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Event Coverage LA Roadsters Fathers Day Show

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by Blake 27, Apr 2, 2017.

    Joined: Apr 11, 2007
    Posts: 1,437

    from Ojai,Ca

    If the L.A. Roadsters are getting old and don't or can't run the show then what choices do they have? 1. Get a promoter to run it which cost money and probably have to raise prices.
    2. Close the show.
    Which one should they choose?
  2. typo41
    Joined: Jul 8, 2011
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    Member Emeritus

    I have friends in LAR and the youngest guy is in his 70's
    And even with the decline in the quality of the swap, there is a line to get into the show both at the swap and the show.
    So they are bowing out, understandable. And John Buck/GNRS saver is coming on board. A bunch of people screamed when he moved GNRS, but it is bigger than ever.
    But things cost and people cost, and it is a business,, do you think the LAR did the show because they didn't make money? How do you think the whole club was able to have a nice post show trip to Hawaii??
  3. 3Deuce40
    Joined: Oct 17, 2006
    Posts: 691

    from Colorado

    Plus, they donate a lot of money to the Orchard of Hope I believe.
    tofords likes this.
  4. Now I gotta tell ya. I do the Drive in deal at the GNRS because it is the best for the buck. 50 bucks and you get to drive your car in, have a place to sit, bring your own food etc. I see the LARS much the same way.
  5. "I have friends in LAR and the youngest guy is in his 70's..............."

    'The Los Angeles Roadsters Car Club was formed in 1957 and is still going strong. Membership consists of 28 active members, 11 lifetime members, 19 associate members and 5 honorary members, all with pre-36 Roadsters."

    There you have it, the problem. But why? Why didn't the club expand its membership, bringing in younger members to keep it viable as an organization? Because that would mean giving up control and with it - the money. It was nearly impossible for anyone to join this "club" if you were just an average guy. The average guy, you know the ones that do the work and stand out in the hot sun all day because they wanted to be a part of something great. That is how it all started in 1957, but this "club" has evolved into an exclusive closed organization that is literally dying. If they had been a true club like the MSRA (Minnesota Street Rod Association), which relies on its members that volunteer to run their premier event, the very successful Back to the 50's, the LARS would not be in the position it is today. Its sad to watch its slow demise.

    About twenty years ago I was at an NSRA event and I was talking to my state rep and one of the NSRA "bosses". My rep was having health problems and wanted me to replace him. He spent a long time on selling me the idea of doing it which ended when "the boss" said they weren't even going to replace him and have a state rep for my state anymore. He literally kicked him in the teeth right in front of me and that was my reps thanks for years of service to the NSRA on his own time and dime. Hell, they even had to buy their own blue and white shirts! I never went to another NSRA event again and dropped my membership. Nor did I ever buy another Walker radiator!
  6. I really hope this straighten out the swap meet so we all can have spaces.
  7. The37Kid
    Joined: Apr 30, 2004
    Posts: 30,923


    My daughter and I did four days at Pebble Beach as spectators for less than that, thanks for the heads up on Bonneville. Bob
    Donut Dave and loudbang like this.
  8. bob b.
    Joined: Aug 30, 2009
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    bob b.
    from peoria az.

    sounds like the LA Roadster club and some promoter are both making money instead of fun it was a big thing but not any more
  9. I doubt If I will attend any more.
  10. bradroe
    Joined: Aug 18, 2008
    Posts: 215


    The price will not keep me away. If we don't go than the show will be no longer and we will be bitchin it shut down. We lost Goodguys in Indy due to lack of attendees and spectators and now everyone misses it.
  11. deucemac
    Joined: Aug 31, 2008
    Posts: 1,495


    Yes, and the L A Roadsters still didn't charge an entry fee! Buck is a late commer to the club and sees $$$$$$$$$ and not the tradition. I can see a nominal charge, but zero to $50 and cut backs is Wrong!
    loudbang and vintagehotrods like this.
  12. jimmy six
    Joined: Mar 21, 2006
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    jimmy six

    I haven't been to the LA Roadster show at Pomona for at least 20 yrs and I live just down the road in Orange County. I'm sorry they are not letting "Finished" roadsters in for free. That's unfortunate. With the fans, sellers, etc paying I would hoped that would be enough but it ever is. There are so many places to go in So Cal for free it's tough to pay but I do occasionally. At one time I also went to yearly to Laughlin for the big M/C rally but that got out of hand $$$$ also and I stopped over 20 yrs there too.
    Last edited: Apr 3, 2017
    loudbang likes this.
  13. another little change from the vehicle entry information.........

