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I'm going to try Drag Racing

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by R Frederick, Jul 29, 2011.

  1. R Frederick
    Joined: Mar 30, 2009
    Posts: 2,658

    R Frederick
    from illinois

    Been going through a little bout with the title for my Roadster lately. I've done the circle track thing for a few years. Now, there's a Nostalgic drag race coming up next weekend for cars 1964 and older. I frequently visit a guy that used to drag race, and told him we ought to go just for kicks. He actually bought into it, so I think we're going. So, that opened up a little can of worms. I have a few safety items I need to address. Catch can, safety belts, I'm not comfortable with having the Model T fuel tank at my shoulder. And a few things for fun like drag slicks and straight pipes.
    Got a catch can mounted last night:
    Funny thing, I went to a lawn mower repair shop yesterday at lunch and scored a 1-1/2 gallon steel vintage looking tank for $5 to mount in a safer place than what I have already. Funnier thing, he threw in a whole push mower with no engine for another $5 so I can repair my rusted out push mower too. Will probably paint it flat black so it blends in:
    Stopping by a Muffler shop tonight where a buddy of mine works, to make a set of open headers - just straight pipes from an extra set of flanges I had. I have to rig up my neutral safety switch, replace antifreeze with water, and come up with a plan for shoulder belts and roll bar hoop possibly. We're not going to take this too seriously, it should just be fun. Who says you have to spend a bunch of money to have fun, huh?:D
    <!-- / message --><!-- edit note -->
  2. sheltonfab
    Joined: Jul 18, 2011
    Posts: 52

    from Mo

    Just curious, do tracks usually require no antifreeze and just straight water or is this an old school trick.
  3. R Frederick
    Joined: Mar 30, 2009
    Posts: 2,658

    R Frederick
    from illinois

    If you have a hose come off or something, the water will evaporate and not be slimy like antifreeze. It's just so you don't ruin the track for others.
  4. I tried drag racing one just for fun. That was about a little over 40 years ago.

    Its like heroin you can't try it just once, "Well she smiles when the pain comes, the pain gonna make everything alright . . ." :)

    Anyway I digress, I have been sick ever since. Have a good time my friend and let me know when you think that fun and serious are the same thing. Then I will know that you are sick. ;)
  5. squirrel
    Joined: Sep 23, 2004
    Posts: 56,416


    Should be fun! Also look into things like fuel line (no more than 12" non-approved rubber hose), battery hold down and kill switch if it's relocated, radius rod attachment, driveshaft loop, etc.
  6. Dakota Boy
    Joined: Sep 8, 2010
    Posts: 173

    Dakota Boy
    from Racine, WI

    you wont need a roll cage unless your car runs faster than 11.50
  7. R Frederick
    Joined: Mar 30, 2009
    Posts: 2,658

    R Frederick
    from illinois

    All my fuel line is hardline except for 4" or so at the ends, battery is held down, kill switch is on the dash, radius rods are mounted encased so bolt is secure on either side, the whole car IS a driveshaft hoop since the tunnel is made of 3/16" steel plate. I've been trying to scour through all the items I feel that I could make foolproof. I'm still stammered with the rollbar and shoulderbelts, but I don't think the car will be near fast enough to necessitate. Thanks for the suggestions, I do want to think about anything I can improve. Now the 50 I'm doing may be a little more serious, but this thing is more like a snap decision to go have a little fun.
    Copper oil pressure line, no windows, dumped antifreeze, double return spring. Check. Thanks for the ideas.
    I'd be suprised if the car would run under 14. It's a basic stock 305 with a cam, Wiend intake, 650 Holley, stock 350 turbo, 3:50 rear gears open diff, 2,400 lb car.
  8. psychopathic51
    Joined: Nov 6, 2005
    Posts: 63


    Most of the safety stuff you only have to have IF you car is faster then XX.XX time in the 1/4 or the 1/8. I drag raced my car for a few years, yeah i had way more safety in my car for me then it was for anybody else, but i had the factory '70 lap belts in the car until i switched over to a set of race belts and they were still just lap belts. Main thing they will tech you for is leaks, kill switch if battery has been relocated, excessive holes in fire wall need to be plugged (I used butile tape for windshields as a quick fix for mine), catch can for overflow on radiator. Just call the track and tell them what you have and ask them what you have to have in order to race, chances are it is a lot less then what you think. I am pretty sure that a roll bar is not mandatory unless it is faster then a certain time or it is a convertible. Call and ask BC it is way cheaper then spending a TON of money on stuff you really don't need unless you are faster than something like 12.20's in the 1/4.
  9. mustang6147
    Joined: Feb 26, 2010
    Posts: 1,847

    from Kent, Ohio

    First off, The anti freeze thing..... Anti freeze plays havoc with slicks, and its residue will ruin the track. It has nothing to do with evaporation.... They usually mop up any spills. It has more to do with Anti freezes glycol base.

    Second, if your car doesnt have a lid or a top, and is a convertable type the speed slows down meaning you need a roll bar at a slower speed. I dont have my rule book in front of me, but each sanctioning body is different NHRA/ IHRA. IH is historically less strict. SO if it passes NHRA it will pass IHRA, but vise a versa is not true. I thought off the top of my head convertables needed atleast a 4 point cage at 12.50 or faster. You may also need arm restraints as well in an open car. Dont forget a fire extinguisher....
  10. That ought to slow you down! Running some straight pipes, with no collector on a "basically" stock motor is going to cost you power and slow you down over a set of 4 into 1 headers with a collector extension. Guaranteed
  11. Kill switch on the dash may not fly for ya. What they may want you to have is a battery disconnect switch mounted somewhere accessable to the track techs. How soon it this rwce? I'll send you mine if you want to use until you buy one, I'm not using it today. Or they are cheap from Summit and you should have it in 3-5 days.

