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Customs Tire sizes for a '47 Ford taildragger.

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by BigO, Oct 20, 2019.

  1. Did a few searches and didn't find an answer. I'm looking for the '40s style stance using radials and wide whites ,15" wheels, I'm not a tire guy so the sizes (#'s) are a little confusing so any help would be great. Here's the look I'm going for, Photoshop done by "Moose"....
    jim snow likes this.
  2. jimgoetz
    Joined: Sep 6, 2013
    Posts: 517


    I'd think an F78-15 or a P205-15 on about a 5 in wide rim would be close to a traditional 6.70 -15
    BigO and anthony myrick like this.
  3. 302GMC
    Joined: Dec 15, 2005
    Posts: 7,918

    from Idaho

    Our history books show the industry changeover to 15'' wheels comes about in 1949, so a 6.00-16 would be more accurate. Mercury offered 15'' wheels from 1946 or '47 as an option, but whitewall tires weren't available until early '48.
    BigO likes this.
  4. If you go to Tire Rack select shopping for tires by wheel diameter.
    A list of all the tires they have will pop up. Select a size you think might will work, then click the specs. It will give you all the measurements and recommended wheel sizes.
    205/215 75 r tires should be similar to what ya may need.
    BigO likes this.

  5. You can also google a tire size comparison
    Like this one
    BigO likes this.
  6. That's in the right neighborhood, seeing that many of the 46-48s were built in the early 50s.
  7. Thanks for the info. BigO

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