    "The first 500 registered roadsters receive one collector’s pewter mug"

    So if you entered and you drove across the country you might miss out on receiving your LARS mug. Maybe for next year .....300.....200......or zero!

    $$$ Another tradition bites the dust! $$$
    bonesy and da34guy like this.
  14. jamesgr81
    Joined: Feb 3, 2008
    Posts: 283


    The LARS takes the money from the entry swap and parts vendor fees, pays the employees, buys trophies, pays the Fairplex for the venue and security, uses some volunteers and runs the whole thing and may make a profit in the end after the bills are paid. The Fairplex gets the income from the parking and the food vendors, the LARS can't sell food. It's the same deal for NHRA, the GNRS or the Pomona Swap meet. You bitter old guys better quit expecting shit for free. Maybe the LAR club could have done things to expand the membership but the whole deal is now just too big to do it all for nothing. You expect them to do all that work for free so your butt can enter on their dime? What a bunch of cheap bastards!
  15. trollst
    Joined: Jan 27, 2012
    Posts: 2,108


    Well james, I am a bitter old cheap bastard, I don't expect to enter and sit on my butt on their dime, but without me and my ilk, there is no show. I can't speak for this show, having never been, but part of the problem in todays world in general is this whole chasing a buck, making a profit thing. WE ARE THE DRAW, those of us that have spent many thousands to build nice enough cars to look at, to draw the public to a car show, and I for one will not finance a show that needs cars like mine to be a success.
    I have a few favourite shows I attend every year and if I feel the entry fee is more than I'm willing to pay, I don't attend, regardless of the show's status or who the star attraction might be, I go for the fun. Because, the fun is what it's supposed to be all about. That is why we call this whole thing a hobby.
  16. Lil32
    Joined: Apr 4, 2012
    Posts: 2,598


    We are flying over again from Aussie as we do each year
    Could not see a price for a 2 day spectator pass on their site, can anyone help
  17. The LA Roadster Show is a tradition from the golden years of hot rodding. The show has rewarded the members hard work well as well the charity they support. I applaud that. If they would have welcomed our participation in the club and wanted grassroots support to continue this tradition, I have no doubt there would have been no need for "professional event management". But they have chosen to keep the club a closed affair and opted to sit back and turn it over to John Buck, who isn't going to do it without a profit for himself too. Since he is member it was an easy step for them to take. I have a friend who has been doing promotion for the show at his expense for years and he was outraged when John Buck was trying to shake him down for money to do that!

    You may have heard this before: "It's not about the money, it's about the principle" Since this whole site is about "Traditional Hot Rods", many of us truly believe in tradition and get rightly upset when we see it being thrown aside. You might rethink calling us "bitter old guys" and "cheap bastards" for defending tradition. I haven't driven a roadster in the show for 9 years (since I sold my roadster), instead I have opted to pay to be in the swap meet instead. We can well afford to support the club and their mission, just not John Buck, the promoter who has no respect for the tradition of welcoming in the stars of the show without charge. To him 800 roadsters @ $50 is $40,000 in his pocket.

    It was a special feeling to drive your roadster thousand of miles across the country (as I have done many times) and be welcomed through the gates of the Fairplex as the stars of the show and be treated as such. I would have liked to do it again when I get my next roadster finished and feel like I did 16 years ago when I drove through those gates first time. This what made it special for me, otherwise its just another car show.

    If you have never done it I can see why you don't get it. Build yourself a roadster, drive it across the country and you'll start to understand it. I want for you and others who have never had the opportunity to experience that feeling of driving into a "tradition".

    Just for example, read how many times "Tradition" is said on their own website.

