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Hot Rods Silver or chrome front dropped axles

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by nochop, Apr 27, 2024.

  1. BamaMav
    Joined: Jun 19, 2011
    Posts: 6,871

    from Berry, AL

    If I were building an axle car, it would be black on all the suspension and axle. Only shiny stuff would be the wheels, the valve covers, the intake and air breather. In other words, stuff that was fairly easy to clean could be chrome, everything else, painted. My stuff is drivers, I’m too damn old to lay on my back in the dirt polishing a chrome axle for a trailer queen! They sure look good, but I’d wager don’t drive a bit better than a painted axle!
    1929rats, Cosmo49, nunattax and 2 others like this.
  2. Kelly Burns
    Joined: May 22, 2009
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    Kelly Burns

    I prefer a chrome I-beam, without the center smoothed, but still chromed.
  3. Kelly Burns
    Joined: May 22, 2009
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    Kelly Burns

  4. ClarkH
    Joined: Jul 21, 2010
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    That's especially ironic on a Mexican blanket, the period work-around for those who couldn't afford a fresh interior. Given a choice between chromed suspension or new interior, I'd have to go for the new interior.
    57Fury440 and Kelly Burns like this.
  5. Dreddybear
    Joined: Mar 31, 2007
    Posts: 6,094


    Chrome is ALWAYS a good idea.
    RICH B, rod1, Just Gary and 2 others like this.
  6. nochop
    Joined: Nov 13, 2005
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    from norcal

    Sez the guy with a gold rocket with a chrome axel ;)
  7. choppedtudor
    Joined: Nov 28, 2009
    Posts: 723


    Had mine chromed back in 1984, still holding up well.

    Attached Files:

    Kelly Burns and bchctybob like this.
  8. nochop
    Joined: Nov 13, 2005
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    from norcal

    73734213154__8616201C-3302-4FB7-A158-78AF0FF0112A.jpeg Broke it down. Sent it out, using prismatic powder. IMG_6671.jpeg IMG_6676.jpeg IMG_6673.jpeg
  9. Hope it gets back soon, so we can see how it looks.
  10. nochop
    Joined: Nov 13, 2005
    Posts: 3,924

    from norcal

  11. nochop
    Joined: Nov 13, 2005
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    from norcal

    IMG_6686.jpeg IMG_6688.jpeg IMG_6683.jpeg Back from the coaters IMG_6687.jpeg IMG_6685.jpeg IMG_6684.jpeg
  12. That looks good.
    Thanks for the photos.
  13. Mine is white, matches the 1959 olds-pontiac 9.3 rear. WIN_20210403_16_03_34_Pro.jpg
  14. That's the same powdercoat I used on my footstool and front Eelco tank bracket, I really like the way it looks.

    20220922_170204.jpg 20231019_194513.jpg
  15. nochop
    Joined: Nov 13, 2005
    Posts: 3,924

    from norcal

    Interesting factoid. When the clear coat was applied the thicker parts came out too dark. Neither me or my powder coat guy read the “fine” print from Prismatic. We did re coat without clear
  16. Mine is without clear
    nochop likes this.
  17. deathrowdave
    Joined: May 27, 2014
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    from NKy

    I have noticed the clear seemed to change the color to a grayish when added
    nochop likes this.
  18. nochop
    Joined: Nov 13, 2005
    Posts: 3,924

    from norcal

    The backing plates have clear on them
    swade41 likes this.
  19. It appears to be a done deal. My question was going to be around the finish of other items- bumper, or no bumper, headlights and headlight bar, liscence plate-tag- surround, hood hardware- that are in the front of the car. Your car is nice, nothing will likely mess it up.
  20. nochop
    Joined: Nov 13, 2005
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    from norcal

    All the usual body bright work will be polished stainless or chrome. I’m going to get a repop bumper but I’m not sure if I’ll run it, it will be nice to have one just in case. As a side note, I knew going in that powder coat isn’t a substitute for chrome.
    mad mikey likes this.
  21. Budget36
    Joined: Nov 29, 2014
    Posts: 13,525


    pprather, mad mikey and nochop like this.
  22. Good to have options.
    mad mikey and nochop like this.
  23. dana barlow
    Joined: May 30, 2006
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    dana barlow
    from Miami Fla.
    1. Y-blocks

    Shortly after building my 28, I painted axle silver n over spryed with clear in 60,redid it a few times. Here we are in 2024,been about 17 years,still looks good I think.. Iuse a 48 axle,I've always liked it,for the spring forward and stock factory 3 in. drop. design..:D:cool: 4716667_orig.jpg
    Hotrodmyk, mad mikey and nochop like this.
  24. willysguy
    Joined: Oct 2, 2007
    Posts: 1,225

    from Canada

    I had my drilled & filled Superbell powdercoat chromed. The shocks are real chrome. Like others have stated for how much you actually see on a fendered car? Poster.jpg
    dana barlow, Hotrodmyk and nochop like this.
  25. 1971BB427
    Joined: Mar 6, 2010
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    from Oregon

    Both of my cars have painted axles, but I'd be happy with chrome if I wasn't such a tightwad. Chrome is much easier to keep clean than paint. I used mag wheel paint on both of mine, and one has 13 years on it now, and still looks good. I do clean it well once a year to get road grime off.
    nochop and dana barlow like this.
  26. nobby
    Joined: Jan 8, 2006
    Posts: 1,240


    has anyone done a front axle with the fake stainless gloss black under silver trick
    nochop likes this.
  27. nochop
    Joined: Nov 13, 2005
    Posts: 3,924

    from norcal

  28. CA. 280
    Joined: Jan 8, 2010
    Posts: 273

    CA. 280

    Just to show a product, these were done with Cerakote 10 years ago.
    Wish I had known how well they would turn out I would have removed
    all the flashing, part #'s, etc. 000_0001-2.jpg and smoothed the surfaces. Like they say, preparation
    is everything. It also comes in numerous colors.
    Budget36, Bandit Billy and nochop like this.
  29. nochop
    Joined: Nov 13, 2005
    Posts: 3,924

    from norcal

    Don’t you hate that…..doh….I did minimal prep on my crap too
  30. My Willys gasser had to be chromed. As did my Ed Roth Mysterion reproduction. On the Mysterion, I found an authentic Dago dropped axle. It had to be filled so I tried welding in 1/8" plates. What a mess. The weld kept hair-line cracking no matter what I did. After about 3 days chasing cracks, I got rid of the thin plates and welded in 1/4" plates. Worked like a champ!
    D3-4 front.jpg

    Mysterion axle

    Real vintage Dago axle! Great find.
    suspension dropped Axle end.jpg

    Patterns to make filler plates.
    suspension boxing axle 3.JPG

    I took this photo at the Galpin Auto Museum in Los Angeles of Dave Shuten's Mysterion reproduction axle. I took the photo because it shows he had the same cracking problem I did by using thin filler plates in making a 'solid' axle. Needs thicker plates.

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