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The Official Power Hammer, Pullmax, Yoder, Helve, Planishing Hammer... Thread !

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by BAILEIGH INC, Mar 1, 2012.

  1. heyitsnate
    Joined: Apr 8, 2004
    Posts: 1,750


    I’m still building planishing hammers. Over the last few years I’ve really started to get the tuning dialed, these are the last few type ones I will make . Now I’m focused on a different design of my own .

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    Sculptive Design Co. and chrisp like this.
  2. Sculptive Design Co.
    Joined: Jul 23, 2018
    Posts: 80

    Sculptive Design Co.

    @heyitsnate Nate, do you have more information on how to build your own machine? Any places to direct me to? Thanks, André
  3. heyitsnate
    Joined: Apr 8, 2004
    Posts: 1,750


    I just got really interested in the cp style hammers so I started researching them , searching the internet and collecting information. The first few I made were just ok, it took me a while to figure stuff out but I did. I’d say just start digging into the web and searching . If you want a cp style, Michigan pneumatic sells the actual motors
    Sculptive Design Co. likes this.
  4. Sculptive Design Co.
    Joined: Jul 23, 2018
    Posts: 80

    Sculptive Design Co.

    Awesome, I follow you on instagram and seeing your 32 and you hammer builds are awesome. What would be the part # on the Michigan Pneumatic hammer. I looked on there site and they have a overwhelming amount of tools to choose from lol. Thanks again for all your help.
  5. heyitsnate
    Joined: Apr 8, 2004
    Posts: 1,750


    Depends what type of motor. Dm me on instagram and I’ll get you pointed in the right direction!
  6. Adriatic Machine
    Joined: Jan 26, 2008
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    Adriatic Machine

  7. Boxcar's 1928
    Joined: Aug 30, 2011
    Posts: 771

    Boxcar's 1928

    Here's my newest shop addition. It was a home built job by a retired tool maker. Pretty interesting to speak with him on it and it's design evolution. I've got some plans for it as well that could use some group idea sharing. More to follow on my YouTube channel Boxcar's Garage. 20230529_195729.jpg
    rod1 and Adriatic Machine like this.
  8. Imperial Kustom
    Joined: Dec 20, 2007
    Posts: 293

    Imperial Kustom

  9. The37Kid
    Joined: Apr 30, 2004
    Posts: 31,149


    Can we see some photos of hood louvers done on a Pullmax and a total of the hours spent? Thanks. Bob
  10. patsurf
    Joined: Jan 18, 2018
    Posts: 1,103


    didn't know they made that big a throat!
  11. Adriatic Machine
    Joined: Jan 26, 2008
    Posts: 559

    Adriatic Machine

    She’s a biggun
    Imperial Kustom likes this.
  12. Imperial Kustom
    Joined: Dec 20, 2007
    Posts: 293

    Imperial Kustom

    It's so handy for large panels like bed floors. Only gotta clamp 'em in once and go!

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