The Jalopy Journal
I will help out with a check of .00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001:D
My coupe is chopped 7inches and not channeled. I dont have any hair so that helped me in the height. My front windshield is a mailbox slot, so im...
Better pics [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG]
And now here isthe picture with the wight on the rear. Imight have to take out a leaf or two but i gonna wait until i get it all together and see....
Now im the one who dont like to ask for help when i can do it myself. So i need to get the body on the frame. What i did was roll the cart behind...
Ok now what i have done is took it to metal and just sprayed some paint onto it to find all the dings and dents. I dont thing my metal skills will...
Ok its been awhile so it will take a minute and some post to catch up. First and most important, When you mess around with buggis springs dont...
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