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Back in the Family

Discussion in 'Off Topic Hot Rods & Customs' started by guthriesmith, May 6, 2024.

  1. So…kinda strange but not sure I have ever shared pics of this car anywhere online since this is the only forum I am on and it was OT for here. Anyway, in 1991 when I was 19, I decided to build a car for my younger brother for him to have when he turned 16. My dad had helped me build my first car but wasn’t necessarily up to another. I found this 68 Chevelle when I was living in Arlington, Texas my first year of college. I think I paid $1800 for it and drove it home. After two semesters of school in Texas, I moved back to Oklahoma where I started on the car. I tore it mostly apart and stripped all 5 previous paint jobs off in one evening using aircraft stripper and several buddies help. There may have been some beer and pizza involved as well.

    Once it was stripped, I did all the bodywork and paint with my limited skills as a 19 year old. I was a decent painter by then, but my bodywork skills weren’t the best which still show now on this car. Total investment building the car was about $5000 at the time and my brother had a cool high school car. He was living near Detroit then since my dad was transferred with GM so I wasn’t around him much. He really didn’t drive it much other than to shows or cruise nights while in high school. One show my brother was at, one of the editors from Hot Rod took notice of the car so it ended up with a small splash in that magazine (pretty cool for a high school kid even if the story wasn’t quite what happened).

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    When my folks moved back to Oklahoma, my brother came with them and brought the Chevelle back. I quickly helped him drain his savings account and we turned the car into a respectable street racer. I saw my shy little brother come out of his shell as we raced some of the guys on Street Outlaws back before that was a show. Anyway…we got older, traded the car back and forth a couple times between us and then got to the point of selling it out of the family 9 years ago. The deal was that my buddy I sold it to had to give me first shot buying it back if he ever decided to sell. Well, that happened at the end of last year and it is back. Time to ruin my grandson with it now. I have decided to get the 90’s off it and bought some slot mags and pulled the window tint off. The wheels aren’t on it yet, but hopefully in the next month since I entered it in the Midway Drags at Ark City and the Welds are too new for that race.

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    Recent pics…

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  2. Oh, and the beginnings of ruining the grandson.

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  3. Deuces
    Joined: Nov 3, 2009
    Posts: 24,337


    You know he's gonna want it when he turns 16, right?...:cool:
  4. SS327
    Joined: Sep 11, 2017
    Posts: 2,767


    What better way to screw him up?
  5. Cool car with a great story!
    enloe, Dick Stevens, Deuces and 4 others like this.
  6. lumpy 63
    Joined: Aug 2, 2010
    Posts: 2,699

    lumpy 63

  7. Really cool ride and even better story! Thanks for sharing.
  8. Gahrajmahal
    Joined: Oct 14, 2008
    Posts: 513


    Glad you got it back
    Sharpone and guthriesmith like this.
  9. This may or may not be my car in this video…:rolleyes:

    Last edited: May 19, 2024
    Sancho, alanp561, Deuces and 7 others like this.
  10. RodStRace
    Joined: Dec 7, 2007
    Posts: 4,385


    Plausible deniability!
    Deuces, bchctybob and guthriesmith like this.
  11. Ohhhh those slots are gonna look killer in there
    Deuces and guthriesmith like this.
  12. bchctybob
    Joined: Sep 18, 2011
    Posts: 5,373


    So cool that you got it back to influence another generation, and have a great time doing it.
    guthriesmith likes this.
  13. Pics with the slots?
    guthriesmith likes this.
  14. I wish…still don’t have them on it. :(
  15. guthriesmith and Deuces like this.
  16. Yep. Just something so familiar about this one even as much as I like older stuff now. This car makes me feel 20 again when I take it for a drive. :cool:

    Now…getting in and out of the racing seats reminds me how old I really am though. :rolleyes:

    Last night, I was trying to figure out why it was acting like it was running out of gas. I pulled the little inline fuel filter apart and the screen had what appears to be some of the sponge-type material that is inside the fuel cell trying to plug it up. :mad: That was just another reminder how much I don’t like that my buddy put a fuel cell in the trunk. I really need to build a bigger fuel tank anyway to mount back underneath so I can go farther and have my trunk back.
    Deuces likes this.
  17. Pav8427
    Joined: Jul 30, 2021
    Posts: 161


