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3-Window Ford Question

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by Gotgas, Jun 11, 2007.

  1. Bruce Lancaster
    Joined: Oct 9, 2001
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    Bruce Lancaster
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    Thems others are commercials...throw in sedan delivery there. There was a LARGE selection of bodies for big trucks, including some deluxe types for snooty stores, but there the reason for variety was functional.
  2. Kevin Lee
    Joined: Nov 12, 2001
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    edit - oops. That a convertibale sedan?
  3. Bruce Lancaster
    Joined: Oct 9, 2001
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    And that purple cabriolet has removed its top hat...starting to get pretty sporty. And wet and cold, too.
  4. revkev6
    Joined: Jun 13, 2006
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    from ma

    still got it's roll-em-up windows though. (the top's just off it right now)

    mine will have a carson top on it and no roll-em-ups

    I still consider half-tons and roadster pickups passengers as they are on the same chassis.
  5. Bruce Lancaster
    Joined: Oct 9, 2001
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    Bruce Lancaster
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    Technically, they are "Commercial cars" in Ford useage...line was divided into passenger, commercial, and truck. Trucks meant those on non-passenger chassis. Station wagon status was a bit unclear and variable.
  6. Bruce Lancaster
    Joined: Oct 9, 2001
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  7. SinisterCustom
    Joined: Feb 18, 2004
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    Cool ads Bruce......
    UPSALE at it's best......
  8. Bruce Lancaster
    Joined: Oct 9, 2001
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    Bruce Lancaster
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    And a nod to the three-window question:
    Ford produced a whole gaggle of different coupe types '28-31, some of them with three windows, though they are never called that.
    Ford had at least two completely different 3-window stylinf studies in '30-31, one suggesting the '32 three window and the other a clunky, awkward thing that could have been a Chevy or Durant three window almost.
    They never went to production, but did start a deluxe version of the 5-W.
  9. tinmann
    Joined: Nov 11, 2005
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    Years ago, on a farm in Saskatchewan, I saw what I think is the rarest of the rare '32 Fords. It was a hearse. Built on what had to be a BB platform except it had single tires on the rear. The cowl looked to be roadster pickup. From the cowl back it was all coachbuilt but factory in appearance. On the passenger side were two large barntype doors. The neat thing was that it had a passenger grill and the big truck frame actually had the unique '32 reveal line pressed into the side the full length. Sorry, no photos... I saw this car at least 16-18 years ago..... could still be there for all I know.
  10. Bruce Lancaster
    Joined: Oct 9, 2001
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    Bruce Lancaster
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    That really sounds like it is a stretched passenger frame, common for this sort of vehicle. There were AA and BB hearses too.
    There was even a factory stretch deuce, a limo from Ford England.
  11. 50Fraud
    Joined: May 6, 2001
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    Bruce, I had never heard of the 30-31 studies. Does any pictorial record exist showing the stillborn body styles?
  12. Bruce Lancaster
    Joined: Oct 9, 2001
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    Yes...and at least one of the cars still exists in private hands. I heard of these on Ahooga, and saw archival pictures of the prototypes there; right now, Ahooga has tightened security beyond by powers of computing, and anywy it is hard to search. There have been articles in the A magazines, but I don't have a handle on those. The good one was really neat, the bad one...well, it looked like someone had just splatted a '29 Chevy body onto a Ford. Stiff and primitive, looked dated by 1930 standards.
  13. Bigcheese327
    Joined: Sep 16, 2001
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    I've no idea if this will work, but it's kind of a cool promotional film for a Bay Area Ford dealer in '32. The 3W is featured prominently, and with female drivers.

  14. the-rodster
    Joined: Jul 2, 2003
    Posts: 6,945


    production numbers from

    Cabriolet 6,091
    Convertible sedan 926
    Five-window Standard coupe 51,794
    Fordor sedan 37,363
    Panel delivery 6,122
    Phaeton 2,490
    Roadster 12,597
    Sedan delivery 400
    Station wagon 1,383
    Sport coupe 2,911
    Three-window Deluxe coupe 22,148
    Tudor sedan 124,101
    Victoria 8,580
  15. jmn444
    Joined: Jan 30, 2007
    Posts: 410


    at the risk of a hailstorm of hate from the ladies on this site...

    how many guys here would really consider it a GOOD idea to put their girls in a car with suicide doors???

    it makes sense in a way I guess, but still baffles me that modesty would be the marketing ploy there...
  16. Kustom7777
    Joined: Mar 3, 2001
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    from Austin, TX

    wow,,,coupe de cab,,,didn't realize you looked that hot
  17. Coupe-De-CAB
    Joined: Sep 30, 2004
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    from Nor Cal

    ...And this is without any make-up:)
  18. Bruce Lancaster
    Joined: Oct 9, 2001
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  19. revkev6
    Joined: Jun 13, 2006
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    from ma

    wow bruce, that's cool. might have to sneak into my brothers garage and steal his 31 slantwindow sedan body and mate it up to an extensively modified coupe body:cool:
  20. Bruce Lancaster
    Joined: Oct 9, 2001
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    Bruce Lancaster
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    I think it would be REALLY cool...
    and...hammer weld the mods, carefully paint, apply way too much rubbing compound, add some rust in lower edge...
    Then, when people notice, you can just say "What?? It's a '31 coupe...bought it from a guy in Dakota. Why are you staring?"
  21. 50Fraud
    Joined: May 6, 2001
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    Thanks! That's a very neat reference.

    Personally, I think the '30 version would have been somewhat more digestible if it hadn't had such a busy paint scheme.
  22. Bigcheese327
    Joined: Sep 16, 2001
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    Still, it looks like they just chopped off the visor. I think we're lucky they waited until '32 with that one.

  23. Bruce Lancaster
    Joined: Oct 9, 2001
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    Bruce Lancaster
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    The model A is also too short to hold the 3-window somehow, I think...the '32 has barely enough wheelbase. Somehow, the passenger compartment needs to be fat and long, and that needs more space for the trunk...
    On the '32, the passenger area is bulged, with more of a pumpkin shape than other '32 bodies, and they curved the decklid more tightly too since there wasn't enough room left for the curve used on other bodies.
  24. Homemade44
    Joined: Feb 7, 2007
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