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Technical 1932 Ford clutch arm?

Discussion in 'Traditional Hot Rods' started by gotthard, Oct 23, 2020.

  1. gotthard
    Joined: Nov 12, 2010
    Posts: 27


    I got this and was told it is a 32 clutch arm. It has with 4.875 the length of a early clutch arm, but it sits on a strange angle. Does someone know this item?[​IMG]

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  2. alchemy
    Joined: Sep 27, 2002
    Posts: 20,550


    All the 32 arms I've seen have a bend in them. Could yours be from a RHD car?
    flatford39 likes this.
  3. Atwater Mike
    Joined: May 31, 2002
    Posts: 11,624

    Atwater Mike

    Hi, if memory serves the difference in angle is due to it being from a right hand drive car, O-Z or Great Britain...
    A customer had a '32 arm, I had to 'reshape' it to use it in his left hand drive '34 roadster. ('39 pedals)
  4. xix32
    Joined: Jun 12, 2008
    Posts: 596


    That looks more like a `39. A `32 would be about the same length, but would require an offset form to pass between the pedals. If you bent a `39 to shape it like a `32 it would then be too short. This photo is of a homemade `32 type,
    along side of a `39.
    `32 clutch arm & `39.JPG

  5. gotthard
    Joined: Nov 12, 2010
    Posts: 27


    Thank you very much for the comments. It could actually be from a british 32 RHD. That would explain the odd angle. The question is, can it be made to fit a LHD? I never saw a early 32 style configuration with a stright 4.875“ lever [​IMG][​IMG]

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  6. alchemy
    Joined: Sep 27, 2002
    Posts: 20,550


    I can assure you it's not a regular American early arm. My sedan has an early arm and it looks exactly like the second from the left in the pic above. What's the PN on your arm? Maybe it's from a big truck application if it's not a RHD.
  7. Big truck ( BB ) uses the same arm as passenger cars in the many trucks that I have seen over the years.
    stillrunners likes this.

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