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Technical how did you paint that? fixtures and taping technics

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by tb33anda3rd, Feb 10, 2016.

  1. because this car is so big and i would rather not get paint on my pants i decided to paint the roof first. sanded and taped off. DSCF0001.JPG DSCF0002.JPG
    jazz1 and The37Kid like this.
  2. i had to use a step stool and "kneel" on the edge of the car to get enough paint in the center. car is deceivingly big!
    project is smaller now..... DSCF0003.JPG DSCF0004.JPG
    tomkelly88, brad2v and The37Kid like this.
  3. The37Kid
    Joined: Apr 30, 2004
    Posts: 30,854


    Like the granite counter top look on the doors and quarters, that might catch on in New Hampshire. Bob
    tb33anda3rd likes this.
  4. i hate the way these came out, shitty chrome flaked right off when i was pepping them. if i didn't blast to the edge the primer flaked off, if i balsted to the edge the chrome flaked off in spots. these will be sent out and chromed again by a competent chrome plater...... DSCF0002.JPG
  5. DSCF0002.JPG screwed a strip of angle to the saw horse, then bolted the fender through the running board holes. then held up the front of the fender with a wire to a bracket in the ceiling. DSCF0001.JPG DSCF0002.JPG
    Last edited: May 5, 2017
    Bowtie Coupe, MP&C, X38 and 1 other person like this.
  6. propped the running boards up with spray cans wrapped in paper this keeps the edge of board off the paper. the bottom and edges of these have already ben painted. DSCF0004 2.JPG
    Bowtie Coupe, MP&C and lc1963 like this.
  7. DSCF0001.JPG before painting i put a couple strips of tape to isolate the mix ratio i am using. it keeps me from fumbling trying to find the proper scale after the first mix. a quick wipe on the inside, between the tape and i am ready to mix the next cup.
  8. teach'm
    Joined: May 8, 2005
    Posts: 319

    from Tucson, AZ

    That is a damn good idea there! Work smarter, not harder.
    Bowtie Coupe and tb33anda3rd like this.
  9. thanks. the older i get, the fuzzier thee numbers are..........
    Bowtie Coupe likes this.
  10. super nice fender fixture posted by @nunattax on his thread. 075.JPG 076.JPG
    nunattax and Bowtie Coupe like this.
  11. TagMan
    Joined: Dec 12, 2002
    Posts: 6,300



    Very effective, very simple.......why didn't I think of it ? Great idea. :D
    tb33anda3rd likes this.
  12. The37Kid
    Joined: Apr 30, 2004
    Posts: 30,854


    Why do I see a dog house with a canopy in the photo Doctor?

    clem, Bowtie Coupe and tb33anda3rd like this.
  13. Tinting the bubble top on my Mysterion clone. I hung it from my paint booth hanging rails and sprayed from underneath.

    First tint job.JPG
    P1010482 (2).JPG

    I made a kart that I used to make the fiberglass body pattern then cut it down to scoot the body around while finishing and painting.



    Most of the time I use Harbor Freight steel tubing 'saw horse' type parts holders and/or hang parts from two 1" conduit rails mounted to the ceiling of my paint booth using hanging wires made from welding rod that hook over the conduits. You can see one of the conduits in the Mysterion body picture above.

    parts primed 1.JPG
  14. Bandit Billy
    Joined: Sep 16, 2014
    Posts: 12,411

    Bandit Billy

    that pic of the top hanging form the ceiling reminds me of Maxwell Smart's "Cone Of Silence".
    Bowtie Coupe and tb33anda3rd like this.
  15. "Missed it by thaaaat much!"
    Bowtie Coupe and tb33anda3rd like this.
  16. 1953naegle
    Joined: Nov 18, 2013
    Posts: 281


    No pics, but one trick I learned for painting cast parts from working on industrial machinery: if you need to tape off flat machined surfaces (think: manifold bosses on heads, etc.), cover the area in tape, but instead of trying to carve it out with a razor, use a small ball-peen hammer to lightly tap along the edge, shearing the excess tape off. The tape cushions the taping enough that you don't damage the edge, and you are left with perfectly masked castings.

    The second thing has been well illistrated already, which is the painting "philosophy" to always paint the least accessable, least visible areas of a part first.
  17. primed a set of fenders for a rpu hot rod today. used a couple pieces of threaded rod, run through some angle iron that was hung by a hook from the ceiling. it was faster to use a couple hose clamps to keep the rods from sliding than to run nuts all the way to the center. the fenders are light enough that i was able to lift the angle iron to get the back end of the fenders. DSCF0001.JPG DSCF0002.JPG DSCF0003.JPG
  18. i love magnets! DSCF0003 2.JPG
    Bowtie Coupe, MP&C and TFoch like this.
  19. 3 stands to get the angle i wanted. DSCF0004.JPG
    The37Kid, Bowtie Coupe, MP&C and 3 others like this.
  20. this eyelet screwed into this bracket will serve two purposes, to give me a spot to hang it from and to keep paint out of the threads. DSCF0002.JPG
    Leakie, brad2v, TFoch and 4 others like this.
  21. taping some wheels for two tone. wheels were sealed with a black sealer, then i shot some black basecoat on the areas that will be black. then using a plastic fine line tape i taped off the edge i wanted to create. DSCF0001.JPG
    Bowtie Coupe likes this.
  22. and then some paper to seal out the rest of the area.
    for the out side edge i just used tape, holding it flat with the wheel so it will lay flat. i then pushed it under the edge with the pointed handle of a paint brush, then some paper to cover the out side. note i also taped off the valve stem hole to keep any paint off of the back side, which i already have painted. DSCF0002.JPG
    DSCF0003.JPG DSCF0004.JPG
  23. once the blue was painted on "the field" i untaped it and clear coated. DSCF0005.JPG
    AHotRod, brad2v, MP&C and 2 others like this.
  24. The37Kid
    Joined: Apr 30, 2004
    Posts: 30,854


    NICE! Now comes the scary part installing the tires and chrome lock ring! I've made a fixture to keep the wheel fixed and off the floor high enough so the back of the tire is off the floor too, then sort of wrap the lock ring in place without it touching the wheel. Have taped tire irons and rubber hammers ready. Don't forget to index the lock ring gap with the valve stem hole, it is a Packard. :) Bob
    Wayne67vert and Bowtie Coupe like this.
  25. LAROKE
    Joined: Sep 5, 2007
    Posts: 2,080


  26. first time i have ever sanded and buffed a set of wheels. posting this because i like the crazy reflection. DSCF0004.JPG
  27. The37Kid
    Joined: Apr 30, 2004
    Posts: 30,854


    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ REALLY NICE! I can see them getting a wide pinstripe about 3/8 wide with a contrasting stripe on either side normal size. Bob
  28. jakesbackyard
    Joined: Feb 13, 2007
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    from ND
    1. Upholstery

    The wheels look great! What are they for? I’ve never seen wheels with 7 lugs.
  29. nunattax
    Joined: Jan 10, 2011
    Posts: 3,072

    from IRELAND

    me neither

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