    Strange how I cant remember what I did yesterday, but I remember the pic in the Hot Rod article.
    And if I took the time could probably remember the issue and may even be able to find the copy and know what box I have it in.
    Great story.
    With the grandson, its a proven fact now.
    You are and Influencer.
    Deuces and guthriesmith like this.
  18. Lol...that's too funny. I didn't figure anyone would remember the Hot Rod article. For reference, this is the magazine. I would guess that more of us remember the cover... :rolleyes::D

    Deuces and loudbang like this.
  19. Pav8427
    Joined: Jul 30, 2021
    Posts: 161


    Yup. In that Special box.
    Deuces and guthriesmith like this.
  20. This is the engine that I am trying to get bought to put in the car. I would lose the injection and likely just put two Holley’s on it, but otherwise I would plan to run it somewhat as-is. Well, other than the zoomies that obviously wouldn’t go on it either.


    And, the flat hood that I bought from Roothawg’s dad since I wouldn't cut up the SS hood.

    Dan Hay, Deuces and loudbang like this.
  21. SS327
    Joined: Sep 11, 2017
    Posts: 2,767


    Why not the zoomies too? Just make the whole in the hood a little bigger.
    Deuces and guthriesmith like this.
  22. More details on the car. It has had racing seats in it since I built the car in the early 90’s. I threw the original bench seat in a dumpster… :eek: Anyway, when I sold it to my buddy a few years back, he changed the rear suspension to ladder bars and coil overs, added a roll bar, and put a fuel cell in it. I’m not too keen on the fuel cell deal between having to fill it in the trunk, no gas gauge, and only 10 gallons capacity. So, I need to design a fuel tank that will go back up where it belongs and hold more fuel…and a sending unit. I also need to pull the engine sometime and go through it to look everything over and seal it up. My buddy ran the one out of oil that I had built and blew it up. So, he bought a rotating assembly to make the 350 a 383 and just re-used the block, heads, etc. Anyway, I am slowly working my way through the car to fix some things that it needs. One other thing on the list is to clean up the mess of wiring, etc. in the engine compartment. The pic was when I got it back and isn’t much different today other than I have washed it off and sealed up the leaky valve covers.

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    Deuces and SS327 like this.
  23. I like this car.
    Then you hooked me with slot mags!!
    I've had that Hot Rod magazine. I think I still do.
    Deuces and guthriesmith like this.
  24. That would be nice Phil, but some of the structure for the coilovers and ladder bars is in the way for an original tank.
    Last edited: May 29, 2024
    pprather likes this.
  25. Another family pic from a time that we actually didn't own the car but the owner let my brother drive it to a local car gathering. This is my brother and his wife. My brother took his wife to the senior prom in this car back when they were in high school and before they were married. Oh, and that is me in the background half cut off and my oldest son that also grew up in this car. These are other reasons it is nice to have the car back in the family. :) Also reminds me that I sort of miss driving that 60 Thunderbird as a daily. It was much cooler than the beater 99 F150 I drive back and forth to work now. :(

    Deuces and TrailerTrashToo like this.
  26. Picked up my back wheels yesterday down in Texas. Now, I just need to dismount all 4 tires, polish the wheels, and get them on the car. My goal was to get all that done before this weekend for the Midway Drags…but, life happened and I’m not going to make it. :(

    Deuces and SS327 like this.
  27. my tape measure out yesterday afternoon to verify the backspacing and width of the wheels I just picked up Monday. Seems the reason things are bigger in Texas is because they can't use a tape measure down there... :mad: My supposed 15x8 with 4-1/2" backspacing are actually 15x7 with 3-1/2" backspacing... So, I guess I am still on the hunt for some rear wheels. :(

    This frustrates me in a couple ways... First, that the guy either lied or guessed about the specs even when I asked him to verify them. And, second, that I was stupid enough to not measure them for myself before I loaded them up and took them home. :confused: The only thing that keeps me from being even more frustrated is that I can likely get my money back since I didn't pay much.
    SS327 likes this.
  28. Trust, but verify!
    guthriesmith likes this.

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