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Hot Rods Cars for sale, or are they?

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by Vonn Ditch, May 8, 2020.

  1. 5window
    Joined: Jan 29, 2005
    Posts: 9,563


    I've got a '65 Mustang. Bought new by my aunt. She's no longer with us. 64.5's are exactly '65s but they'd better buy yours at $185K because I won't sell mine for that. :)
  2. PRE48V-8
    Joined: Sep 23, 2006
    Posts: 730

    from H.G., CA

    ....alas, yet another example of a sarcastic reaction instead of a subjective and/or objective response to the differing point of view from another enthusiast....try to stay on topic ("...are they for sale, or aren't they..."), have a point, support it with subjective and/or objective views based on facts and/or experience in order to contribute to the thread. Lastly, try & resist the temptation to 'troll' & instead choose to keep it "positive & informative, offering constructive criticism where warranted" in order to add to the conversation, not distract from it (just my humble opinion, of course. Again, no need to take offense.). Hope this added to the topic of conversation; Be Well! PRE48V-8\;^]
    Just Gary and Gman0046 like this.
  3. 5window
    Joined: Jan 29, 2005
    Posts: 9,563


    Alas? Alas? A valiant attempt to obfuscate any possibility of comprehension. The obvious is that the right object at the right price in the right location at the right time is going to sell. If your item is not selling, then you are just waiting for all the cherries to align. Offering an opportunity to buy, i.e. "selling", is maximizing as many factors as you can manipulate to raise your chance of a successful outcome.

    Many factors contribute to success or failure of your offer. The wrong audience (offering a hot rod to a tuner crowd), the wrong location (convertible for sale to small crowd of northern Canadians), the wrong economy (expensive item in the face of a pandemic induced economic recession), the wrong price (other items similar or better to yours at a better price and more conveniently located), poor presentation-well, the list does go on.

    Does it matter if your item remains unsold on a free listing site like the HAMB Classifieds? Not really, if one is not in a hurry or needing to sell. It would be foolish to continue to advertise on a paid site like Hemming's with making an attempt to modify something in your ad to make it more attractive to prospective buyers. A property or vehicle that remains listed but unchanged will soon be skipped by a jaded population. Now, you are seeking an increasingly smaller subset of new "potential buyers" when you have already lost the majority of chances.

    At the end of the day, you're either interested in selling, or committed to selling and that is probably going to make a difference. JMHO :)
    coast40, RJP and Thor1 like this.
  4. Seon
    Joined: May 26, 2005
    Posts: 346


    Restoring my Impala I'm undecided on which motor to install between a 348 or a 5.7 with less than 40k miles. So decided to list the small block on craigslist for $1k. I'm getting replies offering half or less than half of my asking price. Pound sand, I'll keep it for the next project.
    Thor1 likes this.
  5. 5window
    Joined: Jan 29, 2005
    Posts: 9,563


    That's fine. You might achieve a better price down the road when things stabilize a bit. It sounds like CA is having a hard time and maybe folks are interested in an engine just now. Best of health.
    Thor1 likes this.
  6. railcarmover
    Joined: Apr 30, 2017
    Posts: 777


    A salesman once told me "it aint dog food till the dog eats it"..the market is where it sells at,not whats asked.The most valuable thing you have is time..dont waste it overpricing or under bidding..
    BrandonB, Lepus, RJP and 1 other person like this.
  7. 41 coupe
    Joined: Nov 29, 2009
    Posts: 416

    41 coupe
    from bristol pa

    I seen a nice restored 40 Chevy Cpe sell at Mecum for 10,500 this weekend. Is that all they are worth?
    Thor1 likes this.
  8. bhemi
    Joined: Sep 1, 2010
    Posts: 102


    It's funny how emotional people get about cars and money. No offer is an "insult". Just insist people come to see it before discussing price. What I find insulting is wasting a weekend morning for a no-show. If people had more respect for people's time the process would be easier.
  9. PRE48V-8
    Joined: Sep 23, 2006
    Posts: 730

    from H.G., CA

    Outstanding! An expressed subjective/objective viewpoint from another enthusiast relative to the conversation, keeping the dialogue moving forward....Well done! PRE48V-8\;^]

    "...keep it positive & informative offering constructive criticism when warranted..."

