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Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by Deuced Up!, Mar 20, 2016.

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  1. I have taken my station wagons to a few shows where people say some thing wrong about them or diss them.Many times I have gotten up from my seat to correct them or smack them and my wife just says Bruce just sit back down and enjoy the
  2. This photo is from '14. Me and my friend Martin drove down the parkway on a beautiful Saturday. We stopped often for pictures and we were asked "Where is the car show? " several times. Martin responded, "We ARE the car show".

  3. A local county fair invited some old cars to help draw people. We got free passes, so I took the family in the Nomad. A sweet little old lady ask if these were the cars for the demolition derby. I told her no. She said ''I thought they were to nice to tear up.'' ha. ha. Ron... I liked what 57 heap said, I have people asking me all the time, '' were is the show? I just say no show, I just drive really used cars. lol...
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2016
  4. That is a great place for a cruise. I can almost guess which over look you took the picture at.
    lothiandon1940 likes this.
  5. I was at a local cruise night last summer. There was 2 youngish guys looking over a nice Plymouth with 426 badges on it. One said, "that's not a Hemi.." and smirks. I filled him in on that it was a 426 Wedge, basically a bored out 413. They thought I was BSing them...
    volvobrynk and lothiandon1940 like this.
  6. Murphy32
    Joined: Oct 17, 2007
    Posts: 753

    from Minnesota

    ...I do this every chance I get. When I was a kid, we were to scared to ask guys to look in their cars...I grew up sneakin' looks whenever I could. Now I'm teaching the youngsters that cars are cool and there's nothing to be afraid of. I love to see 'em get behind the wheel, grab the shifter and hang a wing out the window.
  7. Another benefit of a primered car.... touch it, sit in it, just don't start it! I don't leave the keys in it anyway.
    volvobrynk and Murphy32 like this.
  8. ..............................I had some knucklehead want to take my car for a test drive once at a show. I think that he thought he was at a used car lot!...WTF?:confused: 12019836_1246272985398185_3439067659535294387_n.jpg
  9. raprap
    Joined: Oct 8, 2009
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    from Ohio

    Most all have seen my car from different angles, you would know that it is definitely not stock. You'd be surprised how many people still ask me if it is stock? WTF?
    volvobrynk and Robert J. Palmer like this.
  10. My avatar 261 .060 over Isky C-4
    Vintage Edelbrock 2X1 Intake
    Fentons straight pipes.

    Had someone look at my engine and say "Wow didn't know Edelbrock was that old!"
    volvobrynk and J. A. Miller like this.
  11. I have had a couple of my station wagons at local car shows and they had the big motors in them .Some people say how can you afford the gas and drive that big thing daily? I say how do you manage to make your big new car payment every month? That shuts them up. My wife say I am one of the kindest person shes ever met but she says Bruce you can be a mean son of a bitch at times. Hey its all in HPIM0323 (2).JPG
  12. Deuced Up!
    Joined: Feb 8, 2008
    Posts: 4,206

    Deuced Up!

    With two fours, we get the question of gas mileage a lot as well. We had an absolute Hot Rod Expert (the kind with no car in show) he was really walking us through Dad's RPU. I had tuned him out long before he got to the gas mileage topic. But I was suddenly snapped back into the conversation when Dad replied it actually gets about 30 miles to the gallon. The guy says that BS. Dad says well not the way it is set up right now, but when we want MPG we just pull spark plug wires 1,3,5,and 7 and it becomes a 4 cylinder. I can see the guy is on the fence as the rocks are rolling around in his head. Just to confirm it I stepped up and said now you can't start a V8 like have to have it running before you pull the plug wires. He said, Hmmm, I will have to try that....God I hope he did! LOL!
  13. jimmy six
    Joined: Mar 21, 2006
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    jimmy six

    image.jpeg I need to remember the one about car payments and dual quads. I have a set on my 56 Ford Victoria and explain that it was a dealer installed option for law enforcement and racing. Some even go as far as saying impossible until I produce the part # kit

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  14. waldo53
    Joined: Jan 26, 2010
    Posts: 863

    from ID

    I was talking to a guy about his truck, one similar to mine with a 235 and he was telling me how he rebuilt the engine in his shop, using all the best parts money could buy - even a double-row timing chain!!

    At that point, our conversation was over.............(the Stovebolt guys will get this one)
  15. rusty rocket
    Joined: Oct 30, 2011
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    rusty rocket

    At least they had the smarts about themselves that they knew it wasnt a Hemi.
  16. Gman0046
    Joined: Jul 24, 2005
    Posts: 6,256


    Worlds biggest Bull Shit story "I built it myself".

