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Discussion in 'Off Topic Hot Rods & Customs' started by oj, May 17, 2024.

  1. ^ ^ ^ killer.
    Deuces and swade41 like this.
  2. corncobcoupe
    Joined: May 26, 2001
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    Staff Member

    What can I say ?
    Old school cool.
    Deuces and SS327 like this.
  3. Flatrod17
    Joined: Apr 25, 2017
    Posts: 492


    We raced this Mustang I built for over 20 years, its now in Texas. Owner is trying to sell but nobody wants it because of the Lenco. jim reeves.jpg
  4. Stock Racer
    Joined: Feb 28, 2010
    Posts: 1,075

    Stock Racer

    This is why my Hot Rods aren't done. Hey @Moriarity, it's not HAMB friendly but it does have the man pedal! Camaro Summit Nats 2019.jpg IMG_6014.jpg
  5. Dwight schneider
    Joined: Aug 27, 2019
    Posts: 32

    Dwight schneider
    from Funk

  6. I think this was in 1991. car image.jpg
    oj likes this.
  7. foolthrottle
    Joined: Oct 14, 2005
    Posts: 1,446


    Gone but not forgotten

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    Deuces, SS327 and rod1 like this.
  8. Not mine, but I get to drive it.
    640 Blytheville Full.png
  9. TA DAD
    Joined: Mar 2, 2014
    Posts: 1,214

    TA DAD
    from NC

    My 73 Sport when I was a youngster. [​IMG] starting line.jpg
    brando1956, loudbang, Deuces and 2 others like this.
  10. gene-koning
    Joined: Oct 28, 2016
    Posts: 4,219


    Gene's life line scaned pictures 011.jpg Gene's life line scaned pictures 010.jpg
    My 1st dirt track race car.
    My wife and I got married on May 8 (still married to her), the pic on the left was taken towards the end of that month. That is probably me standing on the car, the other guy was the guy that did the lettering. We were probably about a week before we would go racing. The car did not fit in that garage behind it. The picture on the right was the 1st day at the track. P1010121.JPG
    My fake race car, just before the repaint.
    The results of my 3 week driving career. 1st week, smashed both front fenders in trying to fit between two very large cars. The guy (that would be me) that told me if the front end fit, the rest of the car would too, was wrong. I watched both front fenders fold in and the hood "V" up in the middle! The 2nd week I blew up the motor. The 3rd week, someone going a whole lot faster then me through a 3 & 4 corner, caught the driver side front bumper, and that pulled the frame rail apart from the transmission cross member. The firewall pulled apart from the floor pan and I lost the steering (ripped the shaft in two pieces) and brakes (pulled the rod out of the master cylinder). I think everyone on the track hit me as the car spun around uncontrollably, I was just riding along. The car finally came to a stop against the front straight wall. The car was a rust bucket someone gave me.

    The track had just cut the 1/2 mile track in 1/2 (3 & 4 turns were on the big track, and the straight between them cut through the infield and was black dirt), the rest of the track was clay. This new class I was running in was on the smaller track. The car was light, and quick, but cutting across that infield was more like a hang on and hope it worked deal. After only a couple weeks, there was a big dip that developed in the middle of the cut across the infield. You had to have the car turned sideways as you left the clay track back straight, hit the big dip straight, and have the wheels cranked so when the car landed back on the ground, the car would turn, then you mashed the gas and hoped the mud cleared out of the tires so when you got to the front straight, the car could move forward before you got to the wall on the front straight. Everyone was driving that infield crossing the same way. Most of the cars in the class were large barges, a 70's Chrysler Imperial was the king of the class. It was fun for as long as the car lasted. I also owned a car that was running in the next class up, but it ran on the 1/2 mile, and I didn't drive it (my wife wouldn't let me drive on the 1/2 mile, she did let me drive on the 1/4 until after this crash).
    For the picture, that smiling fool would be a much younger me, I'd just got off work as a heavy machine repair maintenance guy in a brass and aluminum forge shop. My fellow worker (and racer) hauled the car to his house for me (it was close to the track), this picture was at his house that Monday after work, as we got ready to take my wreck home.

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    brando1956 and SS327 like this.

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