    P.S./No sarcasm was used or otherwise implied in this post.....\:^|
  10. Jimbo17
    Joined: Aug 19, 2008
    Posts: 3,959


    I want to thank everyone for the great tip.
    I simply will no longer look at the car for sale on the HAMB.

    fordflambe likes this.
  11. Beanscoot
    Joined: May 14, 2008
    Posts: 3,138


    I think people are very suspicious of privately sold engines, so it is really hard to get a decent price when selling them.

    They can't know that you are an honest person selling it as opposed to some of the other sellers out there.
    coast40, 41rodderz and Thor1 like this.
  12. 5window
    Joined: Jan 29, 2005
    Posts: 9,563


    Frequently, whem Hemming's reviews various auctions, they'll report a low or no sale on a car resulted because it's in the wrong place. Trying to sell a '40 Chevy at a British car auction, a luxury car auction or a auction full of '40 Fords is likely not going to end well. $10 K minus Mecum's sale fees is even worse. Perhaps the owner really needed to sell it, or the owner died and it's settling an estate or the wrong party in a divorcee got it or something wasn't right about it. Lots of possibilities.
    Thor1 likes this.
  13. That one was worth that, that day. Results may vary.....
  14. That's a shame, I appreciate good sarcasm. It's like boxing without the brain damage....
    fordflambe and clunker like this.
  15. 41 coupe
    Joined: Nov 29, 2009
    Posts: 416

    41 coupe
    from bristol pa

    I guess it depends on the right place and the right time. I guess I will keep looking.
    Thor1 likes this.
  16. rocketdog22
    Joined: Jul 18, 2011
    Posts: 1

    from New York

    Anybody know if Hamtown Al’s car sold?
  17. Gman0046
    Joined: Jul 24, 2005
    Posts: 6,256


    In less then an hour of listing my 60 Pontiac for sale on the HAMB Classifieds, I recieved an inquiry that led to the completion of a sale.
    Thanks again to the HAMB for their help in selling the last two cars I've had for sale.

    Who said cars are not selling?
    abe lugo, jnaki, 5window and 3 others like this.
  18. midnightrider78
    Joined: Oct 24, 2006
    Posts: 1,298


    But, you had the advantage of selling one of the best looking cars ever produced.:D Congratulations on a quick sale. Clearly I need to watch the ads more closely.
    Hamtown Al, Thor1 and Gman0046 like this.
  19. Gman0046
    Joined: Jul 24, 2005
    Posts: 6,256


    midnightrider78, you hit the nail on the head. Trying to sell cars that are not desirable is a difficult if not impossible situation. We've all seen cars listed for sale for years. Cobbled up unfinished cars are difficult to sell and take too much time and effort. I learned a long time ago to always deal in makes and body styles that appeals to the large majority of potential buyers. Thats why the cars I buy, build and sell always go quickly. Not trying to get rich on a sale and pricing them realisticly helps.
    Thor1, waxhead and olscrounger like this.
  20. I had a member send me a PM several years ago and he said he had noticed I had sold several cars on the hamb in the past and ask me what is my secret, I told him there is no secret, if you put a reasonable price on a car and it is well built & a proven driver it will sell.

    I also told him if the car he has for sell appeals to a lot of people is a plus, case in point I have sold six 1932 Fords and all sold within a couple of weeks, I also sold a couple of project cars, a morris Minor and a 64 chevy truck, they sold fast and they were priced very fair.

    The member told me he had owned his 1937 Chevy 4 door for about ten years and had won trophies, the car looked OK but appeared to be more of a 70's build, bottom line it really needed updating.

    Then he dropped the bomb, he was asking $35,000 dollars for the car and had not got any response.

    He then ask me what he should do and I ask him bluntly, "How much do you have in the car?" he then said, "nothing" It had belonged to his dad and he inherited the car.

    Trying to explain why he wasn't getting any response, while there is nothing wrong with a 1937 Chevy 4 door, it won't bring the money of a 37 coupe and he basically had the car overpriced, he then started quoting sales on Barrett Jackson and again, I tried to explain there is a big difference in the cars that sell there.

    He finally ask me if it were mine what would I list it for, I told him it's just my opinion but if it were my car and I wanted to sell the car I would drop the price to $19,500 and I believe you may get some reply's, his reply was "HELL NO" I ain't giving the car away.

