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Customs brake line advice

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by worn shoes, Aug 15, 2015.

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  1. I was told the reason for the long and short nut is because some cars need the long nut to reach the rear wheel cyl. .
    worn shoes likes this.
  2. worn shoes
    Joined: Mar 16, 2007
    Posts: 310

    worn shoes

    Makes sense! Good advice on this thread.
  3. unkledaddy
    Joined: Jul 21, 2006
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    Ask Steve if he will stand behind his brake job.............or in front of it.
    Glad to hear that you got squared away.
    -Brent-, Model T1, Bearcat_V8 and 2 others like this.
  4. Fortunateson
    Joined: Apr 30, 2012
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    If I had done that job I sure as hell would have made it right. Bad PR is very costly. I hope that anyone who has read these posts make sure that they relate this story anytime Slimewoks comes up in conversation. Perhaps Stevie just wants to quit the biz altogether. But I would be shittin bricks worried about possible lawsuits, especially in the states! Lose one of those, even winning, could cost you huge in judgements and legal fees. Bye bye Hawaii!
    worn shoes and daddio211 like this.
  5. daddio211
    Joined: Aug 26, 2008
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    No kidding!
  6. Fortunateson
    Joined: Apr 30, 2012
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    That sounds kind of strange because the tubing needs to seat itself at the joint so if the tubing reaches the nut should as well. I like the deeper threads reasons better.
  7. It is not that the treads can not reach it is just way eaiser to do when the nut is long.
  8. worn shoes
    Joined: Mar 16, 2007
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    worn shoes

    That'sTE="Fortunateson, post: 11131284, member: 184777"]If I had done that job I sure as hell would have made it right. Bad PR is very costly. I hope that anyone who has read these posts make sure that they relate this story anytime Slimewoks comes up in conversation. Perhaps Stevie just wants to quit the biz altogether. But I would be shittin bricks worried about possible lawsuits, especially in the states! Lose one of those, even winning, could cost you huge in judgements and legal fees. Bye bye Hawaii![/QUOTE]
    That's why I think I wouldn't take any money( no money has been offered). It would feel like hush money at this point. I want to be able to tell people of my experience with this shop and owner. But the other side knows I took a bath with the work and funds and some might make me feel a bit better.
    daddio211 likes this.
  9. prpmmp
    Joined: Dec 12, 2011
    Posts: 1,129


    I know what your saying,but the money should be returned! Its not going to make LimeySteves work better. He did a poor job and that alone people will think twice going to him. That is a Pro shop? Not good on his part either way!! Glad you got it fixed!! Enjoy!! Pete
    worn shoes likes this.
  10. I love it when a plan comes together in less than two years!.....Bowtie Coupe

    You shudn't feel like it is hush money, you shud feel like you've been compensated. Compensated for shoddy work that was never completed. Compensated for laying out hard-earned dollars for something that you never received. That money cud have been in your bank account earning you more money or even used to purchase something else that you needed. You were deprived of that opportunity. Our system of business is such that one puts out money and receives a product or service in return. You didn't get that. What you got was shoddy, unsafe, and incomplete work. You also got put off when attempting to acquire what you paid for. Compensated for being deprived of the joy of using your vehicle. Compensated for the pain and agony of trying to get the business to complete the work and having to complete the job yourself. Save those shoddy parts and give them back to him if he compensates you as he shud. He's not going to offer to compensate you as he's already ripped you off and you're not making a big enough stink about it. You want to tell people about your experience with this shop and owner. Well, you are under no legal or moral obligation not tell your story shud you receive compensation! Personally, I'd look for an attorney that offers a half-hour or hour free consultation to see what can be done to get your money back. Take him to court and your story becomes public record. How's that for telling people about your experience. Maybe even the newsies wud pick up on it. You cud even touch base with a consumer reporter at you local TV station and let them run with the story. That might even get your money back. It sure wud put some pressure on him to compensate you. Bottom line is that you didn't get what you paid for and you deserve to get your money back and not feel guilty about it. I'm happy that you've fixed the leaky brake line, but don't let that joy overshadow the fact that you've been wronged.
    Model T1, daddio211 and worn shoes like this.
  11. worn shoes
    Joined: Mar 16, 2007
    Posts: 310

    worn shoes

    I've had some great advice on this thread, but this might be the winner! Now you got my mind thinking of the crap I was put through. It's like a game of chess, I'm just waiting on his move. I hope if he reads this it might force him to face the facts of how I was patient and understanding. I did my best to be accommodating to him. Maybe I should be compensated!
    Model T1 and daddio211 like this.
  12. unkledaddy
    Joined: Jul 21, 2006
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  13. worn shoes
    Joined: Mar 16, 2007
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    worn shoes

  14. Have you contacted the California Motor Vehicle Department ?, if not, why not ?
  15. worn shoes
    Joined: Mar 16, 2007
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    worn shoes

    To be honest , I'm just trying to get pass this. It eats at me and I just try to look at the good side of things. I really want him to see the light on his own.
    daddio211 likes this.
  16. thirtytwo
    Joined: Dec 19, 2003
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    ...Sometimes Karma needs a push...
    Model T1 and worn shoes like this.
  17. 2OLD2FAST
    Joined: Feb 3, 2010
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    from illinois

    Or a good swift kick in the ass !!
    Model T1 and worn shoes like this.
  18. For what it is worth I am just getting ready to read up on the small claims court system in California to address a similar situation (not automotive or I would go into detail).

