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Help! Moon/refund/ the law.

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by big jungle jim, Dec 21, 2005.

  1. LIMEY
    Joined: Nov 5, 2002
    Posts: 1,987


    Here's a pic of what the system was for in case some of you had wondered, a very strong blown flathead!
  2. brewsir
    Joined: Mar 4, 2001
    Posts: 3,278


    I sent mine! Seems a little internet pressure can't hurt...Might be a lot easier than going to court...of course if your setup was sent via us postal service it could be a case for mail fraud! I have had bad experiences with mooneyes also...loooong wait for a pair of cones for my hubcaps...haven't shopped with them since then...there's plenty of good companies out there that do believe in customer service still!
  3. continentaljohn
    Joined: Jul 24, 2002
    Posts: 5,555


    I just wanted to say there is a HAMBer running this system and with good results.. I do know he's a GM tech so that would help. I'm not trying to stick up for Moon because I have ordered some goodies with fair results(long ship times).. I will say the crap your putting up with is bull$#!+.. I would expect better from a long time company........................
  4. scarylarry
    Joined: Apr 24, 2001
    Posts: 2,547


    THIS ,MY FRIEND, IS THE BEST ADVISE YET!!! Send you info to these people and stop fucking around with Moon.

  5. skipperman
    Joined: Dec 24, 2002
    Posts: 1,837


    In the good old USA we have a three word sentence that HAS WORKED for me in the past ........It is applicable ALL ACROSS the USA ....."THEFT BY DECEPTION" ....... You may have to have an attorney file charges in the state/county the CRIME was committed....... The "culprit" will be picked up ( usually) within hours of the charge being filed ....... If 'ya wanna' get thier ATTENTION you HAVE to file a formal charge ( of ANY sort)..... NO-ONE believes you're ACTUALLY going to do it until YOU DO !!!

    jersey Skip
  6. marq
    Joined: Aug 22, 2003
    Posts: 1,423


    Not a good state of affairs mate ,$3000 would see my big nailhead into the car with a few little goodies.Take the advice ,contact the right people and run with it.Personally i would file charges also...............Marq
  7. Kilroy
    Joined: Aug 2, 2001
    Posts: 3,227

    from Orange, Ca

    Dude, I could go over there for you but I'm a little sketchy about asking for a refund check for someone who is on another Continent. It might be a little tough to get them to fork it over to me in your name.

    But, I know Chico a little and would be more than happy to bug him for you.

    PM me and let's see what I can do.

    Bear in mind that I'm in the middle of trying to move halfway across the "New World" so time is something I don't have a lot of.
  8. Jack "goose' Marinelli
    Joined: May 27, 2005
    Posts: 175

    Jack "goose' Marinelli

    I just sent they a "nice" note also, Actually was thinking of placing an order with moon, but just decided to hold off untill i see how they resolve this.
  9. nobux
    Joined: Oct 19, 2002
    Posts: 646


    The Better Business Bureau is NOT a government organization. It is privately run and businesses pay to be a member. There is really nothing serious that the BBB does in the case of a complaint. Follow 5-windows advice.

  10. KIRK!
    Joined: Feb 20, 2002
    Posts: 12,031


    More fuel on the Mooneyes fire. That company is already run into the ground. It's bursting into flames.

    Maybe the name will be for sale in a couple of years and more trustworthy people will snatch it up...but I doubt it.
  11. fur biscuit
    Joined: Jul 22, 2005
    Posts: 7,837

    fur biscuit

    i order a T shirt, took em 7 days to get it me the 1st time and 3 days the who knows.

    but it is sad to see what is happening, especially as that was supposed to be an award winning set up.
    Joined: Jan 3, 2005
    Posts: 315


    Why not just go to Barry's Speed Shop and have him fix it/them for you.
    He builds them for Moon anyways....
  13. brewsir
    Joined: Mar 4, 2001
    Posts: 3,278


    Why should he spend more cash on a system he's wited over 2 years for moon to fix...they should just refund the full amount or send him a new system and get all the shipping charges corrected also....POS system wasn't his fault so why should he be out more bucks?
    Joined: Jan 3, 2005
    Posts: 315


    I never said anything about more cash.
    Well, so far...Nobody offered to talk to the builder so far, so what does it hurt? Moon's just re-selling the stuff.
    If the builders reputation is at stake, maybe he'd take a look at it.
    If it really is a POS system... What's changed.

  15. moon
    Joined: Dec 22, 2005
    Posts: 2

    from usa

    hey guys,

    this is Chico at Mooneyes.

    I do have to admit and apologize that I haven't been able to get things straight for Jim, but it's not on purpose. it's very hard when I can't do something on my own and have to rely on someone.

    but I'll tell you this. I will take care of problem no matter what. Moon has been in business for 54years and enjoy dealing with you customers. sometimes, things don't work out the way it should, but we do try our best to take care of our customers.
  16. 50dodge4x4
    Joined: Aug 7, 2004
    Posts: 3,534


    Lets hope you can get this issue solved real quickly. We will be watching to see how it goes from here. Now that a problem has been brought to the surface, farther infractions will be quickly brought out. This would be a good time to make things right, this might be the most important thing you will do all year.
  17. pigpen
    Joined: Aug 30, 2004
    Posts: 1,624

    from TX USA

    Sounds like a good plan! :rolleyes:


    "Do it quickly!" (Burt Reynolds in Boogie Nights.)
  18. Roothawg
    Joined: Mar 14, 2001
    Posts: 24,614


    We'll be waiting patiently the outcome.
  19. fur biscuit
    Joined: Jul 22, 2005
    Posts: 7,837

    fur biscuit

    all 9,719 of us will be watching, waiting, and blathering about it. (9,719? guess Ryan culled the followers again)

    though, once again it is good to see the "industry" here, welcome senor chico.
  20. long island vic
    Joined: Feb 26, 2002
    Posts: 2,193

    long island vic

    what about me chico..i told you kenny was bad you promiced that you would take care of me getting my $600.00 back...then i called and called you never got back too me or was too busy too talk, in the end you got rid of him i see ,but im still out the cash.....
  21. moon
    Joined: Dec 22, 2005
    Posts: 2

    from usa

    I think I'll fly over there with Ken and fix it.