    In 1960, the Club started the now famous Los Angeles Roadsters Show and Swap Meet. Over the years, the show has become a Father’s Day tradition for car enthusiasts from around the world. The show has earned it’s reputation as “the greatest roadster show on earth”. The show features more than 800 pre-36 roadsters, 1,500 pre-72 specialty cars, a giant swap meet, and commercial vendor midway.

    The annual Roadster Show is planned and operated by the active, lifetime and associate members and their spouses. This is an event that is a family affair and an annual tradition in the street rodding industry.

    The Los Angeles Roadsters are well know for their beautiful roadsters as well as their Club uniform of red shirts and white pants. This uniform has been a tradition since the Club started in 1957.

    Now do you get it?

    tofords, bonesy, porkshop and 9 others like this.
  18. deucemac
    Joined: Aug 31, 2008
    Posts: 1,495


    Well said vintage hot rods! I have gone to hundreds if not over a thousand hot rod shows and runs. The ONLY place among them all that ever treated me like me and my car are important is the LA Roadsters. When was the last time any one person of any show staff came up and and gave you a genuine and heart felt thank you for bringing your car to their show. I have been to the LARS for what seems like forever. Both with and without a roadster there is a "tradition" and feeling that is different and special. I have been driving into the GNRS since that portion of the show was added. Not once in all those years has ANY ONE of the staff has welcomed me or thanked me at all. They sure check to see if your entry is posted and you park where they tell you to. They are efficient to be sure but friendly in any way approaching the LA Roadsters are. Not at all. That is what money does when it is the only bond you have with the promoter. Money isn't the issue and never was. I can afford to pay the entry and would gladly done so if the club had asked but they didn't, they welcomed us like long lost friends whether we drove thousands of miles or lived close enough to to drive back and forth every day of the show. I am grateful for all the years the LA Roadsters members gave us that wonderful opportunity to enjoy a truly special weekend. We will see how this year goes. We don't need a "summer" GNRS we would like to keep the real LARS!
  19. uncle buck
    Joined: Feb 13, 2007
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    uncle buck

    It looks like I have made my last drive of several in the past in my roadster. It was incentive for me to make the 2500 mile round trip in my roadster. The club members summed it up at the Thank You barbeque after the show when they would thank me for making the trip and tell me "you are the show, we appreciate you driving your roadster and spending your weekend with us". It sounds like all of that is history now. From now on I will travel as a spectator if I even attend again at all.
    65pacecar and loudbang like this.
  20. Vintage hot rods you nailed it.
    Thank you
    loudbang likes this.
  21. exterminator
    Joined: Apr 21, 2006
    Posts: 1,695


    I attended with my roadster a couple of times and most times without since I sold it. But I have never enjoyed a car show more than LARS! Where else did you see all the eye candy,look for parts-both new and old, park your non roadster next to the swap meet....etc. And if you brought your pretty roadster, they thanked you for coming,and fed you on top of the hill, for free,and gave you the pewter mug! Time changes most things so I choose to remember with fondness the times it was free and hope others do too. And will keep going as a spectater as long as they have that great swap meet with the smell of the rubber hot dogs. (yum yum) LOL Exterminator
    Last edited: Apr 5, 2017
  22. Blacktop VooDoo
    Joined: Oct 28, 2011
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    Blacktop VooDoo

    mike in tucson likes this.
  23. Special Ed
    Joined: Nov 1, 2007
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    Special Ed

    Going to the movies doesn't cost a dime anymore. A gallon of gasoline doesn't cost 30 cents anymore. You guys will drop 700 bucks on a smart phone, and another 700 bucks for a computer and monitor, but god forbid that attending one of the best shows on the planet asks you to cough up fifty bucks for a two day show, and you crap your pants.
    I "get it", BUT ... everything costing more than it previously did is also TRADITIONAL ... :rolleyes:
  24. Jalopy Joker
    Joined: Sep 3, 2006
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    Jalopy Joker

    to attend/support any type of event is up to you - do not need to make any excuses, just do whatever is best for you - there are plenty of things that I do not do anymore or, not as often, because of all of the expenses involved - not only the cost of the show entry but, many places the hotels jack up their prices because of special events - prices for food at most big events sky high - but, on the traditional ride side of things look at the high prices that people are selling their rides for today - yes, there are deals to be had out there and we should take advantage of them - the LA roadsters were known for getting out on the road and enjoying the ride - that sounds like true fun to me - but, you can always get involved helping out your local car club/community putting on local events that you enjoy - don't always rely on others to make things happen
    manx4me, bchctybob, X38 and 1 other person like this.
  25. 1gearhead
    Joined: Aug 4, 2005
    Posts: 464