    Charlie Stephens
    Last edited: Aug 24, 2015
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  19. worn shoes
    Joined: Mar 16, 2007
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    worn shoes

    Yeah, for me its a time thing. I just don't want to have to spend more money and time. I hope he chimes in again. Maybe his vacation will help him relax his wallet.
  20. If I am correct the money should be small and the satisfaction "priceless". To the best of my knowledge (that is why I am going to read up) the cost to file a claim is small and you are not allowed to bring a lawyer into court for a small claims court case (although you might want to discuss the case with one ahead of time).

    Charlie Stephens
    worn shoes likes this.
  21. unkledaddy
    Joined: Jul 21, 2006
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    The best way to get Limeworks to respond positively is by doing what we're doing here on this thread........getting a lot of peoples attention. Negative publicity on the internet travels a lot faster than smoke signals and small claims court.

    When this thread becomes the world's largest thread, Limeworks will be No-works.

    Last edited: Aug 24, 2015
  22. worn shoes
    Joined: Mar 16, 2007
    Posts: 310

    worn shoes

    I'llOTE="unkledaddy, post: 11132155, member: 17293"]The best way to get Limeworks to respond positively is by doing what we're doing here on this thread........getting a lot of peoples attention. Negative publicity on the internet travels a lot faster than smoke signals and small claims court.

    When this thread becomes the world's largest thread, Limeworks will be No-works.

    I'll even let that HAMB court say what's fair for payment.
  23. prpmmp
    Joined: Dec 12, 2011
    Posts: 1,129


    Being that Limeworks is a Alliance Member would that be enough to get Ryan involved? Pete
    worn shoes likes this.
  24. the only good, and the easiest, way to end this is, like i wrote before, Steve fix his own mistakes. that is not going to happen now, so........... do you do the repair and let everyone know? too late that already started. do you try to talk out a refund? too late for that his name is already dragged through the mud. do you wait for his response? he is probably reading this so that is not going to happen. lawyers and court..........yuck.
    no good way out now.
    wraymen likes this.
  25. worn shoes
    Joined: Mar 16, 2007
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    worn shoes

    That's a good question! Like I said, not here for the witch hunt, but this has opened my passive eyes to what you guys have pointed out. No one should get away with unsafe and potentially harmful work.
    daddio211 likes this.
  26. worn shoes
    Joined: Mar 16, 2007
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    worn shoes

    Steve had a few too many chances. He left me no choice but to get the advice and fix it myself. If his "word is his bond" as he stated on page 3, Why would he not want to drag his name out from the mud?
    daddio211 likes this.
  27. Atwater Mike
    Joined: May 31, 2002
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    Atwater Mike

    @hotroddon explained it, but 55 years in the brake, front end and Porsche/BMW trade didn't ring a bell with me. No AN or trick aluminum anodized in pretty colors in any of those brake systems...
    daddio211, volvobrynk and tb33anda3rd like this.
  28. thirtytwo
    Joined: Dec 19, 2003
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    I dislike AN lines but any time I have had to use them any part with movement as in a flexible line that steers or is attached to something that goes up an down... Steel unions only, fastened rigid to axle , frame ect..

    I think worn shoes has just reported what has been done , if limeworks didn't want this exposure , that job should of never left the shop, as far as a refund that would just be making it right financially and is the right thing to do ... This work was sub-par for any kind of shop or backyard builder for that matter... I don't think anyone can dispute that
  29. Model T1
    Joined: May 11, 2012
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    Model T1

    I've been quietly reading this. The company, large or samll, should have done a better job and when it was proven the work was not done right, it should have been done all over the right way. The total cost of the parts is way under $50 but the potential loss of life immeasurable.
    Bad engine work, bad interiors, bad paint, bad exhaust, or anything except steering and brake work, might get by. But brakes and steering are life and death situations involving the owner, passengers, and me if I happen to be where the car is going and not able to stop.
    To ignore this crappy job is a crime and if someone was injured the mechanic should go to prison. Simple as that. So he should have corrected the screw up and appologized with none of these posts necessary. Now the business will suffer for one man's mess up.
    Along with this I'm wondering how legal it is for our auto parts stores to sell these modern defective brake lines, hoses, masters, and wheel cylinders that don't last a year. All to save a few cents and made by countries that hate and want to kill us.
    daddio211, volvobrynk and worn shoes like this.
  30. worn shoes
    Joined: Mar 16, 2007
    Posts: 310

    worn shoes

    All very true. Thanks for chiming in :)
    volvobrynk and Model T1 like this.
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