    Ken is on vacation, so I'll have to wait til he comes back to check on his schedule, but first chance we get, we'll go fix it and prove Moonjection is what we say it is.

    nice car! by the way Jim.
  22. 5window
    Joined: Jan 29, 2005
    Posts: 9,555


    Hey, I thought your signature said " I f the only thing you have is a HAMBer,treat everything as a nail". Same difference,maybe.;)
  23. Green Goblin
    Joined: Mar 11, 2005
    Posts: 246

    Green Goblin

    I would STILL use the advice given by so many others here and get the State's Attorney's Office Involved A.S.A.P. !!!! Why is Moon suddenly taking action now? It's not like they haven't had the time to previously do so. Who is to say that this guy is really from Moon and what's his motivation to suddenly take care of this with such high promises when he has had 2 goddamn years ??? HAVEN'T YOU BEEN GIVEN ENOUGH (broken) PROMISES ALREADY ????? Start the paper trail with the State's Attorney NOW !!!!!!! The fact that you are international, will make it even more interesting to them. Get the SA's office involved and stop going back and forth with this deadbeat.

    I purchased a set of step bars for my pickup truck off an eBay vendor that also has a seperate website and they did not disclose the fact that the reason they were so cheap was because they were factory "blems" and they completely rusted out within a year. Contacted the seller and was told to contact the manufacturer. Long story short, within a week or two of contacting the Florida State's Attorney's Office I had a brand new set of step bars and an apology.
    Joined: Aug 23, 2004
    Posts: 1,248


    Just a quick note: I've spent thousands with moon, and only deal with Chico, I can honestly say I've never had a problem. Scott/Speedmerchant
  25. Your whole truck was a factory "blem"! :p
  26. RocketDaemon
    Joined: Jul 4, 2001
    Posts: 2,082

    from Sweden

    Hey chico, realise that your reputation SUCK for dealing with orders
    ALOT of people have had huge problems with your shop.
    then think of all people that won't even buy from you because of your reputation. you guys really really have to get your act together and behave like professionals.. i would for instance NEVER EVER deal with moon eyes because of your reputation, if it wasn't for Håkan here at moon eyes sweden i would never buy moon eyes stuff, i know håkan is thrust worthy
    but ordering from moon eyes usa seems to be a bad idea, now i do not have to, but anyhow i wouldn't if i didn't have the moon eyes sweden instead...
    your reputation in this sence have made you lose me as a potential customer and i am not alone in that position to not even want to buy from you because of your reputation... you guys should really update your homepage with some kind of out of stock info etc or something.... 10 in stock, 3 in stock, out of stock, on back order, what ever.

    , why? because i just figure it will be a HUGE problem to deal with you, things would probally take ages to get here and most stuff would be on back order...
    so, get your act together....really!
  27. drhotrodmd
    Joined: Nov 10, 2002
    Posts: 1,284


    I'm running a 6x2 on the outside 4 throttle bodies. I have had my share of problems and have worked most out with pushing buttons myself. I put 1200 miles on it last summer. Out on the open road it runs perfect but i have never been happy with the richness of the warmup or how it runs from 25-45 mph. I wanted to do more tuning before the winter set in then i had problems with the quickchange on my car. Chico has always been good to me but i wish they were a little closer to me in Wisconsin so we could get 100% out of his product. I have always been up for a challenge but this product has tested me pretty good. I doubt if i would recomend anyone to buy one unless you can tune things yourself cause i dont feel i ever got the help i needed from Ken but i understand he is a busy guy too.

    Attached Files:

  28. evilgenius
    Joined: May 10, 2005
    Posts: 391


    that really sucks. i learned a similar lesson the hard way. the solution for the future — next time you make a really big purchase like this, don't pay cash or money order — charge it. as much as we hate debt and credit card companies (see: Fight Club), they're great to have on your side when the shit hits the fan. all this stuff about better business bureau and attorney general stuff is all fine and dandy but a lot of companies don't give a shit about these guys unless you decide to drag their ass to court. unfortunately for you that means big lawyer expenses out of your own pocket and it may not resolve for a few more years. here's the great thing about credit card companies: when you report the offending business to their fraud division and it's pretty clear they fucked u, credit card companies will intervene on your behalf. basically they'll do the same job as the big goons you'd like to take with you, except they'll scare the shit out of them way more. no one likes to have credit card companies breathing down their neck.

    in my situation, i was given the runaround for over 2 months. reported the case to capital one's fraud division and the problem was resolved THAT DAY.
  29. nor cal nic
    Joined: Feb 26, 2003
    Posts: 802

    nor cal nic

    i'm watching and waiting to see what happens. i've dealt with chico on several occasions and when i've been in the southland and popped in to mooneyes i have been treated with kindness and respect by him and even been taken into 'the back'. good luck and i'm sure chico will do 'the next right thing'.
  30. Moon are going to sort it?? We'll see. What they need to know is that their name is mud in the UK now. They may have cheated one UK hot rodder out of a couple of thousand dollars but they have lost many thousands more from potential customers.

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