    I never understood the elitist attitude of the LAR. It is contributing to the demise of the club (death due us part) and now to the demise of what was one of the best shows in the country. Yes things are changing and it appears that tradition is now spelled with a $ sign in front of it. Too bad, so sad.
    bonesy and Atwater Mike like this.
  26. Pewsplace
    Joined: Feb 10, 2007
    Posts: 2,795


    Whatever the cost of admission is for seeing some cars that you don't see at local shows is worth it to me. I have been a sponsor, participant and vendor for many years. Somethings in life are worth the price of admission. The LARS is one of them. Lets support the show!
  27. 53chevy
    Joined: Mar 5, 2001
    Posts: 1,570


    Agree the members are getting old, you can't compare it to movie ticket or such. This is an historical event that I believe started at the Rose Bowl? I've always gone not caring what it would cost to get in, but for the historical significance. Honestly, I wish they would continue with they way it was. Honestly, California as a whole is becoming lame, nothing good last forever......................
    loudbang and olscrounger like this.
  28. The LARS started at the Hollywood Bowl. I was there with the 12 other roadsters. In the last few days I have been thinking about all the times I've gone to the show at it's various locations, and all the enjoyment I've had for free, and I've decided that I will go this year and pay my $50. I will try it this time and see how it goes. I don't need to get a pat on the back for doing what I love. I just like to be treated fairly. It would be foolish to throw in the towel without giving it a chance.
    tofords, invada, Mtn Goat and 19 others like this.
  29. This is NOT True, there are a few guys at least 30 years younger than 70. Have they been short sighted in not adding new, younger members? maybe - But last time I looked it's their club, not a public entity and they can do what they want. Maybe it will bite them in the ass, or maybe they will change their philosophy, but that is up to them isn't it. (As for that trip to Hawaii for club members, that got them in HUGE IRS trouble!)
    I'm not sure exactly what you are trying to say here - the show has always made some money for the club and they will continue to get a fair share after the bills are paid. No real change there. And I'm pretty sure the members will have More fun and hopefully so will the attendees with the expected better organization.
    There has been a cut off of 500 mugs for many years now - this is NOT new. Those Pewter mug's cost the club right at $30.00 each! They have always had a limited number because they could Not afford to get stuck with them - some years they had more made after the show if they ran out and then mailed them to you, I know because this happened to me one year. I'm not sure if that still has been or will be going on.


    The LA Roadster members will still be there as the Ambassador's, Thanking you for being part of the deal. The Thank You BBQ is still going to be part of the entry - for both the driver and passenger. This is something else that costs them money to put on.

    Think about this folks - For the past few years the "tradition" changed to free for the car and driver, passenger paid, so unless you only came by yourself, you were still paying something. If you decide to be a spectator it was $20.00 a person to get in plus $10.00 to park - so if you and your wife or buddy went guess what - it's FIFTY DOLLARS, same as what they are going to charge.
    So here you go - It's still the Best Roadster Show on Earth - for $50.00 you get two people in for two days along with your car. You get a Pewter Mug that is quite collectible (and cost $30.00 to have made) and a BBQ dinner for two people. If that isn't worth $50 then I have no answer for you. I've been going for years in various Roadsters and years before that as a spectator. Am I Not going to go because there is now going to be a nominal charge over what it cost in the past to go with my wife? Hell No. Did I appreciate the Free years? Of course I did, but I'm not going to let the $30.00 more stop me from seeing old friends, getting my mug and having a damn good time.

    And if you still think that it is too much, Please, by all means, Put on your own show of this size and caliber for Free and see just what it takes to put on someting of this scale.

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