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Folks Of Interest Inventory

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by stanlow69, May 22, 2021.

  1. stanlow69
    Joined: Feb 21, 2010
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    Member Emeritus

    Buying bolts at hardware stores to hold the suspension together on your car is not a good idea. Spend a little more for good quality bolts. Then there`s the 20 dollar airdrill that didn`t last. Buy a good one to start with. That`s what I meant by that signature. I need good used door handles for when the new (customer bought) cheap ones strip out on the splines. And a tote to put them in.
  2. corncobcoupe
    Joined: May 26, 2001
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    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Just having fun with the subject matter and your signature line.^^^^^^^^^^

    I get what you are saying.

    I'd buy totes for $ 2.00 each any day.
    Good storage containers.
    LOST ANGEL likes this.
  3. My future plan is to move to an area that I'll be away from a major box store, going to local swap meets will most likely go down, there might be a local metal place, but I should have a shop space then. So I can semi hoard now and use it later :), the downside is when I move I have to pack it all up. I've been on a little bit of a selling spree, most of the "junk" I have that would be on the $1 bin if I sold at swap meets came with vehicles I bought or free with other parts I bought (have 2 deck boxes). I wouldn't mind scrapping those if I had to, but selling or giving it away is better.

    Never considered that there might be auctions or estate sales in an area I might be looking into.
  4. cfmvw
    Joined: Aug 24, 2015
    Posts: 979


    Had a friend who had so much junk crammed into his garage and shop that he couldn't find anything. It was easier for him to go up the street to the hardware store for a new tool than to dig around looking for the one he knew he had somewhere.
  5. partsdawg
    Joined: Feb 12, 2006
    Posts: 3,515

    from Minnesota

    Bought 80 totes from a storage place that was doing a clean out of non paying customer.
    Paid $1 each and used every one. I’ll buy totes of stuff I’ll throw away at garage sales for $1 just to get the tote. I buy and sell a lot of stuff and have the room. Can’t recall tripping over any of them
  6. Funny thing about "making the move" to actually get rid of stuff. We just had three swaps come up right in a row, two were close enough that is was real easy to load u the truck & go. I pulled in almost a grand, just clearing out the backyard. It fueled the fire to set u at the next swap, pull another $600 in. We have one more good one this weekend, which i have for years only been a buyer at because the deals i have made there are too good to pass up. Already building a list of junk i might have to let someone else have. It's easy to just get comfy with the piles around you, because you're already used to looking at it. But, once someone hands you some $$$ for it, it sure makes it "fun" to get up early, load up, set up, & bank up
  7. mr.chevrolet
    Joined: Jul 19, 2006
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    I am downsizing, but just bought 4 pick-up loads of parts and a load of tools. If I don't save them for you to buy & use who will?

    Attached Files:

    LOST ANGEL likes this.
  8. indyjps
    Joined: Feb 21, 2007
    Posts: 5,377


    The stuff you own can eventually own you. How many times you see someone parking outside or working in the driveway because their garage is full of random household junk.

    You gotta consider of the time to market and sell it exceeds the value of the item.
  9. I understand the psyche of about every one of you guys that have posted comments here. :rolleyes:
    But the ones who really make me scratch my head and wonder are the guys with 50+ '32 Ford grille shells, or a 1000+ slag glass shift knobs, etc. Sure, they may have bought some for pocket change but you just know that they were snake-bit and paid ridiculous money for many because they couldn't walk away when they came across another one.
    These types don't buy for projects or for resale. They just want to have the biggest collection on the planet, I suppose. But the downside is that they are artificially making particular parts more scarce than they already are, which jacks up the price of what's left available.
    I can understand collecting memorabilia....... but I guess I don't understand why a collection of 60 narrowly focused, identical pieces is so much better than a collection of 6. :confused:
    TrailerTrashToo likes this.

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