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Projects 1st set of rockers

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by OZCAST, May 21, 2024.

    Joined: Oct 12, 2020
    Posts: 216


    Ok, here we go. Car needs rockers. Never done a set, but was lucky enough to score a set of NOS from the mid 60s. Seem to fit really well. I know the metal thats in the car is trashed and needs to come out...Still, cutting a 4 foot section out of my car is giving me a the butterflies a bit. Also, knowing that the new rockers I have are probably the last set on earth doesn't help. I'll post a pick when it's done.
    Car is a '50 buick 2 door sedanette. Love this car, so it's gotta get the justice it's due and get back on the road.

    Sent me good vibes. Surgery is tomorrow. Quick question, what do you spray on the back to prevent rust?


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    SS327, Sharpone and Tim like this.
  2. 19Eddy30
    Joined: Mar 27, 2011
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    from VA

    Gibbs or weld threw primer ?
    Sharpone, Tim, OZCAST and 1 other person like this.
  3. alchemy
    Joined: Sep 27, 2002
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    Weld thru primer.
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  4. 2OLD2FAST
    Joined: Feb 3, 2010
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    from illinois

    Local Ziebart guy does a great job on installed new metal , not horribly expensive either .
    vtx1800, Sharpone and OZCAST like this.
  5. squirrel
    Joined: Sep 23, 2004
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    Is there an inner panel that also has rust holes in it, that you'll need to fabricate?
    Sharpone likes this.
  6. ekimneirbo
    Joined: Apr 29, 2017
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    Yes, like Jim said.......^^^^^^^^ You may also need to place some support under the floor before cutting a long section out. Maybe a long 4x4 lightly pushed up but not lifting. I'd also only cut out one side at a time and fix it before doing the other side.
    Sharpone likes this.
    Joined: Oct 12, 2020
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    I have inner rockers I bought just incase. Looking at it, I'll need to do one side, probably just do both.
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    Joined: Oct 12, 2020
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    Yes, I agree. One side at a time. I will have to support the floor, yes. One side for sure needs an inner rocker
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    Joined: Oct 12, 2020
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    I'll have to pop the spot welds off of all the body mounts to the inner rockers. I'm thinking of tacking a piece of square stock on the top of the floor, running the entire length of the floor, then supporting it by tacking another piece of square to the A pillar and B pillar so it doesn't sag. That sound like it will work?
    Sharpone likes this.
  10. alchemy
    Joined: Sep 27, 2002
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    No such thing as too much bracing, as long as you can reach what you need to cut and weld. Triangulate the braces for even more support.
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  11. OZCAST
    Joined: Oct 12, 2020
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  12. OZCAST
    Joined: Oct 12, 2020
    Posts: 216


    Procedure help. Need to replace the back floor section. Need to replace inner rockers. If I cut out the floor and rockers the body mounts hang free. Here's what I'm thinking, tell me if I'm off base.

    Take square stock and brace the 4 body mounts together so they can't shift when I drill the spot welds.
    Drill all the spot welds, get the inner rocker out.
    Looking at the floor in 4 sections, Make and replace the rear 1/4 of the floor on this side.
    Slide in new inner rocker, spot weld it all together.
    I'm thinking by sectioning it all in 1/4's things shouldn't move around.
    If this the way?

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    Last edited: May 22, 2024
  13. IMG_9371.jpeg Hit that full image thingy. We can help ya better
  14. ekimneirbo
    Joined: Apr 29, 2017
    Posts: 4,409


    You are probably already aware of it, but the main concern is keeping the shape of the door opening from changing any. Removing the door and its attendant weight and then putting an X brace between the A & B pillars should keep it from moving. I would tack the x brace together where it crosses. Just two tacks that can be easily removed and then rewelded on the other side of the car. Welding a flat brace on the floor should also can't hurt. On the x brace, I think I would also add a longitudinal brace between the bottom legs as that's where most of the force to spread the opening will be. It doesn't have to be all the way at the bottom and be in the way, maybe just a little above the rocker so you can get to it to weld.
    SS327 and vtx1800 like this.
  15. OZCAST
    Joined: Oct 12, 2020
    Posts: 216


    thanks,always wondered how you did that 20240522_202656.jpg 20240522_202646.jpg 20240522_202638.jpg
    loudbang and anthony myrick like this.
  16. vtx1800
    Joined: Oct 4, 2009
    Posts: 1,736


    I will not say that my technique is the best but it did work. I X braced at the A pillar and B Pillars...looking at the pictures now a brace near the floor from the A and B Pillar may have been a wise move, I probably got lucky?? I replaced not only the rockers but the floor and the A Pillar support....with the door still mounted I was able to watch my gaps though. Just remembered....I ended up running a adjustable strap from the upper B Pillar to the lower A Pillar to pull the A Pillar into place. IMG_0963.JPG
  17. Body mounted the the chassis. The chassis sitting with the weight on the suspension.
    car supported under springs.
    Align the doors as best as you can. A simple brace between the inner qtr to the cowl will keep the body square when the inner rocker is removed. I don’t brace anything if only replacing the outer. I only cross brace if large portions of the floor is removed or significant work for A, B and C pillars.
    The chassis, if sitting square and level is your best jig to hold the body.
    carefully discect each piece that you will need to fabricate. Use them to make patterns. Lots of info for that is in the link I posted.
    I’d leave the door on as much as possible checking fit and how it shuts as progress goes forward. These old cars can have crappy gaps. Note any poor gap issues. My 56 has typical tri5 gaps. I was able to get some a little better while replacing parts but not a lot.
    loudbang likes this.
  18. vtx1800
    Joined: Oct 4, 2009
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    Here is an "after" shot IMG_1182.JPG
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  19. OZCAST
    Joined: Oct 12, 2020
    Posts: 216


    I can't put the body on the chassis. There's a 4 door on the chassis I'm using for this car. Luckily I don't need to cut any floor out on the front 2/3 of the car. The bad floor is behind the rear quarter panels. Braced the floor to the A and B pillars really well before I cut the rocker. I think I'll cut the floor before removing the inner rocker, get that all fit and in, then tackle the rocker. I'll brace the body mounts as well.
  20. I have fit the inner and outer.
    Weld the inner, tackle the floor then weld the outer last after all the weight is on the car naturally with bracing removed
    loudbang, SS327 and OZCAST like this.
  21. OZCAST
    Joined: Oct 12, 2020
    Posts: 216


    It quickly became clear to follow your lead. I'm gunna get the 4 door off the chassis and mount the 2 door before going further. What started as some rockers is now gunna be inner and outer rocker and probably the floor.
    I'm this deep in, there no reason to not just do it all. Never made a floor before, but have made a trunk. The curves on the floor are really complex in the factory design. I think I'll make everything a bit more squared off when I replace it, which will be impossible to fit correctly unless I do at least the entire rear half.

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    anthony myrick likes this.
  22. Use poster board to make patterns. The poster board will tell you how to form the panels.
    The link I posted will show that you can tackle a difficult shape with common tools
    OZCAST likes this.

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