  17. I was probably six or so, already knew every car by the emblem on the hubcap.
    I was visiting my Uncle, the neighbor next door was beginning to jack up his '50 Chevy, to change a tire.
    Boy, I REALLY wanted to work that bumper jack, but was way too afraid to ask the neighbor.
    I asked my uncle, my uncle then asked the neighbor, the neighbor said "OK". WOW!
    I did my best, actually got the ratchet to work, got the car to move up a notch or two. LOL.
    I was tickled beyond belief, have always remembered that neighbor "Charlie", who let me work the jack.
    One thing to look at a car, quite another to jack one up and change "something".
    Guess that was the REAL beginning of being a "carnut".
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2016
  18. worken2much
    Joined: Jan 11, 2009
    Posts: 67


    Not at a show but a dirt track race for vintage cars. The announcer insisted my 33 Ford coupe with a 300 Ford six inline was powered by a 308" Hudson flathead six. You might expect something like that from a Joe public...but a race track announcer? Never mind the 300 Ford six decals on the hood.
    volvobrynk likes this.
  19. falcongeorge
    Joined: Aug 26, 2010
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    from BC

  20. Standing next to "Mr GT Racer" at a car show, looking at a banger motor, I overheard this gem: He says to his mate "that's a 4-stroke"
    "How do you tell?" "Count the spark plugs, stupid, see- 4plugs = 4 stroke"
    Makes mine an 8 stroke, Huh?
    volvobrynk, hipster and Montana1 like this.
  21. Stu D Baker
    Joined: Mar 4, 2005
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    Stu D Baker
    from Illinois

  22. Shoot Don...I'd wana drive that too. Your 40 is sweet!!
    lothiandon1940 likes this.
  23. Last spring went to a local show right down the road from me. I drove the roadster and my dad drove his nomad. As we standing there talking some jack ass walks up and is looking at the roadster. He procedes to explain to his friend that the roadster is a rat rod since it is primered. Well this pisses me right off so I feel the need to correctly inform him that this is a hot rod not a rat rod. I tell him "this is not a rat rod this is a hot rod, there was a lot of time ,work and engineering put into this. A rat rod is generally a giant pile of shit with crappy workmanship, and just a bunch of parts thrown together to make some kind of car and fucking up what could have been a good hot rod in the process." Well he didn't like That and said "Well I have a rat rod right over there" pointing at a travesty of a 40 ford pickup. I said "oh yeah, I saw that one, kinda proves my point.". He left real quick, then left the show a few minutes later and proceded to explode the rear axle trying To be a bad ass on his way out. Too perfect.
    BradinNC, volvobrynk, belair and 5 others like this.
  24. rush549
    Joined: May 18, 2012
    Posts: 117

    from Kansas

    My car has custom pinstriping on the hood, decklid and dash. While at a cruise night a grandfather and son were looking at the stripes up close. The grandfather queried to himself and the grandson as to whether they were real or decals. I let him know they were the real deal. He looked at his grandson and said. Nope, they're decals, and walked away.
  25. steinauge
    Joined: Feb 28, 2014
    Posts: 1,507

    from 1960

    Guy telling his buddy that the 292 in my 55 Ford "wasnt a Ford engine because the distributor was in the back."
    BradinNC and volvobrynk like this.
  26. bobj49f2
    Joined: Jun 1, 2008
    Posts: 1,935


    Years ago I went to a car show in downtown Milwaukee with my cousin. As we walked in I hear this obvious drunk arguing with a car owner over the year of his Chevelle. The car owner was just trying to get rid of him and agreed with what the drunk was saying. The drunk stood about five foot nothing and could barely stand upright. About an hour later, as I was looking at another owner's build book I hear a commotion behind us. I turn and see it's the same drunk. This time he's having a rather loud discussion with two of Milwaukee's finest men in blue. After a few minutes I hear the guy tell the cops if they don't leave him alone he's going to kick their asses. One of the officers asked the drunk to verify that he was threatening them with bodily harm, which the drunk very loudly answered, "Yes, I'm going to kick your ass". One of the officers backed up against the wall, the other walked away. The drunk preceeded to harass the remaining cop telling him his partner was smart, he knew he was going to get his ass kicked and left. I started to laugh as I saw the other cop, accompanied by two other equally large police officers make their way back to our area. Within a few minutes all four had the drunk on the ground, with a rather loud crack noise, hog tied and out an auxiliary door. Now that was fun to watch.
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2016
  27. woodbutcher
    Joined: Apr 25, 2012
    Posts: 3,310


    Guys,this thread is more fun than a barrel of drunk monkeys.Keep the goodies coming.
    Good luck.Have fun.Be safe.
  28. Dad and I had our cars together at an Omaha car show, Dad's '56 210 wagon. and my '59 Impaler. Some doofus walks up and stands next to the 59's right quarter, and is leaning on the top of the fin to get a good view of the trunk! Without hesitation, Dad asks the man, "Have you got a car at the show?" To which he respnds "Yeah, I've got that blue Chevelle over there, why do you ask?". Dad says "So I can go lean on YOUR car!"
    Last edited: Mar 23, 2016
  29. I had the '59 at a cruise night, and a dad with his 4 year old son came walking up to the rear of the '59. Son says, "Look, Dad! It's RAMONE!" (it's funnier when you know that "Ramone" is the '59 Impala lowrider in the animated Disney film "Cars".
  30. Speaking of Pontiacs, I've given up how many times I've heard the remark made about my O/T Pontiac "Yep, had one just like that with Tri-Power". Except Pontiac did not make Tri-Power after the 1966 model year and my car was later than that.
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