    You should actually be able to get your little hooptie into the 11s if you can make it hook. Getting hooked up it your challenge not HP in a light car. Someone who knew way more than I ever will aleasy told me this, if your engine isn't fast make your chassis fast. In bean speak that would be make it stand up and cut a straight line.

    When you decide you can go faster if you just do this or that I'll know for sure that you been bit.
  12. squirrel
    Joined: Sep 23, 2004
    Posts: 56,416


    You do have a rulebook, right? If not, buy one....ten bucks you gotta spend.

    Battery disconnect must be mounted on the rear of the car.
    Open cars need a roll bar if they're quicker than 13.50
  13. R Frederick
    Joined: Mar 30, 2009
    Posts: 2,658

    R Frederick
    from illinois

    The kill switch IS a battery disconnect switch on the dash. Since it's an open car, it should be accesible. I think I'll put my on-off decal on it. I have this weekend and next week to do what I'm going to do. It's kindof fun getting this thing switched over, and I keep telling myself I'm doing it like "back in the day" instead of throwing my wallet at it. :D
  14. R Frederick
    Joined: Mar 30, 2009
    Posts: 2,658

    R Frederick
    from illinois

    I really doubt I'll be able to go that fast, I'll have to pack a block of wood for under the pedal if I do.
  15. brad chevy
    Joined: Nov 22, 2009
    Posts: 2,627

    brad chevy

    Having the disconnect switch on the rear outside of the car serves a purpose. Scenario,you wreck the car its upside down,open car no rollbar,hows anybody going to get to the kill switch on the dash?
  16. JimC
    Joined: Dec 13, 2002
    Posts: 2,241

    from W.C.,Mo.

    When the last yellow light comes on, gassit!
  17. dbradley
    Joined: Jan 6, 2007
    Posts: 1,036


    Might want to change to 'open' lug nuts (so you can see threads coming through). Some tracks require this.
  18. Bad Banana
    Joined: Jun 20, 2008
    Posts: 834

    Bad Banana

    Street cars don't need a rear kill switch. They won't make you drain antifreeze either but it is still a good idea if you have already done it. Mostly they will look at it and make sure you have the radiator catch can and seat belts. Car like that would probably be OK with passenger car belts. I would take a helmet. Some tracks are a bit more strict than others. I would call ahead if you have question. Most tracks today are starving for customers and don't want to run anyone off or give back money if you paid at the gate unless it is clearly dangerous.

    What track you going to?
  19. raise front tire pressure .. rolls easier
    lower rear tire pressure if spinning too much
    rear brakes .. back off if shoes
    remove windshield wear full helmet with shield
    cool fuel down paint tank white icetank between runs
    leave exhaust alone until ya run
    check breathers for looseness
    what stat r u runnin
    add tonneau over cockpit

    video results and post here please..
  20. With that car I'll just about bet he needs to gassit on the first yellow. :eek: That is how I ran the Pusher and it was a 4000 lb (give or take 25) truck.

    Throwing money at it is a top fuel concept. Keep it fun if it aint fun don't do it.
  21. fab32
    Joined: May 14, 2002
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    Member Emeritus

    Just as a warning like some have said,you might be opening a can of worms that you won't be able to get the lid back on. I tried it "just for fun" and spent the next 12 years "trying to get out". It's addicting as cocaine (or so I'm told). We set a half dozen or so National records an spent every last dime I could beg borrow or steal (just kidding) to stay in the hunt. If I had done hot rods during that time I'd have a warehouse full of the finest examples out there. Have fun and report back how it went.

  22. sheltonfab
    Joined: Jul 18, 2011
    Posts: 52

    from Mo

    I see, thanks wicked50.
  23. R Frederick
    Joined: Mar 30, 2009
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    R Frederick
    from illinois

    Yes, I think all the particular stuff is overkill in this situation. We are taking our helmets in case. I don't think they are going to give us any problems running as slow as we will. I probably won't even go fast enough to tip over, ha.
  24. Bad Banana
    Joined: Jun 20, 2008
    Posts: 834

    Bad Banana

    Here is how I do it. You results may differ.. ;):D

  25. xxzzy999
    Joined: Apr 8, 2011
    Posts: 143


    You might need long sleeve shirt or jacket and long pants.
  26. R Frederick
    Joined: Mar 30, 2009
    Posts: 2,658

    R Frederick
    from illinois

    Yea, they want you to wear long pants and shoes of course. I think I'm going to take my ol dirt track jacket and gloves with my helmet. Also planning on taking basic tools, water, and canopy.
  27. psychopathic51
    Joined: Nov 6, 2005
    Posts: 63


    Yes you have to have long pants and no open toed shoes or sandals, but short sleeves is fine i believe but may be differrent since yours is topless.
  28. 61falcon
    Joined: Jan 1, 2009
    Posts: 772


    You should always wear a helmet. you never know what might happen to the other guys car. you could become an inocent victim if the other guy has a catastrophic failure.
  29. R Frederick
    Joined: Mar 30, 2009
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    R Frederick
    from illinois

    That crossed my mind.
  30. R Frederick
    Joined: Mar 30, 2009
    Posts: 2,658

    R Frederick
    from illinois

    I got my tank done, and headers made. I heeded advise and ran stainless braided fuel line from tank to carb with the exception of the hard line behind water pump (thanks for suggestions). Straight pipes actually sound real good.:D

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