    Long story short I didn't hear anything out of him for almost a year and then it got a conversation from him saying he decided to drop the price to what I had suggested and the day he listed the car he got several PM's and made a deal for the car 3 days later for $18,000 HRP
  21. 41rodderz
    Joined: Sep 27, 2010
    Posts: 6,541

    from Oregon

    But we don’t know what your questioners life philosophy is. He may think the world owes him , he may not have a clue what it true worth is ( which it sounds like ) hence him seeking your experienced point of view or he has other reasons.
    Thor1 likes this.
  22. olscrounger
    Joined: Feb 23, 2008
    Posts: 4,786


    Agree with Gman0046. Well built cars of a desirable body style etc will sell even in todays market. Pick the wrong car or strange build style and it will sit. Have built many 40 coupes and all have sold for very good prices-one not long ago. Have never advertised one yet-just word of mouth. I have had recent inquiries from guys i'm aware of wanting to know if I'm building another and is it for sale. The market may be smaller but there are still folks wanting a quality car.
    i.rant, Thor1, Gman0046 and 4 others like this.
  23. cfmvw
    Joined: Aug 24, 2015
    Posts: 987


    Kind of like the old guy who saw my VW and told me he had one stored and asked if I could look at it as he was thinking about selling it. My son and I went to his house and he showed us the car in a backyard shed. It was a very rusty '65 that was butchered and bondo'd pretty bad, BUT it also came with some spare parts (half an engine case, a hubcap, and miscellaneous trim pieces all nicely packaged in a milk crate). Then he asked me what it was worth, and I told him he might get $200 for it. But he said he heard that if he fixed it up, he could take it to California and get ten or fifteen thousand for it.
    Thor1 and clunker like this.
  24. Gman0046
    Joined: Jul 24, 2005
    Posts: 6,256


    Despite the large number of folks being unemployed, the US economy is rebounding quite well. The NY Stock Exchange, Dow Jones and NASDAQ are at all time highs. My stock portfolio was down over 100K but has completely recovered and then some. I'm now playing with house money. Not sure its the same where you live, but the Kentucky real estate market is on fire as a result ot the current 2% mortgage rates. Decent houses sell within hours of coming on the market and some even before they ever hit the MLS. Getting numerous offers over the asking price is not uncommon. Don't kid yourself into thinking the US economy is in the tank nothing could be further from the truth. Many Americans are making large sums of money in this environment and willing to spend it. This should help the old car market immeasurably.
    egads, Thor1, lonejacklarry and 2 others like this.
  25. panhead_pete
    Joined: Feb 22, 2006
    Posts: 3,487


    For me the biggest change I have noticed in values in the last few years is that 33/34 coupes are now priced the same if not more than 32s. To me its a no brainer as I reckon they are better looking cars, but for a long time 32s ruled the roost so to speak.
    Thor1 likes this.
  26. 41rodderz
    Joined: Sep 27, 2010
    Posts: 6,541

    from Oregon

    That’s always been my personal taste , that a ‘33/‘34 always looked better than a ‘32 .
  27. I'm a Deuce guy and have been one since I bought my first one when I was 12 years old, I've owned 10 over the years, I can appreciate the looks of the 33/34 Fords, but don't see one in my future. HRP
  28. coast40
    Joined: Mar 22, 2008
    Posts: 117


    Jim Meyer of Lincoln City, Oregon, is out of business. Very sad because the quality was great, but getting your parts became problematic. There is an UNRELATED Jim Meyer Enterprises in Cal. or AZ.
    Joined: May 5, 2015
    Posts: 1,166


    Cars sell for only two reasons: (1) The seller wants to make money or (2) The seller wants to get rid of the car. I always try to stick with the guy wanting to get rid of the vehicle. The other seller is the guy, posting the same ad for the past 10 years and will post for the next 10 years.
  30. 5window
    Joined: Jan 29, 2005
    Posts: 9,563


    Well, there's
    1. I only want to sell this car-I have no other interest
    2. This car was my husband, father, mother's and they died so we are selling it
    3. I' m getting old, sick,etc and want someone else to enjoy my car
    4. Getting divorced,lost my job, have more bills than money and have to sell but don't want to.
    5. The car was my cheating husband/wife's and I'm selling that sucker from under him/her
    6. I'm selling this car to begin another project.
    Everyone selling is trying to get rid of the car and make money. y definition, no one wants to it not to sell and,excepting #5, no one wants to lose money selling it

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