy like this.
  12. 1929rats
    Joined: Aug 18, 2006
    Posts: 672


    I try to check in once a day and at least read the daily feature on the JJ....also always looking at the classifieds.
    Sharpone and 26 T Ford RPU like this.
  13. 41 GMC K-18
    Joined: Jun 27, 2019
    Posts: 3,747

    41 GMC K-18

    I have been a member since 2019, so that makes me relatively new here.
    That being said, I like to contribute weekly on the (FAS) Friday Art Show.
    Thanks from Dennis.

    Speedball B-3 Nibb.JPG
  14. You are probably correct on both. But if you check the Birthdays on any day it is on average about 30% so that's my rational on that and yes, this thread has changed from an observation to a roll call or membership justification. Many posters here fail to read the Original Post hence the side track on the topic, but that's OK as it gives Members something to post about. ;):D JW
    BrerHair, Sharpone and firstinsteele like this.
  15. fuzzface
    Joined: Dec 7, 2006
    Posts: 1,709


    When I originally read the first post fast, anything about the birthday went right thru me but maybe it was probably because i don't celebrate them. I took the first post as they were pointing out that if you don't have an avatar picture, you don't hang out long here and i just put my .02 cents worth in if it is even worth that much anymore that i have been here 17 years without an avatar picture.
    26 T Ford RPU and Sharpone like this.
  16. hotrodjack33
    Joined: Aug 19, 2019
    Posts: 4,214


    You'll find Lloyd, myself, and a few others listed on the "Barely Tolerated" page.:eek:
    Last edited: May 28, 2024
  17. .... 69243114_2468339023381113_5755506169506430976_n.png
  18. alanp561
    Joined: Oct 1, 2017
    Posts: 4,732


    You and Lloyd, I'd consider you two as "Good Company";)
  19. When you read it fast you missed the word ''most''. :rolleyes::cool:JW
    hotrodjack33 likes this.
  20. Stogy
    Joined: Feb 10, 2007
    Posts: 26,406


    Active!!...I've been in and out of late but still very much enjoy every visit I have here and really enjoy the camaraderie...I will depart this planet and a part of my legacy will carry on here...crazy to imagine but it is a ongoing wave here...don't we know...

    Birthday's are an option on your profile...I really find the Daily Birthday section to help find some pretty cool stuff to share as well...
  21. Clearly you’re floundering. Hehe.
  22. Kelly Burns
    Joined: May 22, 2009
    Posts: 1,486

    Kelly Burns

    This thread made me look, I joined in May of 2009, huh!
    Sharpone and lothiandon1940 like this.
  23. big bird
    Joined: Feb 16, 2014
    Posts: 163

    big bird

    Been on (With this name) for 10 years. Didn't know about Birthday listings.
  24. Yip, my thread has defiantly moved away from the point i made in post #1!
    But carry on anyway.:D:D JW

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